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Integration system with novel functions

  • H.Kino(Assoc.Prof.)
Semiconductor integrated circuits are an important technology that supports the current information society from the hardware side, and the importance is increasing year by year. In this laboratory, we conduct research on semiconductor integrated circuit systems that can express novel functions by actively using new structures and new materials in conventional semiconductor devices. Specifically, we are investigating tunnel FETs which is driven by the tunneling effect, neuromorphic devices that mimic neurobiological architecture, semiconductor devices using a negative thermal expansion material, and chiplet integration using three-dimensional integration technology. Integration circuit,Three-dimensional integration

Inorganic materials × Deep UV Laser process

  • H.YABUTA(Prof.)
The electronic devices that you hold in your hands today use not only traditional materials (e.g., silicon for semiconductors), but also many newly discovered materials and materials that exhibit functions previously unknown to you. Oxide materials like glass are used in smartphones and tablet PCs as semiconductors for transistors instead of silicon. Our research is aimed at finding new inorganic materials or adding new functions and properties to already known inorganic materials. As a tool for this research, we use excimer lasers, which generate powerful ultraviolet beams, to synthesize new materials and process them to produce new functions. We are working daily to ensure that these new materials and functions will be applied to the next generation devices. oxide semiconductor,ferroelectric material,dielectric material,piezoelectric material,transparent conductive oxide (TCO),laser doping,laser annealing,pulse laser deposition (PLD)

Numerical Simulation of Architectural Environment

  • S.Yoo(Assoc.Prof.)
Buildings account for 30% of the total CO2 emissions in Japan, and to achieve carbon neutrality, it is essential to make buildings more energy efficient. On the other hand, due to the effects of the recent coronavirus pandemic, well-being has been attracting even more attention, and architectural environmental design that balances energy conservation and well-being has become important. In order to create an indoor environment that is healthy, comfortable, and productive, it is important to comprehensively predict and evaluate the interaction between indoor environmental elements and the human body, but in the case of experiment-based research, due to time, space, cost, and ethical constraints, numerical experiments (simulations) based on digital twins of the built environment have attracted attention as a new approach to research in recent years. This laboratory is engaged in research on the development and utilization of numerical analysis models that enable comprehensive evaluation of the quality of the indoor environment, represented by the thermal environment and air quality, as well as human health and comfort. Indoor environment,Carbon neutral,Decarbonisation,Energy conservation,Well-being,Human,Digital twin,Simulation,Numerical analysis,Computational fluid dynamics,CFD,Indoor air quality,Thermal environment,Health risks,Thermal comfort

Intelligence & Cultural Evolution

  • E.Nakamura(Assoc.Prof.)
Our laboratory conducts research on the mechanisms of intelligence and evolutionary phenomena that support artistic culture and on information technology that contributes to cultural development. With a goal of constructing a unified model describing intellectual activities of creators and audiences as well as the evolution of knowledge distribution within social groups, our research topics range from fundamental studies on machine learning, data generation models, evolutionary theory, interdisciplinary physics, etc. to information processing techniques of musical, visual, and literary arts. We foster scientists and engineers who can research and develop artificial intelligence technologies from the perspective of social development, based on their expertise in informatics and physics, including advanced machine learning and mathematical theories of evolution. Music information processing,Automatic music generation,Music transcription,AI,Creation assistance,Audience assistance,Education assistance,Signal processing,Data science,Phenomenological mathematics,Evolutionary dynamics,Statistical physics,Social experiment,Artificial life,Cultural informatics

Artificial Intelligence in Education(AIE)

  • C.YIN(Prof.)
The Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIE) Lab conducts research and development to realize advanced educational environments by leveraging the power of big data and AI. We research on various educational environments including formal education, agriculture, medicine, healthcare, and information with universities in Japan and overseas. We are researching the infrastructure for processing big data collected from learning systems, course registration systems, and various sensors, as well as its application to improve learning and education. We welcome students who are interested in educational support using AI and ICT technologies. Educational Technology,Data Mining,Sensor technology,AR/VR,Learning Analytics,Visualization Technology,Eye Tracking,Medical Training System,Health Promotion

Photofunctional Chemistry Laboratory

  • N.Yanai(Assoc.Prof.)
We are experimental chemists and interested in creating new functional chemistry of photo-excited triplet state. We are particularly interested in triplet-triplet annihilation-based photon upconversion (TTA-UC) for many applications ranging from renewable energy production to photodynamic therapy and optogenetics. We have worked on triplet-DNP (dynamic nuclear polarization) towards the room-temperature hyperpolarization of biomolecules for advanced NMR/MRI technologies. Trying to establish new concepts in materials science from Kyushu!! Photon upconversion,Singlet fission,Hyperpolarization,Quantum sensing,Molecules,Light,Energy ,Medical

Biomedical & Biophysical Chemistry

  • S.Kidoaki(Prof.)
  • H.Ise(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Kuboki(Asst.Prof.)
We are striving to understand and control the spatiotemporal dynamics mechanisms of hierarchical crosstalk in life phenomena, our fundamental theme. A. Fabrication of biomaterials to manipulate the mechanobiology of cells and tissues: We are pioneering new fields in the application research of medical materials and developing novel technologies for disease treatment. B. Mechanistic study of the mechanobiology of cellular and tissue functions: We are establishing new foundations for basic research in biophysics, challenging the frontier of life sciences by elucidating the physical aspects of life phenomena. C. Nanomicrobiomechanics research integrating single-molecule direct observation and nanomechanical measurement and processing techniques: We aim to thoroughly understand the microscopic dynamics of life phenomena and develop methodologies for their application. Through these research endeavors, we are working to unravel the complex mechanisms of life phenomena and to pioneer technologies that apply them to medical care. Mechanobiology,Stem Cell Therapy,Cancer Diagnostics,Cancer Drug Delivery Systems,Medical Engineering,Biomedical Engineering

Fujikawa Laboratory

  • S.Fujikawa(Prof.)
  • R.SELYANCHYN(Assoc.Prof.)
A number of environmental and energy-related issues, such as global warming and related climate change, are currently facing us. In our laboratory, we are developing new materials that can contribute to society through materials chemistry from the perspective of "ubiquitous". The word "ubiquitous"means " existing everywhere and all the time". Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and light from the sky are ubiquitous. These have great potential as carbon and energy sources. With "nano" as the keyword, we aim to develop nanomaterials whose size and structure are designed from the molecular level to the nanoscale, and to explore the new field of carbon-neutral chemistry for the effective utilization of this ubiquitous material and energy. nanoengineering,Nanomaterials Chemistry,Surface science,Membrane science,photochemistry,Membrane Science,carbon dioxide taxonomy,Nanomembranes,Large-area light-harvesting interface,functional interfaces,Thin film composite nanomembranes,CO2 Capture Technology,CO2 through the membrane

Biomaterial Eng.

  • M.Tanaka(Prof.)
  • T.Anada(Assoc.Prof.)
  • L.Junjie(Assoc.Prof.)
  • S.Kobayashi(Assoc.Prof.)
  • C.Iksung(Asst.Prof.)
To achieve a greater depth in “Biomaterials Science” Biocompatible materials are strongly required for the development of medical and healthcare devices. The purpose of our laboratory is to shed light on the fundamental science of biomaterials design through the inclusive comprehension of interactions between material interfaces and bio-components. We achieve the research of biomaterials based on three base techniques of i) Polymer Synthesis, ii) Bio-Interface Analysis, and iii) Cell-Material Interaction Analysis. Our research will support a development of medical technology and healthy and comfortable life.

Carbon-Neutral(International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research)

  • A.Staykov(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Matsushima(Assoc.Prof.)
  • M.Watanabe(Assoc.Prof.)
Staykov: Staykov laboratory specializes in theoretical chemistry and computational materials science. We use computer simulations to understand the structure and properties of energy materials for solid oxide fuel cells, gas separation membranes, and catalysis. We apply the methods of classical and quantum mechanics to understand the electronic properties of solids and molecules. We develop novel artificial intelligence and machine learning methods for application in the materials design. Matsushima: It is necessary to effectively use renewable energy toward realization of a carbon-neutral society. We focus our attention on solar energy as one renewable energy and conduct research on solar cells, which can directly convert sunlight into electricity. We aim at establishing basic science and technology to increase solar power conversion efficiency, long-term stability, and cell area in solution- processable hybrid perovskite solar cells. Watanabe: Watanabe Group develops new organic materials and conducts research on functional organic devices. We research with the goal of developing functional devices that have unprecedented properties by drawing out the properties of organic materials and combining them with inorganic materials. We aim to realize a carbon-neutral society by developing photocatalysts using organic / inorganic hybrid devices, producing hydrogen using water as an electron source, reducing carbon dioxide, and developing photoelectro-organic devices. organic laser,water splitting,photocatalysis,density functional theory,carbon neutral,functional organic materials,semiconductor,molecular dynamics

Functional Organic Chemistry (Institute for Advanced Study)

  • T.Yasuda(Prof.)
Organic chemistry, which can produce new molecules, plays a pivotal role in developing various functional organic materials. Our research group is promoting the fundamental and application studies on functional organic materials for advancement of novel materials science. π-Conjugated molecules exhibit specific optical, electrical, and magnetic properties by delocalization of π-electrons. Molecular design has infinite possibilities, and it is possible to create new materials with superior and outstanding optoelectronic properties and functions which cannot be realized by the conventional materials. We are advancing the study aiming at exploration of various functions of materials, such as emission, transport, conversion, and response, and their application for contributing the next-generation materials and device science. Semiconductor,Organic EL,Luminescence,Institute for Advanced Study,Inamori,New functional device,Transistor,Environment,Energy,Exciton,Molecular recognition,Synthesis,Reaction,IoT,Solar cell,Polymer,Property,Quantum,Spin,Physical chemistry

Theoretical Chemistry (Institute for Materials Chemistry & Eng.)

