International Graduate Programs

International Master’s Program in Applied Chemistry
International Doctoral Program in Applied Chemistry

Our Department comprises the three research groups of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Material Physicsand Chemistry, and Chemical Systems and Engineering, which are responsible for the research and education of graduate students. these three large research groups are broken into nineteen small research laboratories. Our Program covers biofunctional, inorganic, organic, supramolecular, macromoleculare, polymer, analytical, and environmental chemistry. We contribute to the development of novel nanofunctional materials, organic electroluminescence and photo-energy conversion devices, fuel cells, and other advanced functional materials. _rough this Program, we provide fundamental and advanced education in chemical technologies central to producing novel substances from the atomic and molecular levels.

International Graduate Course on Chemistry for Molecular Systems Official Website

International Master’s Program in Materials
International Doctoral Program in Materials

The study of materials science and engineering is fundamental for providing people with safety, security and reliability, and it is essential for the broad range of technologies that exist in the 21st century. Constant innovations and rapid advancements in materials are required to achieve the ultimate performance when solving environmental problems. It is clear that to achieve these improvements, the design and the fabrication of materials are the keys to the future. The purpose of our Program is to teach the fundamentals required for understanding the structures and
properties of various materials such as metals, alloys, ceramics, semiconductors, and composites, and for developing advanced materials that are able to respond to future needs.

International Master’s Program in Chemical Engineering
International Doctoral Program in Chemical Engineering

Chemical EngineeringThe Department of Chemical Engineering comprises the eight specialized fields of Physical Chemistry, Reaction Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Mass Transfer Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Fluid Engineering, Equipment Design Engineering, and Process Systems Engineering. The central focus of Chemical Engineering is developing and improving manufacturing processes. Chemical Engineering is also responsible for the development of new materials such as biomaterials, electronic materials, and new catalysts, as well as their production technologies and highly advanced separation technologies. The scope of Chemical Engineering is expanding to various fields including human health, energy, and the global environment. Chemical engineers have achieved a high degree of success across many industries.

International Master’s Program in Civil Engineering
International Doctoral Program in Civil Engineering

</h2> <p>Civil and Structural EngineeringThe Civil Engineering Global Course studies restructuring social infrastructure systems beyond traditional technologies for the deployment of advanced structural design and construction technologies, as well as increasing prevention of natural disasters through technology.

International Master’s Program in Urban and Environmental Engineering
International Doctoral Program in Urban and Environmental Engineering

Urban and Environmental EngineeringThe Urban and Environmental Engineering Global Course is engaged in the study of analyzing urban and environmental issues and the prediction, reduction, and prevention of their effects as well as promoting the advancement of technology for originating a new type of urban environmental system.

International Master’s Program in Naval Archtecture and Ocean Engineering
International Doctoral Program in Naval Archtecture and Ocean Engineering

MNaval Archtecture and Ocean EngineeringNaval Archtecture and Ocean Engineering is a growing field that studies and develops the technologies required to utilize the sea for purposes such as traffic and transportation, energy production, bio-resources, mineral resources, and space for living and storage. The key educational objectives of this Department is to convey knowledge of naval architecture, marine engineering, industrial engineering, and systems engineering, to train students so that they are able to make full use of this knowledge in an integrated manner, to propose a wide range of environmentally-friendly marine applications, and to develop associated technologies.

International Master’s Program in Earth Resources Engineering
International Doctoral Program in Earth Resources Engineering

Earth Resources EngineeringOur Department consists of seven specialized laboratories: Economic Geology; Exploration Geophysics; Geothermics; Resources Production and Safety Engineering; Rock Engineering and Mining Machinery; Mineral Processing, Recycling and Environmental Remediation, and Energy Resources Engineering. This wide range of research fields covers the many technical and engineering issues that may arise at any stage of resource development, from exploration and production to remediation and recycling. Currently, our faculty members are engaged in the following research areas, all of which are related to resource development: predicting natural disasters such as volcanoes; utilizing ground heat; recycling valuable resources extracted from products and waste (urban mining); remediating contaminated groundwater resources; CO2 sequestration and more.

International Master’s Program in Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering
International Doctoral Program in Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering

Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear EngineeringThe Department of Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering was established in April 1998 within the Graduate School of Engineering for the purpose of developing competent scientists and engineers who are able to .nd solutions to the issues of energy depletion and environmental pollution. Special research activities in the Department are being undertaken in the following areas: 1) the development of high-performance nuclear reactors; 2) the development of materials that enable the effective use of nuclear energy; 3) principles determining the generation and measurement of quantum beams; and 4) the physics of condensed matter and complex systems.

International Master’s Program in Mechanical Engineering
International Doctoral Program in Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical EngineeringThe Department of Mechanical Engineering aims to provide students with an unsurpassed opportunity to gain broad, substantial expertise and comprehensive skills in mechanical engineering, and also a fundamental knowledge of interdisciplinary areas that meet up-to-date requirements, so that graduates are able to go on to work as leading engineers and researchers. _e education and research fields cover several broad areas in mechanical engineering: material strength and design system; .uids engineering; thermal engineering; combustion; dynamics of machinery; control and systems; manufacturing processes; bioengineering; bio-medical .uid engineering. _is Program welcomes students from all over the world who wish to pursue an international career in the field of mechanical engineering.

International Master’s Program in Hydrogen Energy Systems
International Doctoral Program in Hydrogen Energy Systems

Hydrogen Energy SystemsThe Department of Hydrogen Energy Systems is the first graduate school department in the world with a focus on hydrogen energy. It aims to provide students with an unsurpassed opportunity to gain a fundamental knowledge of science and engineering in hydrogen energy technology and the relevant technologies for human and environmental symbiosis. The education and research fields extend from various fields in mechanical engineering to materials and process engineering related to hydrogen energy systems. The Programs welcome not only mechanical engineering students, but
also students from other relevant science and engineering fields who, as engineers and researchers, wish to lead the way in building a low-carbon society.

International Master’s Program in Aeronautics and Astronautics
International Doctoral Program in Aeronautics and Astronautics

Aeronautics and AstronauticsThe Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics o.ers four specialized fields: Thermophysics and Fluid Mechanics; Aerospace Structures and Structural Dynamics; Flight Dynamics and Controls; and Space Systems Engineering. In addition, there are three fields from the Research Institute for Applied Mechanics. The academic fields in Aeronautics and Astronautics have the noteworthy characteristics of synthetic integrity, an understanding of engineering theories based on mathematics and dynamics, and realization based on natural science and scientific methodology. Education in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics pertains to these academic fields and has been successful in producing highly-capable, highly-committed, highly-specialized engineers and researchers in the field of Aeronautics and Astronautics.