  • K.Yoshizawa(Prof.)
  • Y.Shiota(Assoc.Prof.)
  • Y.Sumiya(Asst.Prof.)
“Molecular systems chemistry” is the study of pioneering methodologies to realize “useful functions (molecular systems functions)” by harnessing designed molecular interactions and self-assembly, and is expected to be the foundation of the next generation of science. Our laboratory is developing new molecular systems that exhibit photon energy conversion, such as molecularly organized photon upconversion, molecularly organized singlet fission, and molecular photothermal storage systems. Recent focus has also been placed on research on creating photofunctions based on strong coupling between light and matter. We are working on the creation of molecular systems chemistry through the development of next-generation photofunctional molecular systems. Self-assembly,Excited triplet state,Photon upconversion,Singlet fission,Metal complex,Energy migration,Molecular solar thermal fuel,Light-matter strong coupling,nanomaterials,Photoenergy conversion

Hybrid Molecular Assemblies Laboratory(Institute for Materials Chemistry & Eng.)

  • K.Kojio(Assoc.Prof.)
To attain our sustainable society, many researches have been progressed in the materials science field. Since the properties of materials are closely related to the structure, it is indispensable to elucidate the structure from microscopic to macroscopic scales. Nano-structure controlled brand-new polymer materials with various high properties and functionals have been produced based on polymer science, including polymer synthesis, elucidation of structure-properties relationship. Polymer Science,Network Polymers,Elastomers,Synchrotron X-ray Analyses

Functional device laboratory

  • D.WANG(Prof.)
  • K.YAMAMOTO(Assoc.Prof.)
Today's information society, including cloud computing, IoT, and AI, is supported by semiconductor devices, which are increasingly important. At the same time, the total amount of power consumed by information and communication devices is rising yearly, increasing the need for semiconductor devices with lower power consumption and power semiconductors for highly efficient power operation. To respond to such social needs, our laboratory conducts research on group IV semiconductor materials and device technology (to find out what kind of materials and device structures are suitable), process technology (to practice how to make them), and evaluation technology (to develop methods to evaluate the performance of the fabricated products). For details, please visit the laboratory's website. Our laboratory conducts joint research with universities, research institutes, and companies in Japan and overseas. At our regular joint seminars and meetings, you will receive good stimulation through exchanges with researchers at the forefront.   *Professor Wang and Associate Professor Yamamoto are in charge of graduate education, and Associate Professor Yamamoto is in charge of undergraduate education.

Geo-disaster Prevention Eng. Laboratory Research Group of Adaptation to Global Geo-disaster & Environment

  • H.Hazarika(Prof.)
The research areas of our laboratory include field survey and testing, model testing and their simulations, element testing of natural and recycled materials, characterization of those materials, developing disaster mitigation systems using drones, IoT and Artificial Intelligence (AI), etc. The aim of our research is to make us best prepared for the immediate and present dangers facing the global community through geo-disaster risk mitigation.

High-Performance Computing

  • S.Ohshima(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Nanri(Assoc.Prof.)
The remarkable continuous improvement in computer performance is largely driven by the advancements in hardware technology, including processors, accelerators, memory, storage and networks. However, in order to extract the maximum performance from these cutting-edge hardware technologies, it is essential to have new software technologies that can appropriately utilize them. In our High-Performance Computing Laboratory, we analyze the characteristics of the hardware technologies used in a wide range of computer systems, including supercomputers. Furthermore, we research and develop new algorithms and programming techniques to bring out the maximum performance of the entire system and contribute to the enhancement of software performance by globally disseminating the results of our research, in forms such as libraries. Moreover, through these research activities, we strive to cultivate researchers and technicians who will become experts in computer performance, active in various fields.

Nonlinear Physics Laboratory

  • K.Morino(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Onaga(Asst.Prof.)
Our laboratory focuses on various theoretical problems of nonlinear systems based on knowledge of physics, mathematics, and informatics. We employ numerical simulations for analyses of nonlinear systems such as chaos and fractal and of complex systems that a lot of elements are strongly coupled. We also analyze the robustness of nonlinear dynamical systems under severe damages including power networks. We investigate algorithms of machine learning and brain-morphic AI based on nonlinear dynamics and construct mathematical models for the prediction of real dataset. We also analyze a vortex soliton in the Bose-Einstein condensates at ultra-low temperature and a spiral pattern in a mathematical model for the aggregate of amoeba-like unicellular organisms called cellular slime molds. For more details, see our website. Mathematical Engineering,Applied Mathematics,Mathematical Modeling,Physics,Dynamical System,Nonlinear Dynamics,Informatics,Complex System,Nonlinear Science,Machine Learning,Real Data Analyses,Network Science,Low Power Consumption,Artificial Intelligence,Brain Morphic AI,Simulation,Numerical Analyses,Data Science ,Data Mining

Non-equilibrium Plasma Dynamics

  • C.MOON(Assoc.Prof.)
The non-equilibrium plasmas are a modern research field in plasma physics, and characterized by high electron temperatures and low ion and neutral temperatures relatively. In order to achieve fusion energy and utilize plasma processing well, it is necessary to investigate and control the non-equilibrium plasmas. Hence, the ultimate goal of our laboratory is to fully understand the complex non-equilibrium dynamics by developing and applying reliable plasma diagnostic techniques in magnetized plasmas. PANTA,PLATO,Fusion energy,Plasma,Magnetized,Instability,Turbulence,Data analysis,Torus,Drift wave,Tomography,Nonequilibrium,NPD,Plasma physics,Laboratory plasma,Linear device,Tokamak,Nonlinear dynamics,Diagnostic,Plasma processing

Biomolecular Function Chemistry

  • A.Murata(Assoc.Prof.)
RNA has attracted considerable attention as a promising and novel target for drug discovery because of its versatile functions and its involvement in various diseases. Our focus is to develop small molecules that specifically target RNA in order to modulate its structure and function. We are actively involved in molecular design of these small molecules, leveraging the power of information science and machine learning to advance RNA-targeted chemoinformatics. We also employ small molecules that have the ability to specifically bind to particular RNA sequences or structures, allowing us to modulate biological processes in cells that are associated with RNA. Nucleic acid,DNA,Small molecule,Drug development

Dynamics of Machinery

  • T.Inoue(Prof.)
  • H.Mori(Assoc.Prof.)
  • N.Sowa(Asst.Prof.)
Mechanical vibration is an important phenomenon affecting performance, quality, and safety of machines. There are many demands for effective analysis, control, and beneficial use of the vibration. Also, analyzing the machine vibration and the structural vibration excited by an external device is effective for health diagnosis of the machine and the structure. The diagnosis and non-destructive testing are industrially important issues. So in our laboratory, we operate following studies: 1) Effective vibration analysis and control method to improve the performance and quality of the machines. 2) A new mechanism whose passive vibration automatically follows the excitation frequency. This mechanism has potential to apply a vibration control device and a power generator for vibration energy harvesting. 3) New diagnosis methods focusing on phase information of ultrasonic pulse. The instantaneous frequency is time varying frequency of waves. It is a sensitive property for small changes of the pulse. 4) Non-destructive testing and measurement using vibrations such as ultrasound. 5) Development of approaches for analysis and design of mechanical systems using self-synchronization, a kind of nonlinear phenomena. 6) Development of open-loop control method for nonlinear transportation systems with time-varying parameters. Our target is not only mechanical and structural systems but extends to wide fields including biological objects and foods, and, further, we are actively conducting joint research with companies.

Chemistry & Physics of Functional Materials

  • M.Ohataki(Prof.)
  • K.Suekuni(Assoc.Prof.)
This laboratory was established in 2013 focusing on development of energy-oriented novel functional materials based on inorganic materials science, physical and solid state chemistry, and condensed matter physics. It also aims at more comprehensive targets in materials science by combining a wide variety of the properties of inorganic materials and an extensive tunability of organic molecules. The most distinguished achievement of our lab is a pioneering work on oxide and sulfide thermoelectric materials resulting in our continuing accomplishments on the best performances of both n- and p-type bulk thermoelectric oxides. Our perspective, however, is not limited to the thermoelectric materials, but extends to unconventional approaches in materials chemistry and physics for next-generation materials including low-dimensional quantum-confined inorganic nanomaterials spontaneously formed in the presence of self-assembly molecular templates exploiting organic surfactant molecules.

Urban Environmental Sciences

  • A.Hagishima(Prof.)
  • N.Ikegaya(Assoc.Prof.)
With the majority of the population currently living in urban areas, energy conservation and the reduction of environmental impact in the urban sectors are common goals for society. On the other hand, the quality of the built environment has a significant impact on people's health, safety and comfort. Under these backgrounds, this laboratory is engaged in the investigation of the fundamental processes of thermo-fluid physical phenomena in urban-building atmosphere and in applied research aiming at sustainable living environments mainly based on the knowledge of heat transfer engineering, fluid dynamics, and mathematics. Urban climate,Wind engineering,Building environmental engineering,Energy saving,Zero energy building,SDGs,Urban heat island,Carbon neutral,Computational Fluid Dynamics,Wind tunnel experiment

Space Environmental Fluid Dynamics

  • S.Matsukiyo(Prof.)
  • S.Isayama(Asst.Prof.)
Space is filled with plasma. In our heliosphere the main source of plasma is the sun. Magnetospheres of planets are connected with the sun via the plasma filling the interplanetary space. Their behavior is influenced in many ways by solar activity. The heliosphere itself is exposed to interstellar space which is also filled with interstellar plasma... We study a variety of space environments from near Earth to distant high energy objects. We also work to develop the propulsion techniques of spacecraft by controlling plasma.

Computational Materials Science

  • Y.Tsuji(Assoc.Prof.)
In cutting-edge scientific fields, such as nanotechnology and surface science, expectations for theoretical computational science based on quantum mechanics are increasing. Recent improvements in computational performance have made it possible to simulate large-scale realistic systems. In this laboratory, theoretical studies on physical properties and reactivity of molecules, solids, and surfaces/interfaces are conducted from the standpoint of theoretical computational science rather than experiments. In particular, we focus on cutting-edge research topics, such as heterogeneous catalysis, molecular electronics, and organic-inorganic junction interfaces. More recently, we have also been utilizing the knowledge and methodologies of informatics and mathematical sciences to facilitate our research. Our interest is not in computational science for precision, but in the creation of new views of matter and chemical concepts based on quantum theory and orbital theory. Computational Science,Information Science,First-Principles Calculation,Quantum Mechanics,Quantum Chemistry,Computational Chemistry,Nanotechnology,Catalysts,Surfaces,Molecular Electronics,Machine Learning,Topology,Density Functional Theory,Molecular Devices,Adhesion,Graph Theory,Molecular Orbital Method,Informatics,Physical Properties,Quantum

Laboratory of Material Cycle Information System

  • H.Nakayama(Prof.)
  • Y.Sugisaki(Asst.Prof.)
In this research, material flow is viewed as a series of steps from product manufacturing to consumption, charge and collection, reuse, recycling, intermediate treatment, and final disposal. By centrally managing and utilizing information at each stage of the material flow, we aim to build a solid waste infrastructure DX platform that optimizes waste treatment and resource recycling. Specifically, we are conducting research related to the following issues. ・Construction of a system to predict waste emissions ・Development and practical application of sensor technology, power supply technology, and communication device technology for monitoring waste landfill sites and their surrounding environment ・Construction of a collaborative platform between arterial and vein industries that integrates waste management and resource recycling. Creating a proposal for a concrete socio-economic model ・Establishment of a regional electricity supply-demand coordination system The Faculty of Engineering (Department of Urban Environmental Engineering) and the Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering (Department of Electronics) will conduct joint research. The research is funded by a donation from Hitachi Zosen Corporation and will last for four years, from April 2022 to March 2026. material cycle,IoT,AI

Film Materials Laboratory

  • R.Teranishi(Prof.)
We are working on the production of thin film crystalline materials of inorganic compounds that can contribute to the field of electrical energy in our laboratory. The materials are fabricated by using chemical or physical methods based on thin film engineering, it includes power generation materials, electric power transportation materials, and materials that shield the magnetic field generated by electric power equipment. The materials are those; element-doped BaSi-system semiconductors of thermoelectric power generation material that can extract electricity from exhaust heat, flux pinning center doped Y-system oxide superconductors that can transport electric current with zero resistance, and lightweight and wide-width magnetic field shielding materials. The physical properties of crystalline materials are usually dependent highly on the microstructures (crystal structure, atomic arrangement, chemical composition, etc.). Therefore, we identify the crystal structure by X-rays, observe the structure with an electron microscope, and analyze the composition to consider the correlation between the structure and the characteristics. In addition, through these research activities, we are thinking about "manufacturing" with the students of the laboratory majoring in the field of materials engineering. Thin film,Thin film engineering,Superconductor,Power generation material,Thermoelectric,Oxide superconductor,Coated conductor,Flux pinning,Power transportation,Zero resistance,Electro resistance,Joint,Inorganic materials,Crystalline materials,Materials,Magnetic shielding,Superconductive magnetic shielding,Microstructure control,Flux,Exhaust heat

Quantum Device Eng. Laboratory

  • H.Kiyama(Assoc.Prof.)
In Quantum Device Engineering Laboratory, we study quantum transport phenomena in semiconductor quantum structures such as quantum dots. We fabricate nanometer-scale quantum devices using state-of-the-art technologies, and measure its transport properties at extremely low temperatures (typically below one Kelvin). Furthermore, single electron spins in quantum dots are promising candidates of qubits for quantum computers. We also study spin manipulation, spin readout and other fundamental technologies for large-scale integration of spin qubits. Semiconductor,Nanotechnology,Quantum Computer,Spin,Quantum Information,Nanofabrication,Cryogenic Technology

Architectural Design Laboratory

  • K.SUEHIRO(Prof.)
  • F.SHIWA(Assoc.Prof.)
Our major research theme is about architectural design.  Our architectural design theme is creative design reinforced by the logical background of structural and environmental engineering.  Our research theme is on the structural / tectonic issues like design possibility of bamboo architecture, structural frame design with tensegrity or reciprocal system, and on the development of living environment in disaster sites like provision and lifestyle of temporary housing.  KASEI (Kyushu Architecture Students Supporters for Environmental Improvement) project is not only an activity for the suffered residents, but also a research theme directly related to the community and an outreach education program. We established BECAT (Built Environment Center with Art and Technology) as a platform for social realization of the university research outcome.  Architecture as an activity of object making needs various kind of supports by lots of people.  The process connects people, develop community, and realize a result as a creative and perceptible object.  Even in our contemporary society controlled by the invisible economic rule architecture will keep an undeniable value we can rely on.

Quantum Computational Science

  • T.Tada(Prof.)
In our laboratory, we design nanoscale devices from a microscopic point of view using computational methods based on quantum mechanics, and develop multi-scale algorithms that enable to describe macroscopic dynamics from microscopic information. Specific examples of the research include the design of molecular devices by quantum transport calculations, and the design of electrochemical devices by first-principles and Monte Carlo calculations. In addition, we are developing quantum algorithms to utilize quantum computers, which have been developing rapidly in recent years, for research and development of molecular and solid state materials. We are also theoretically designing a new quantum computer by discovering new quantum phenomena. Quantum chemistry ,Solid state chemistry ,Solid state physics ,Materials science ,Density functional ,Electronic structure,Simulation,Large-scale simulation ,Point process ,Diffusion ,Materials Informatics,Chemical reaction,Interface,Catalysis,Molecular contact,Quantum information,Quantum simulator,Quantum bit,Quantum gate,Quantum machine learning

Power Device Eng.

  • W.Saito(Prof.)
Electric energy supports our lives, and electricity usage has been increased continuously. In addition, for a solution of environment-energy problem, the usage ratio of electric energy must be increased more and more. Especially, to increase electric power generation by renewable energy is a global strategy. In this trend, it cannot be realized blindly to increase the electric power generation, and so stable usage with a balance between the generation and the usage is necessary. Power electronics is a key technology for the electric power usage with high efficiency by the control, and semiconductor devices for the electric power control in the power electronics circuit are called “power devices” or “power semiconductor devices." This laboratory conducts research on power devices with high efficiency power conversion for low carbon society and aims to create a new electric energy network. Power device,Semiconductor,Electron Device,Electric power conversion

Energy Electrical Eng.

  • S.Nishizawa(Prof.)
We are now getting enter more electrified society on both daily life and Industries. With mega-trends, 1) renewable energy usages, 2) IoT, 3) e-mobility and so on, electronics and related technologies become more important. Power electronics has started as the interstitial technology to three major disciplines of electronics, power and control.  Recently, because of new mega-trends, power electronics has been redefined as Green Electronics by merging microelectronics, materials, information and communication technologies, etc.  We are now trying to open the window towards Green Society by promoting the research of new green electronics. Silicon,Crystal,Power device,semiconductor

Mathematical Systems Theory Laboratory

  • Y.Ebihara(Prof.)
In this laboratory we conduct analysis and synthesis of dynamical systems using control system theory and optimization theory. In particular, recently we focus on algorithms and neural networks used in AI and machine learning fields and try to establish their reliability and stability from rigorous mathematical point of view. We promote these studies in close collaboration with the members from LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France. Dynamical Systems,Control Theory,Optimization Theory,machine Learning,Neural Networks

Aerospace Materials & Processing

  • F.Tsumori(Prof.)
In the aerospace field, lightweight and highly reliable materials are important. These materials are essential for the development of aerospace vehicles. At the same time, it is necessary to create novel structural and functional materials that can be used in various environments. We hope that the ideas generated from materials will lead to new aerospace research. In this laboratory, we are trying to develop novel structural and functional materials. We also conduct research on the development of processing processes for each material to be developed. These processes are essential as an engineering field. Our works about materials and processes are as follows; “development of flexible functional materials and their application to soft robotics”, “surface patterning using ultrafine indentation technology”, “development of microfabrication processes using nanopowders”, and “development of 3D printing specializing in novel materials”. In recent years, we have also been focusing on “bio-inspired engineering”, which is research that considers living organisms or creatures. In this research, we extract and utilize the functions that living creatures have evolved for the design of materials and structures. nanoimpirnt,Nanoimprint lithography,Biomimetic,Biomimicry,Magnetic rubber,4D printer,Ceramics,Super-hydrophobic,Functional surface

Design of Advanced Organic Compounds

  • Y.Kuninobu(Prof.)
  • T.Mori(Assoc.Prof.)
  • K.Sekine(Asst.Prof.)
Using non-covalent interactions, such as hydrogen bonding and Lewis acid-base interaction, as one keyword, we are creating catalysts that can express high activity and selectivity. We are also developing highly efficient and practical synthetic organic reactions, such as carbon-hydrogen bond transformations. In addition, by utilizing the developed reactions, we are investigating the projects with the aim of creating high performance organic functional materials, such as -conjugated molecules and polymers. By performing computer simulations based on theoretical chemistry, we study the molecular mechanisms of chemical reactions, polymerization processes, and higher order structures in condensed phase, aiming at designing novel molecules and catalysts. Through these researches, we aim to solve energy and environmental problems. Transition Metal Catalyst,Organocatalyst ,C-H Activation ,Molecular Recognition ,Regioselectivity ,Substrate Specificity ,Fluorine ,Trifluoromethylation ,Fluorescence ,Luminescence ,Polymer,Saccharide,Sugar Chain,Synthetic Organic Chemistry,Organometallic Chemistry,Structural Organic Chemistry,Organic Materials Chemistry,Theoretical Chemistry,Molecular Simulation,Quantum Chemistry

Process Design Eng.

  • Y.Kangawa(Prof.)
  • A.Kusaba(Asst.Prof.)
Process Design Engineering Laboratory is dedicated to material development for renewable energy and power conversion systems. III-Nitride semiconductors, such as AlN, GaN, InN and their alloys, are candidate materials for those systems according to their superior material properties. Our laboratory is supporting the device-grade material development from theoretical point of view. Power device,Deep UV laser diode,Wide gap semiconductor,III nitride semiconductor

Advanced functional glass materials Fujino Laboratory 

  • S.Fujino(Prof.)
The purpose of our laboratory is developed advanced functional glass-ceramic materials. They have attracted interest because of its excellent properties such as thermal resistance, chemical durability and mechanical strength, and high optical transmittance. We are engaged in research and development of transparent optoelectronics materials with nano structures. We especially focus on additive manufacturing(3D printer) of preparing functional glass from nanocomposite consisted from nano particle and organic polymer. The excellent characters of the novel transparent materials would be conducive to its use for next generation optoelectronics and bio industry fields (e.g., optical sensor, light guide, optical lens, microchip display). Silica ,Additive ,Manufacturing,Infrared ,Ultraviolet ,Sensor ,Optical ,Inorganic,monomer,5G ,sintering,powder,MEMS,fiber,laser,processing

Organic Materials Chemistry Laboratory

  • K.Fujita(Assoc.Prof.)
The development of organic semiconductor devices such as organic light emitting devices and organic photovoltaic cells. The organic semiconductors have great advantages, light weight, flexibility, low-cost large area production, and are expected to overcome the limitations of silicon semiconductors. We conduct the research to develop new type of printed devices by use of the Evaporative Spray Deposition using Ultra-dilute Solution (ESDUS). The n-type doping technology for polymer semiconductors and polymer pn homo-junction diodes are our recent achievements. We are now expanding the application field of organic devices to medical appliance by taking advantage of flexibility. Organic electronics,Self-organization,Carrier doping,Semiconductor devices,Printed electronics,Internet of thins,radio frequency identifier,Organic transistor,Organic diode,Organic memory,Conductive polymer,Photodynamic therapy,Wireless power supply,Organic thin film,Functional organic materials,Thermally activated delayed fluorescence,Carrier transfer complex,nanotechnology,biocompatibility,Roll-to-roll

Theory of Functional Materials

  • K.Shimanoe(Prof.)
  • K.Watanabe(Assoc.Prof.)
  • K.Suematsu(Asst.Prof.)
Functional inorganic materials have various functions such as “conducting electron”, “storing electricity”, “emitting light” and so on. Many functional inorganic materials are used around you to support a convenient and prosperous life. There are already many functional inorganic materials, but new materials with great features, that we do not know about, are looking forward to being discovered by you. Also, even existing materials may not exhibit 100% of their potential and are also waiting for your new ideas to release their real power. In our laboratory, we pay particular attention to oxides among such functional inorganic materials, especially "conducting electron", "conducting ion", "conducting both electron and ion", "reacting with gas molecules" and “storing electricity”. Notably, we are researching on new gas sensors and secondary batteries that combine various materials. The performance of gas sensors and secondary batteries can be significantly improved by controlling the combination of materials, shape, size, and composition of the materials. Let’s take on the challenge of researching new gas sensors and secondary batteries that use functional materials to solve energy and environmental issues together! Inorganic material,Functional material,Gas sensor,Secondary battery,Energy,Environmental issue,Nano particle,Semiconductor,Ionic conductor,Ceramics,Solid battery,Oxygen separation,Catalyst,Wet process,Sustainable society,IoT,MEMS,Breath analysis,Air quality,Metal-Air battery

Fusion Plasma Physics & Control Eng.

  • T.Ido(Prof.)
  • M.Hasegawa(Asst.Prof.)
For fusion reactors, which are expected to be inexhaustible energy sources, it is necessary to produce and confine high-temperature plasma exceeding 100 million degree Celsius. Understanding physics of the high-temperature plasma is essential for successful development of the fusion reactors. Especially, it is crucial to clarify how fuel, ash, and impurity particles behave in steady-state fusion plasma and how we can control them. Using “QUEST” spherical tokamak, we are investigating characteristics of the high-temperature plasma through development of advanced diagnostic systems, and developing control methods for steady-state fusion plasma. Nuclear Fusion,Plasma,Tokamak,Neural network,AI,Feedback control,Ion beam,turbulence,Nonequilibrium system,Nonlinear mechanics

Advanced Plasma Science & Eng.

  • H.Idei(Prof.)
  • R.Ikezoe(Assoc.Prof.)
Nuclear fusion reaction is taking place inside a star that shines in space. Toward the realization of the "sun on the ground", which is expected to be the ultimate energy source in the future, countries around the world are currently working together on big projects such as ITER (International Thermonuclear Fusion Reactor). With Japan's largest spherical tokamak device QUEST on the Chikushi campus, we are working on the development of advanced fusion plasma heating, current drive, control methods, etc. with "plasma-wave particle interaction" as one of the keywords. Radio Frequency,gyrotron,synthetic aperture,phased array antenna,adaptive array

Thermal Science & Energy

  • H.Watanabe(Prof.)
  • R.Kai(Assoc.Prof.)
Achieving both energy security and low-carbon society is an extremely important issue for human. In our laboratory, we are working on the development of innovative combustion and energy conversion technologies to realize a low-carbon society. Specifically, with the aim of improving the efficiency and environmental impact of energy systems such as power generation and transportation systems, experiments and numerical simulations on chemical reactors and combustors, which are the core elements of the system, are performed. We are advancing the clarification and modeling of physical phenomena, and development of prediction technology. The results obtained will contribute to industry through industry-academia collaboration. Mechanical engineering,Thermal Engineering,Reactive gas dynamics,Combustion,Chemical reaction,Turbulence,Multiphase flow,Spray combustion,Coal gasification,Pulverized coal combustion,Carbon free fuel,Hydrogen,Ammonia,Biomass,Modeling,Numerical simulation,Large eddy simulation,Direct numerical simulation,Gas turbine,Jet engine

Ionized Gas Dynamics

  • Y.Yamagata(Assoc.Prof.)
  • K.Teii(Assoc.Prof.)
Plasma and laser processing using the advantage of ionized gas dynamics can potentially cause a variety of unique physical/chemical interactions, and is widely used as one of the advanced technologies for supporting sustainable society in various research fields such as electronics, material science, and environmental science. Our group tries to develop next generation technologies by application of plasmas and lasers. These include spectroscopic characterization of optical/electronic device systems, development of new-type optical sources, decomposition of environmental pollutants, development of electronic materials and devices operable under harsh environments, and development of biomedical materials and devices compatible with the human body. Electrical engineering,Mechanical engineering,Material science,Diamond,Data science,Electronic engineering,Discharge,Chemical engineering,Nanotechnology,Machine learning,Biomedical application,Biomaterial,Programming,Ion engine,Biomimetic,Pulse power,Surface modification,Cell culture,Biomineralization,Power electronics

Electronic Physical Device Eng. Laboratory

  • T.Yoshitake(Prof.)
We carry out research on processes and evaluation elemental-technologies for device fabrications, including sensing materials, ranging from materials growth in thin film to evaluations and device fabrications. Physical vapor deposition methods such as sputtering, laser ablation, and coaxial arc plasma deposition are mainly employed for depositing thin films, and we are actively developing methods that make full use of lasers as new elemental technologies for device creation. Sensors,Photovoltaics,Electric devices,Nuclear batteries,Diamond,Quantum centers,Gallium oxides,Widegap semiconductors,Laser ablation,Coaxial arc plasma deposition,Biomarkers,Spin injection,Polarized current,Magnetic materials ,NV centers,DUV detectors,nanodiamond,nanocarbon

Architectural Environmental Eng.

  • K.Ito(Prof.)
  • K.Kuga(Asst.Prof.)
The formation of indoor environmental quality and biological responses are closely related, comprehensive prediction are essential for creating healthy, comfortable, and highly productive indoor environments. In this laboratory, we are developing a new technology, i.e., Digital Twin, that can accurately reproduce a human body and their surrounding indoor environment on a computer. By establishing an indoor environment design method based on a digital twin technology, we aim to develop an advanced environment design method for comfortable and healthy living in a closed space such as a intenational space station (ISS), where experiments on human subjects are difficult. We are also working on the development of Digital Twin for mammals such as rats, dogs and monkeys as well as humans. Indoor Environmental Design,Computational Fluid Dynamics,Computer Simulated Person,Exposure and Toxicology Analysis,Thermal Comfort Analysis,Public Health Engineering,Architectural Environmental Engineering

Advanced Nanomaterials Science

  • H.Ago(Prof.)
We are studying two-dimensional materials, such as graphene and boron nitride, which have layered structures with very thin, single-atom thickness. In spite of their atom-thick two-dimensional structures, they have excellent properties, such as very high electron mobility, transparency, and mechanical flexibility. We are developing new methods to synthesize these two-dimensional materials, and also investigating their physical properties. In addition, we study applications to energy, environment, and electronics based on these two-dimensional materials. Our research work is further developed to industry based on open-innovation meeting and collaboration with many companies. Nanotechnology,Graphene,Teo-dimensional materials,Semiconductor devices,Chemical vapor deposition,Catalyst,Solar cells,transistors,Atomic sheets

Functional Materials & Characterization

  • M.Arita(Assoc.Prof.)
  • M.Aramaki(Asst.Prof.)
  • Y.Ikoma(Asst.Prof.)
By using multifaceted methods, we create and characterize functional materials in a variety of materials and forms, from semiconductors to metals, and from thin films to bulk. oxide,plastic deformation,high pressure phase transformation,photo-catalytic material,thermoelectric material,structural material

Optical communication systems laboratory

  • S.Kimura(Prof.)
In our laboratory, we are researching on the high-speed integrated circuits for optical transceiver, that can change their specifications flexibly to suit the various service requirements for the bit rate (time, wavelength, sub-carrier, and modulation format), power consumption and digital-signal processing delay. Furthermore, the optical burst-mode transmission technique is also investigated to be applied the elastic transceiver to the optical access services. A new circuit configuration that makes flexibility without a degradation of the instantaneous response will be examined. In addition, a circuit configuration that allows flexible selection of the combination of the bit rate and power consumption according to traffic conditions while maintaining the fairness between users will be studied. Burst-mode transmission,Trans-impedance amplifier,Limiting amplifier,Decision circuit,Laser driver,Modulator driver

Applied Electromagnetic Energy

  • T.Yoshida(Prof.)
  • H.Sasa(Asst.Prof.)
Magnetics has some attractive possibilities, e.g., the magnetic force and energy can be transferred with no contact. Furthermore, magnetic signal can be detected without being affected by a human body. We are developing biomedical and applied industrial systems using such attractive possibilities in magnetics. Magnetic nanoparticles,Magnetic particle imaging,Magnetic immunoassay,Electric aircraft,Electric vehicle

Nano/Microsystem Packaging & Integration Lab

  • R.Takigawa(Assoc.Prof.)
Packaging ,Integration,Optical MEMS,Microsystem packaging ,Photonics,Electronics,Semiconductor,Room temperature bonding

Constructive Electronics Group

  • T.Yajima(Assoc.Prof.)
  • S.Kawakami(Assoc.Prof.)
The 21st century is the age of information. However, as information technology accelerates, the hardware that supports it will consume infinite amount of power and communication bandwidth. A completely new hardware technology is required to create a sustainable society for the next 100 years. The operating principles of biological neural circuits are now attracting attention as a potential source of such technology. Their resilience and energy-saving properties, which have been refined through long evolution, are exactly what is required to build a sustainable society. In our laboratory, we are extracting useful technologies from neural circuits and applying them to the next generation of information processing hardware. We utilize highly versatile circuit technology and material technology to create a variety of functions. Oxide thin film ,Semiconductor ,Vacuum process ,Hydrogen,Metal-insulator transition ,Low-power circuit ,CMOS circuit,Recurrent neural network ,Force learning ,Attractor

Statistical Learning Laboratory

  • H.Saigo(Assoc.Prof.)
Our primary research interests is in the development of statistical learning methods, which gives foundation for data science and deep learning. Due to the recent public interests in artificial intelligence and machine learning, various industries are seeking a way to make good use of it. In solving real-world problems, however, what is required for data scientists is not only to have deep understanding on various machine learning methods, but also to become familiar with the domain of the facing problem. In this regard, we put an emphasis on dealing with real-world data, and always use it for evaluating proposing methods. One of the characteristics of this group is its focus on biology and chemistry, such as developing methods for handling genes and chemical compounds, however, our research interests is not limited to these areas. Machine Learning,Statistics,Data Mining,Bioinformatics,Cheminformatics,Artificial Intelligence,Data Science

RIKEN Collaborative Section

  • Y.Kim(Prof.)
  • H.Imada(Assoc.Prof.)
Kyushu University Graduate School of Engineering cooperates with the National R & D Corporation RIKEN to improve the ability and insight of graduate students and to improve the education and research abilities of the researchers belonging to them, We have concluded an agreement and memorandum of understanding on September 1,2017 As of April 1, 2018, Visiting Professor Kim (RIKEN chief scientist) and Visiting Associate Professor Imada(RIKEN research scientist), who assume “Surface and Interface Science field”, belong to RIKEN Collaborative Section and teach it for graduate students of Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Molecule,Energy conversion,Scanning Tunneling Microscope,Luminescence,Phosphorescence,Photon absorption,Plasmon,Molecular assembly,Self-assembled monolayer,Unltrathin insulating film,Graphene,2 dimensional materials,Surface elementary processes

Laboratory of Intelligent Systems

  • D.Vargas(Assoc.Prof.)
In the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems we create novel AI engines as well as build robust and adaptive intelligent systems. Current AIs can solve 19x19 versions of Go but behave poorly on easier 9x9 versions of the same game. Similarly, image recognition algorithms can reach 96% accuracy (supra-human) on tests and be fooled by only one pixel change. In other words, current AI lacks the robustness and adaptation present in even simple living beings. AI is based on engines that allows it to learn and reason over things, this lab builds novel engines based on different paradigms to reach high levels of robustness and adaptiveness intrinsically. Interestingly, by increasing the robustness and adaptiveness, other problems like Transfer Learning, One-Shot Learning would also be solved at the same time, igniting, possibly, a new age of intelligent systems. Deep Learning,Neuroevolution,Neural Network,Image/Action Recognition,Multi-agent based Intelligence,Self-Organizing Classifiers,Bioinspired Artificial Intelligence,Adversarial Machine Learning,GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks),Artificial General Intelligence,Reinforcement Learning,Optimization

STRADS (String Algorithms & Data Structures)

  • S.Inenaga(Prof.)
  • Y.Nakashima(Asst.Prof.)
Strings are concepts that generalize sequential data such as text, time series, labeled trees/graphs, and 2D arrays. Our research interests are in designing fast and space-efficient algorithms for processing strings, with particular emphasis on their theoretical perspectives. Since the discovery of classical algorithms including KMP, suffix trees, and LZ compression, string algorithmics has been one of the most important sub-fields in theoretical computer science. In the real world, string algorithms are commonly utilized as core building blocks of information retrieval systems and data compression programs. Further, string-related problems are commonly seen in competitive programming contests. Our approach for tackling massive sequential data is first to reveal mathematical properties of strings using the theory of "word combinatorics”, and then to develop advanced "algorithms and data structures” techniques.

Mathematical Eng.

  • J.Takeuchi(Prof.)
  • T.Hanaka(Assoc.Prof.)
  • Y.Takeishi(Asst.Prof.)
Our laboratory aims to find out mathematical structures of various problems in computer science and digital communication and to derive universal solutions based on the mathematical structures. Our research topics include basic theories such as learning theory, machine learning, information theory, information geometry, communication theory, network theory, nonlinear system theory and their applications. Specific applications are cyber-attack detection on the Internet, super resolution, pattern recognition, CDMA communication, analog/digital conversion, and error correcting codes. Through these researches, we develop human resources who are responsible for the fundamental technologies in advanced information society in future. Machine Learning,Minimum Description Length (MDL) Principle,Stochastic Complexity,Information Geometry,Information Theory,Error Correcting Codes,Compressed Sensing,Artificial Intelligence,Statistics,Data Science,Deep Learning,Sparse Coding,Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI),Super Resolution,Cyber Security,Random Number Generation,Chaotic Dynamical Systems,Analog Digital Conversion,Digital Wireless Communications,RADAR signal processing

Theoretical Computer Science

  • Y.Yamauchi(Prof.)
Theoretical Computer Science Laboratory is widely interested in the principles of computing, particularly algorithm theory. For a bunch of problems originating from the real world or motivated by theoretical computer science, our research interest includes design of algorithms and mathematical analysis from the view point of correctness, efficiency, robustness, and so on. These topics include optimization problems, graph theory, discrete mathematics, and distributed computing theory. Theoretical computer science ,Algorithm theory ,Graph theory ,Discrete mathematics ,Distributed system ,Mobile robot

Artificial Intelligence & IT Security Laboratory

  • K.Sakurai(Prof.)
  • G.Yujie(Asst.Prof.)
Nowadays, not only people but things are getting increasingly interconnected in what is called Internet of Things (IoT). In a world where almost everything is connected, if an attacker gets control of one of these networks it can be disastrous. Attacks can go as far as changing the election results of a country (USA’s 2016 election was strongly influenced by Russian cyberattacks). Moreover, in a recent report from Forbes, cybercrime is projected to reach 2 trillion dollars by 2019. To protect society, we research new technologies and paradigms for security related applications. Network Security,Security Camera,Security Robot,Adversarial Machine Learning,Computer Security,Cryptography

Cognitive Science

  • S.Mori(Prof.)
  • K.Shidoji(Prof.)
  • H.Fujihira(Asst.Prof.)
The cognitive science laboratory explores functions of human mind for their engineering applications. Prof. Mori investigates auditory temporal resolution and categorical speech perception through behavioral experiments and functional brain imaging measurements and attempts to develop new hearing tests, using a variety of psychophysical techniques. Prof. Shidoji focuses on estimation of driver's state in driving simulator and real-road driving, its application to development of automated driving system and driver support system, and perception and cognition in virtual reality environment.

Data Mining

  • E.Suzuki(Prof.)
  • T.Matsukawa(Asst.Prof.)
In data mining, which aims at sophisticated discovery of potentially useful and understandable patterns from massive data, we tackle diverse issues from fundamental ones to applications with various bases including machine learning. Examples include data processing such as data squashing and data structure, pattern discovery such as various types of exceptions and rules, pattern interpretation such as information visualization and human factors, and other issues such as problem formalization. Moreover we conduct various kinds of research including autonomous mobile robots using machine learning and data mining techniques as well as deep learning on image, video, and text data. Data mining,Machine learning,Autonomous mobile robot,Robot,Deep learning,Anomaly detection,Exception discovery,Classification,Clustering,Pattern discovery,Learning,Discovery,Artificial intelligence,Pattern recognition,Image processing,Text mining,Human monitoring,Ambient intelligence,Human data,Information visualization

Machine Learning Theory

  • E.Takimoto(Prof.)
  • K.Hatano(Prof.)
The problem of decision-making by predicting future data from the past arise in many applications such as stock investment, item recommendation, routing, updating kana-kanji conversion dictionary, and so on. Our group is trying to develop ingenious methods of decision-making for various problems by using machine learning techniques. On the other hand, we also apply the methods developed to optimization problems in machine learning. Furthermore, for various classes for knowledge representation such as Boolean circuits, decision diagrams, neural networks, comparator networks, we investigate their mathematical properties and relationships between them, thereby we analyze computational efficiency of decision making methods. The problem of decision-making by predicting future data from the past arise in many applications such as stock investment, item recommendation, routing, updating kana-kanji conversion dictionary, and so on. Our group is trying to develop ingenious methods of decision-making for various problems by using machine learning techniques. On the other hand, we also apply the methods developed to optimization problems in machine learning. Furthermore, for various classes for knowledge representation such as Boolean circuits, decision diagrams, neural networks, comparator networks, we investigate their mathematical properties and relationships between them, thereby we analyze computational efficiency of decision making methods. Online decision making,Computational learning theory

Multi-Agent Systems

  • M.Yokoo(Prof.)
  • T.Todo(Assoc.Prof.)
  • K.Kimura(Assoc.Prof.)
  • Z.Sun(Assoc.Prof.)
  • M.Koshimura(Asst.Prof.)
The main research field in our laboratory is multi-agent systems, where multiple intelligent agents coexists. Especially, our research focuses on systems where humans and software agents interact and coordinate. Specific research topics include two-sided matching and auctions, for which we model agents’ behaviors based on game theory and micro-economics, and develop/analyze social decision rules based on algorithm theory and optimization. Market Design,Artificial Intelligence,Mechanism Design,Matching,Combinatorial Auctions,Repeated Games,Prisoner’s Dilemmas,Hospitals/Residents Matching,POMDP,Constraint Satisfaction,Distributed Constraint Satisfaction,Distributed Constraint Optimization,Social Choice Theory,Voting Theory
Neuroimaging and Neuroinformatics

Neuroimaging & Neuroinformatics

  • K.Iramina(Prof.)
Iramina’s lab is under the administration of the Faculty of Information Science & Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University, and Graduate School of Systems Life Sciences which is a unique educational organization. There are two major research fields in our lab. One is brain function imaging which aims at the elucidation of human brain function; the other one is brain function modeling which is applied to various fields by constructing the model of brain activation. In details, we study in the fields of the measurements of brain function by EEG (Electroencephalography), NIRS (Near-Infrared Spectroscope) and TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation), the development of measurement technology and the simulation of brain activation. The elucidation of the mechanism of brain function is one of foundations of life science, and it can be applied to almost all the fields. Have a deep understanding of brain information processing, and apply the research results to fields of life science, medicine, welfare and education is the purpose of our study. Since we are studying in an interdisciplinary domain, we take into account the collaboration of medicine, biology, pedagogy and psychology is important in our study. Neuroscience,Neuroengineering,Brain Information Science,Event related potential,fMRI,Brain Machine Interface,Cognitive function,Mild cognitive impairment (MCI),Alzheimer disease
Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing

  • Y.Tomiura(Prof.)
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field on technology to process sentences written in natural language such as Japanese and English using computer. As informationization advances and a large amount of information is flooded, NLP focuses attention as a technology for efficiently accessing necessary / important information and for analyzing a large amount of text. With the advent of Deep Learning, the performance of various NLP technologies including machine translation has been remarkably improved, and expectations for NLP are increasing more and more. We are conducting research on identifying and clustering sentences or documents based on parameter estimation of statistical language model, and research on estimating similarity between sentences or documents by Deep Learning. We are also conducting research on the analysis of olfactory information using a model similar to the statistical language model used in the above research. Based on the images of the activation patterns of the neurons on the olfactory bulb (the first brain part receiving the odor information) of the rats when smelling various substances and the physical and chemical properties of the substances, we are working to identify the primitives of odors and the parts of the olfactory bulb that ignites when they are detected. In addition, we are working to separate and visualize odor traces (odor source) based on measured data by multi-channel odor sensor. Machine Learning,Organizing Information,Statistical Model,Text Mining,Data Mining,Data Science
3D Multimedia Contents

3D Multimedia Contents

  • Y.Okada(Prof.)
Our laboratory is researching and developing fundamental technology for 3D multimedia contents of still images, videos, 3D shapes, motion data and so on. In addition to search and creation technology for them and visualization technology, the research interests of our laboratory also include voice input/output interface for 3D-CG contents, motion input interface based on video images, virtual reality applications using a haptic device like Phantom, network collaboration technology for instantly and easily creating a virtual space of 3D-CG in which multiple users can take various intellectual activities collaboratively with each other. Our laboratory also conducts research on the development environments of 3D games and educational materials using recent ICT.


  • D.Ikeda(Assoc.Prof.)
Due to big data and the development of ICT, computer simulation and data analysis with computers are used in many disciplines. While computers have been supporting tools for experts, there is an emergence of a new discipline, called e-Science, in which computers are main approaches. In our lab, under the vision that "general public will be participating a process of science", we are conducting researches, such as computer simulation and data mining, and infrastructures for e-Science.

Image & Media Understanding

  • A.Shimada(Prof.)
  • F.Okubo(Assoc.Prof.)
  • C.Tang(Asst.Prof.)
In the Laboratory for Image and Media Understanding (LIMU), our goal is to establish a novel framework to (1) retrieve social information from observation data obtained with various sensors and (2) to create innovative content for the society by analyzing those data. While developing the tools necessary to build such a framework, we carefully design the algorithms so that anybody in the society can later interact with the cyber–physical world to improve analysis performances and users experience. In our research on video analysis techniques, we are developing fundamental techniques for understanding videos acquired from cameras, such as methods for detecting objects in the observation area and for detecting abnormal events. On the other hand, we also conduct analysis of educational big data such as students’ learning activities collected from digital textbook systems and learning management systems. The various educational data are analyzed to provide real-time feedback systems for visualizing student’s learning activities and teaching materials recommendation systems personalized for students individually. These results can be used to develop services leading to a more efficient and sophisticated society. Furthermore, in order to apply to new fields such as educational big data, we are also conducting research on the theory on models of computation for various phenomena in the nature and society.   Image processing,Pattern recognition,Learning analytics (LA),Image recognition,Deep learning,Real time processing,Educational data analysis,Data science,Models of computation

Real-world Informative Robotics

  • R.Kurazume(Prof.)
  • A.Kawamura(Assoc.Prof.)
  • S.Miyauchi(Asst.Prof.)
  • K.Nakashima(Asst.Prof.)
  • K.Matsumoto(Asst.Prof.)
We are conducting research on robot and computer vision systems to realize CPS (Cyber Physical System) using IoRT (Internet of Things and Robot technology). CPS is a fundamental technology for developing and maintaining urban society efficiently and safely. To realize CPS, sensing technology including IoT for modeling real world in cyber space, and robot technology for changing real world physically are critical components. In our laboratory, a variety of sensing and robot technologies are studied to develop CPS such as ambient sensing, first-person vision, laser sensing, humanoid robot, service robot, rescue robot, and mobile robot. Service robot,life support robot,3D modeling,Environmental recognition,Soft robotics
Human Interface

Human Interface

  • S.Uchida(Prof.)
  • R.Bise(Prof.)
  • B.Iwana(Assoc.Prof.)
  • D.Suehiro(Assoc.Prof.)
  • K.Masai(Asst.Prof.)
  • S.Toyota(Asst.Prof.)
Pattern recognition is a research field that focuses on the artificial realization of the human cognitive system. It is still difficult even though computers are highly developed today. For example, we humans can easily recognize a car at a glance as “That is a car.” However, there are numerous models in cars, and appearance will change depending on a point of view even if we look at the same model. The easiest way to handle this issue is to classify the input based on the similarity to patterns stored in a computer in advance, but challenges remain such as the definition of similarity. The key point is how to handle variety in patterns that causes difficulty. In this laboratory, we develop pattern recognition techniques and the related applications such as image processing/recognition, bioimage informatics, machine learning, and character engineering/science. We are challenging these attractive problems with our unique techniques and competing against the world. Artificial intelligence,Deep learning,Neural network,Medical image,Sports,Biosignal,Time series,Game theory

Principles of software engineering & programming languages

  • Y.Kamei(Prof.)
  • M.Kondo(Asst.Prof.)
Our research group is studying software engineering and programming language, which are foundations of software development. Software engineering is a field of study that investigates how to solve problems of software from the aspect of engineering. We are studying from the following three viewpoints: "Advanced programming experience", "Highly reliable software based on formal methods", and "Mining software repository for discovery of collective intelligence". The first two utilize AI, machine learning, discovery of collective intelligence, theories of programming languages, and formal methods. The last discovers high quality information from largely accumulated development history in repositories. Software architecture,Software testing,Formal method,Formal verification,Programming language mechanism,Artificial intelligence,Machine learning,Collective intelligence,OSS,Open source software,Mining software repositories,Code analysis,Software metrics,Model checking,Theory of programming languages

Human-centered Intelligence

  • T.Mine(Assoc.Prof.)
We aim to study human-centered intelligence. To this end, we analyze real data under real situations and develop mechanisms to estimate, extract, and generate information users want and provide it to them when they need, considering their contexts, intentions, preferences, interests, and privacy issues. The projects we are conducting are roughly divided into four: 1) Text Mining and Message Generation, 2) Data Mining for Intelligent Transport Systems (ICT), 3) Educational Data Mining (EDM), and 4) Multi-modal Data Mining and Information Recommendation. For 1), we develop dialogue systems (Chat-bots) which automatically answer user queries, discriminating out-of-domain or out-of-intent queries with query augmentation techniques; we estimate user emotions; we study named entity recognition from patent documents and research papers, etc. For 2), we estimate city bus travel time, arrival time, and delay time, abnormal driving behaviors, and road situations by analyzing multi-modal ICT-related data such as vehicle probe data, obtained from ICT-devices (ETC 2.0 devices), dashboard camera data, weather-related data, traffic and human stream data, etc. For 3), we develop methods to estimate student learning situations and performance, to give automatic feedback analyzing student data such as student self-reflective comments freely-written after each lesson, e-learning logs etc., and to automatically score student short answers. Finally, for 4), we estimate recommended handcrafted works, which work will be bought in certain period of time, and who created the works, and track trends or changes of the works; we also estimate useful product review documents, and develop new collaborative filtering algorithms using Graph Convolutional Networks to extract useful information from user-item interactions. Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning,Deep Learning,Big Data Analysis,Natural Language Processing,Image Processing,Collaborative Filtering,Information Retrieval,Time Series Analysis,Reflective learning,Text classification,Feature Selection,Personalization,Multi-Agents,Smart Mobility,Information Sharing,Sentence Genration,Abnormal Detection,Educational Engineering

Advanced Network & Cybersecurity

  • K.Okamura(Prof.)
Okamura Laboratory researches on problems and issues in cyberspace by analyzing various types of information. The features of Okamura Laboratory are that the research on networks are not satisfied with theories and simulations alone, but a research internet independent of the state university, the campus provided by Kyushu University Information Infrastructure R & D Center and Cybersecurity Center to Kyushu University. He also focuses on demonstrations and practical evaluations of his research in the laboratory, such as the backbone of Campus Network, wireless LAN network, firewall log data, and student questionnaire data. Cybersecurity ,Internet,Network Traffic Analysis ,Zero Trust Network,Secure Web Applications ,Life Data Management ,IoT security ,Society 5.0 ,SDGs ,Cyber Attack Analysis

Computer Vision, Graphics & VR

  • H.Kawasaki(Prof.)
  • D.Thomas(Asst.Prof.)
  • T.Iwaguchi(Asst.Prof.)
In this laboratory, we focus on computer vision (CV) and computer graphics (CG) research as well as application to virtual and augmented reality systems (VR/AR). To contribute to those research areas, efficient acquisition, modeling and photo-realistic visualization techniques are the core. For example, we are working on 3D scene reconstruction using color and depth (RGB-D) cameras, called the RGB-D Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM). Part of our research focus on the reconstruction of the dynamic human body using RGB-D cameras. In this project, we reconstruct 3D models from a single image using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Another research project is light transport analysis based on computational photography, an imaging method that combines an optical system and a computer. By using the outcomes of those researches, development of medical imaging systems and intelligent transportation systems is also our important mission. Computer Graphics (CG),Computer Vision (CV),Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality (VR/AR/MR),Human Computer Interaction (HCI),Medical Imaging Systems,Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS),Convolutional CNN,Computational Photography (CP),Depth Camera
Intelligent Software Engineering Laboratory

Intelligent Software Eng.

  • J.Zhao(Prof.)
  • Y.Feng(Asst.Prof.)
  • Y.Omori(Asst.Prof.)
Software engineering (SE) is the systematic application of scientific and technological knowledge, methods, and experience to the design, implementation, testing, and documentation of software. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a study on the design and realization of an intelligent information processing system by computer. The intelligent software engineering laboratory aims to construct reliable and secure software systems and AI systems by synergizing software engineering with artificial intelligence. Specifically, we are doing research with three directions. Software engineering for AI: We are developing methods to deeply understand defects (bugs) and adversarial examples in artificial intelligence (deep learning) systems, and approaches (analysis, testing, debugging, and verification) to guarantee the reliability and security of artificial intelligence (deep learning) systems. Software Automation: We are developing approaches for automatic code generation and bug fixing of software systems using artificial intelligence (deep learning). Intelligent IDE: We are building intelligent software development environments. Intelligent Software Engineering,Software Testing,Deep Learning,Program Analysis and Verification,Programming Language,Artificial Intelligence,Automatic Programming
Wireless Communication Laboratory

Wireless Communication

  • O.Muta(Assoc.Prof.)
To deal with the rapid increase of mobile data traffic in wireless communications, it is required to develop wireless communication techniques which achieve high spectrum efficiency. In our laboratory, we are doing researches on signal processing and data transmission techniques for future wireless communication systems. Wireless Communications,Cellular phone,Wireless LAN,MIMO,Modulation/Demodulation

Kansei Nano-Biosensor

  • T.Onodera(Assoc.Prof.)
Kansei Nano-Biosensor Research Laboratory developed Taste Sensor for the first time in the world. The Laboratory covers the following studies: · Hyper Functionalization of Taste Sensor developed by Bio and Electronics unified science technologies. · Development of biosensor which detects odorants such as explosives and fragrances with ultra-high sensitivity using antigen-antibody interaction. · An artificial olfactory system that prepares 16 sensors that recognize multiple types of chemical substances and recognizes the output as a pattern with AI (artificial intelligence) Based on these studies, we are trying to apply and expand our research in various fields. chemical sensor

Plasma Eng.

  • M.Shiratani(Prof.)
  • K.Koga(Prof.)
  • K.Kamataki(Assoc.Prof.)
Plasma Engineering Laboratory (PEL) is nationally and internationally renowned for our research regarding plasma science. Principal research challenges in PEL are as follows: Development of high quality and high throughput processes by controlling reactions in plasma, Plasma synthesis of functional nanoblocks and their application, Elucidation of interaction between plasma and interface of materials, Establish of plasma agriculture. Present research topics are as follows: High quality and highly stable hydrogenated amorphous silicon films for thin film solar cells, Third generation solar cells using nanoparticles, Deposition profile control in fine structure using anisotropic plasma chemical vapor deposition, Nanoparticle composite films for ultra low-k film in ULSI, Fabrication of nanosystems using plasmas, Mechanism of dust particle formation and transport in fusion devices, Plasma growth enhancement of plants.

Integrated magnetic device

  • T.Tanaka(Assoc.Prof.)
Our laboratory focus on the study of novel magnetic phenomena and the development of magnetic devices forming three dimensional fine structures using nanometer sized microfabrication technologies. The numerical and experimental advanced researches are being implemented for realizing future ultra-high density recording devices such as hard disk drives and magnetic random access memories, and novel functional logic devices.

Organic Electronic Device

  • K.Hayashi(Prof.)
  • F.Sassa(Asst.Prof.)
We are researching and developing electronic devices based on organic materials. Chemical sensor devices such as odor sensor, imaging devices for chemical world, nano-scale organic electronic devices for high functional electronic systems are our research target. Information processing of sensor output, odor matching, and odor database are also our aims. Research on Materials, Devices, and Systems are our tasks. Odor sensor,Odor imaging,Imaging device,Sensor robot,IoT,Digital olfaction,Molecular parameter analysis,Odor quality visualization,Bio-mimetic,Organic electric material,Plasmonic gas sensor,Ultra-high sensitive sensor,SERS,ナノ粒子,Molecular recognition,MIP,biometrics,Human exploration ,Forensic science,Agricultural ICT
Spintronic Device Laboratory

Spintronic Device

  • H.Yuasa(Prof.)
  • Y.Kurokawa(Asst.Prof.)
Our purpose is to create new devices by utilizing Spintornics of the magnetic materials.  The Internet of things (IoT) society is ready to spread in the world, which connects not only electric information but also the things and people. Because the both quality and quantity for IoT electronic devices become required higher than ever before, the more innovative technologies are needed and studied in various science fields.  Spintronics of magnetic materials is one of candidates. In spintronics the spin plays an important role as well as electron. This is why Spintronics has the potential realizing the green devices without Joule energy loss.  Now is the favorite time to study Spintronics toward the future electronic devices in order to contribute the future society. Hard disk drive,MRAM,Data storage,Race track memory


  • T.Sadoh(Assoc.Prof.)
Further improvement of performance of large-scale integrated circuits (LSIs) is essential to realize the next-generation of electronics. Improvement of LSI performance has been achieved by scaling the Si transistors in LSIs. However, this approach is facing the physical limit. Moreover, in the next generation of electronics, advanced LSIs should be merged with various human-machine interfaces on flexible sheets, and novel devices, such as flexible electronics, should be developed. For this purpose, employment of novel functional materials is essential. In line with this, we are developing various growth techniques of novel functional materials, such as group-IV-based semiconductors, and investigating application to advanced devices. Advanced LSI,Novel functional device,Semiconductor hetero-structure,Crystal growth,Flexible electronics

Electronic Materials & Devices

  • N.Itagaki(Prof.)
  • T.Ohshima(Assoc.Prof.)
An exciton, which is an electrically neutral quasiparticle, is a bound state of an electron-hole pair attracted by the electrostatic Coulomb force. The most interesting feature of an exciton is that it can be generated by and converted back into a photon within a short time (<nsec). Thus, excitonic devices potentially bring great improvements to the speed of electronic–optical (E/O) conversion along with significant miniaturizations of E/O converters. The major challenges for excitonic devices are finite exciton binding energy (Eex) and finite exciton lifetime. The small exciton binding energy of typical excitonic materials, such as GaAs, limits the device operation temperature below 125K. While, the exciton lifetime in such materials is less than a nanosecond, allowing excitons to travel only a small distance before it recombines. In this laboratory, we have developed an excitonic device with a new semiconducting material, (ZnO)x(InN)1-x (abbreviated as ZION), which has large Eex as well as large piezoelectric constant. The large Eex potentially enables excitonic devices that are operational at room temperature. Another advantage is the long exciton lifetime, allowing excitons to travel long distance before it recombines. The aforementioned excellent properties of ZION films and its QWs open a new avenue for studies toward the practical use of excitonic devices. sputtering,oxide semiconductor,zinc oxide,crystal growth,heteroepitaxy,inverse SK mode,In2O3:Sn,amorphous transparent conducting oxides,impurity mediated crystalization,plasma

RFIC & Microwave Communication Device

  • H.Kanaya(Prof.)
In this laboratory, we are now focusing our researches on the following areas: High speed, high linearity and low noise system LSI components for wireless communications systems. Wideband RF front-end components for ultra-wideband (UWB) applications. Digital Radio or Digital RF Processor and its system components i.e. Digitally assisted RF/Analog circuits such as ADPLL (All-digital phase locked loop), DCO (digitally-controlled oscillators), sampling mixers, digital controlled PA and LNA etc. for Software defined radio or other reconfigurable applications. Electrically small antennas for narrow band and UWB applications. Interconnection and packaging technology of a chip to an antenna to reduce parasitic components. RF micro energy harvesting circuit for medical application IoT,Radio wireless communication ,CMOS circuit,Antenna,Implant,Endoscope,Energy harvesting circuit,Power amplifier,Mixer,Array antenna,Packaging

Optoelectronics integration system

  • K.Kato(Prof.)
  • T.Kuboki(Asst.Prof.)
One of the most important role of communication networks is to suport operation of internet. For this purpose, data of great volume is transmitted through communication networks. Data volume has increased explosively beyond comparison, from voice, picture, movie and high resolution motion pictures. Data volume will grow at an accelerated pace, and networks must process these data smoothly. For data processing in future networks, novel high speed devices with new function and low power consumption are required. Photo-electronic devices and photo-electronic integrated systems are powerful candidates for this purpose. In this system, electronics and photonics technologied are merged to fabricate novel devices utilizing each strength. Purpose of our laboratory is to create devices of new concept based on reserch on electronics and photonics technologies. It is our pleasure if our research plays important roll to solve the problems which human society faces. Semiconductor laser,High-speed wireless transmission,High frequency,Optical communication,Optical fiber communication

Micro / Nano Laser Device

  • Y.Oki(Prof.)
  • H.Yoshioka(Assoc.Prof.)
In the micro / nano laser device group, we are conducting research on laser engineering and organic optoelectronics. At the center of the research is research and development of printable optical devices such as organic lasers using organic materials and organic / nanostructures, optical fiber sensors, solar cells, photodetectors, etc. In addition, we are also conducting research on semiconductor lasers, diode-pumped solid-state lasers, excimer laser processing, ultraviolet light organic material process, etc. We are also working on research on advanced measurement using these optical technologies. Optical waveguide,Optical microcavities,3D printer,Ink-jet technology,Optical organic materials,Silicone Optical Technology (SoT),Dye lasers,Diode-pumped solid-state lasers,Excimer laser processing

Applied Nano-photonic Computing

  • N.Tate(Prof.)
In recent years, research related to optical computers that originated from the invention of lasers in the 1960s has entered a new phase in collaboration with nano / quantum technology on the hardware aspect, and machine learning / AI technology on the software aspect. Our laboratory team is progressing in innovative research on nano-optical information devices and systems to achieve advanced practical functionalities based on the utilization and application of nano-optical technology. Information application with new traits achieved using “light,” which has various physical quantities, such as intensity, wavelength, polarization, and phase, reflects the minute size, high speed, and energy efficiency that meets society’s needs. Furthermore, it serves as a new development for building a next-generation information society. The contents of specific experiments cover a wide range from proposals and demonstrations of the basic principles of optical devices and systems and their design, construction, and functional evaluation.


  • D.Nakamura(Assoc.Prof.)

System Design

  • T.Kawabe(Prof.)
  • J.Murata(Prof.)
  • R.Funaki(Asst.Prof.)
  • T.Yuno(Asst.Prof.)
System Design Laboratory mainly conducts two kinds of studies. One is the motion and vibration control of automobiles. For realizing the ecological and safe automotive control, we aim at developing (1) a driver assistance system that compensates the work of driving control systems or human drivers by using the information of vehicle and road conditions, and (2) a driving control system that can effectively exploit the work of driver assistance system. In particular, we address these issues on the basis of control engineering. Moreover, we aim at establishing the algebraic nonlinear-control theory and applying it to engine control. The other addresses design and operation of large-scale complex systems. A typical example is the system covering from electrical power generation to its consumption, which is a large-scale system with many machines and devices and has high complexity resulting from involvement of various human decisions. Learning systems that support analysis and design of these systems are being developed, together with optimization techniques that make the systems and their operations best. As their applications, research is being done on electrical energy management systems. Moreover, we study optimization systems that find the most suitable thing such as a graphic art and a fashion design for a person, where suitability depends on the person-specific preference or sensibility.


  • T.Kiss(Prof.)
  • K.Higashikawa(Assoc.Prof.)
Our studies focus on understanding and resolving key performance issues of forefront superconducting materials and their power applications. We have been developing high performance superconducting materials which can carry high current more than 100 of times larger than that of conventional copper conductors with almost no dissipation. Perspectives of these studies are to lead breakthrough to such fields as power grid, alternative energy, transportation and advanced medical systems. We educate young researchers, graduate-, and under-graduate-students through the research projects in collaboration with national- and international counter parts. Superconductivity,Critical current properties,Advanced measurement technology,Electrical and electronic materials,Power and energy applications,Advanced medical system

Applied Electrostatics

  • J.Suehiro(Prof.)
  • M.Nakano(Assoc.Prof.)
  • M.Inaba(Asst.Prof.)
Despite the long history, electrostatics is still challenging and exciting research subjects. Thus far, applications of electrostatics have been found in various technologies including high voltage apparatus, ink jet printer, xerography, electrostatic precipitator, exhaust gas treatment and so on. Recently, electrokinetic phenomena such as electrophoresis and dielectrophoresis have found useful applications in biotechnology and nanotechnology. Besides benefits from the industrial applications, electrostatics still provides new insights about fundamental relationship between substance and electrical charges. In our lab, we are involved in research subjects based on applied electrostatics for the cross-disciplinary area such as bio and nanotechnology. Especially, we currently focus on electrokinetic manipulation of micro and nano-scaled materials and its application for fabrication of Bio-MEMS devices and chemical sensors. We are always looking for an opportunity to collaborate with outstanding researchers and ambitious young students, who want to share the same academic interests and passion for science. Aligned nanocomposite ,Bacteria detection ,Carbon nanotube ,CNT gas sensor ,DEPIM,Dielectrophoresis ,Dielectrophoretic impedance measurement ,DNA detection ,Electrical alignment ,Electric apparatus diagnosis,Gas insulated switchgear ,Impedance measurement,Nanocomposite,NO2 detection,SF6,Virus detection
Applied superconductivity laboratory

Applied Superconductivity

  • M.Iwakuma(Prof.)
  • S.Miura(Asst.Prof.)
The advantages of superconductivity are “zero electrical resistivity” and “high current density”. The critical temperature of high-temperature superconductors(HTS) exceeds liquid nitrogen temperature of -196℃. HTS should bring about electric machines and devices with light weight, compactness and high efficiency. We aim to apply the superconductor technology to a variety of industrial field. Development of superconducting electric power machines and devices: Superconducting transformers and cables with a current limiting function have been developed and demonstrated in a real power-grid scale. Superconducting rotating machines with compactness, light weight and high efficiency are developed for electric aircrafts and ships, and also industrial uses. Investigation of the electromagnetic properties of HTS wires and coils: Electromagnetic properties of HTS wires with anisotropy are quantitatively investigated by using a saddle-shaped pickup coil which were studied out in our laboratory. On the basis of observed properties, new configuration of wires and windings are proposed for AC loss reduction and current-capacity enhancement and the performance is demonstrated by making a small model. Environment ,Energy,State of the art,Coil,Electric magnet

Green Power Electronics Circuits

  • M.Shoyama(Prof.)
  • Y.Noge(Asst.Prof.)
Today, dependence on electrical energy is so entrenched in our societies that we cannot imagine our life without electricity, thus indicating that the future growth of demand for electrical energy tends to continuously increase. Furthermore, energy-saving and the promotion of the use of renewable energy are strongly required from environmental problems such as global warming and exhaustion of fossil fuels. The research projects at the "Green Power Electronics Circuits Laboratory" cover a wide range of power electronics circuits and systems which are eco-friendly and will contribute to a clean future society. Switching Power Supply ,Energy Saving,Renewable Energy,Sustainable Society,Environmental Problems,Current Mode DC-DC Converter,DC/DC Converter for Vehicle,Bi-directional DC-DC Converter,Inverter for Motor Drive,Contactless Power Transfer Systems,EV,Smart Grid,Digital Control,Soft-Switching,EMC,GaN Power Device,SiC Power Device

Advanced Magnetic Sensing System

  • T.Sasayama(Assoc.Prof.)
We can obtain information inside samples in non-contact and non-destructive manners by using magnetic fields. Utilizing this property, we can develop advanced magnetic sensing systems in various fields, such as medical, bio, material, and environment. In our laboratory, we are developing ultrasensitive magnetic sensors and systems for biosensing and non-destructive testing. Specifically, we are developing biosensing systems utilizing magnetic markers, such as magnetic immunoassay to detect biological materials and magnetic particle imaging for in-vivo diagnosis. We are also developing low frequency eddy current testing to evaluate iron materials which are used in many infrastructures.
Cyber-Physical Computing

Cyber-Physical Computing

  • K.Inoue(Prof.)
  • M.Hirokawa(Prof.)
  • T.Ono(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Tanimoto(Assoc.Prof.)
  • Y.Matsunaga(Assoc.Prof.)
  • O.Chen(Assoc.Prof.)
Our research goal is to explore next-generation computer system architecture that can be achieved by integrating the information and electrical/electronic technologies. We also aim to develop new applications that stand on growing computing performance in order to solve critical issues in the world such as energy issue, cyber-security, and so on. Our scope is from emerging devices such as single-flux-quantum and nanophotonics to computer architecture, system software, and applications. Hardware security,Data center,Warehouse-scale computing,High-performance computing,Architecture,Cyber-physical system,Optical computing,Superconductive computing,Computer,Next-generation computer,Computer system architecture,Cyber-security,Single-flux-quantum,Nanophotonics,System software,Applications
High-Frequency Integrated Circuits and Systems Laboratory

High-Frequency Integrated Circuits & Systems Laboratory

  • R.Pokharel(Prof.)
  • K.Yoshitomi(Prof.)
We are investigating the possibility of a paradigm shift from a battery-inherent to a battery-free wireless and embedded sensor system. The fundamental techniques include the development of the ultra-low power and low voltage analog/high frequency integrated circuits in CMOS technology for future generation wireless communication systems at one hand, and at another, efforts are going to apply 5G carrier frequency to transfer not only the signal/data but also power to realize a wire-free power supply system to replace the conventional batteries to drive the future wireless and embedded sensor systems. RFIC,High Frequency Integrated circuits,Analog circuits,5G Wireless Communications,Battery-free systems,Wire-free power supply system,Wireless power transfer,Energy Harvesting methods,System On Chip (SoC),Wideband systems,Lower Power and low voltage integrated circuits

Control & Optimization

  • K.Yamamoto(Assoc.Prof.)
  • A.Themelis(Assoc.Prof.)
Systems & Control A system is a group of interacting elements and the aim of “control” is to achieve the desired system behaviour. From physical systems such as robots, drones, and vehicles to signal processing such as music signals and images, anything that has dynamics can be a candidate for the systems to be controlled. Our group studies systems & control theory and various applications in this area. In particular, we work on autonomous vehicles/mobile robots such as vehicle platooning and cooperative drones. Each agent in such a system can only collect some partial information in the network such as the position and/or speed of the neighbouring agents, and our task is to control the behaviour of the whole network under such constraints. We also work on various other topics such as mechanical vibration control and digital signal processing. Optimization The increase of computing capability and the development of powerful (micro)processors that we have witnessed in the last years has motivated engineers to design more sophisticated ad-hoc control strategies based on "Optimization". The importance of this science is dictated by the fact that virtually any engineering problem is (or can be reduced to) a functional minimization. For instance, finding the “best” route in path planning amounts to finding the one that minimizes a cost (function), which is the contribution of factors such as distance, time, fuel consumption, and so on. The main challenge is to find a suitable balance between convergence speed, low computational requirements, and range of problems that can be solved. Our group aims at developing efficient algorithms to be employed in a wide area of engineering applications, including, but not limited to, control and signal processing. Numerical algorithms
Opto-Electronics Laboratory


  • K.Hamamoto(Prof.)
  • H.Jiang(Asst.Prof.)
Breath sensing using optical waveguide gas cells for handy health-check system High speed laser diode toward Tbps class extremely high speed direct modulation by using active-MMI, which has been proved and demonstrated by us Optical mode switch for mode-division multiplexing targeting 1,000 times transmission capacity enhancement Photonic integrated circuits,Laser diode,Optical switch,Opto-electronic device,Plasma process,Optical bio-sensing,Optical communication,Optical router,Space division multiplexing

HumanoPhilic Systems

  • Y.Arakawa(Prof.)
  • Y.Nakamura(Asst.Prof.)
HumanoPhilic Systems Laboratory conducts research on cyber-physical systems (CPS: Cyber-Physical Systems) that support human life, by combining various information technologies, such as sensing from the real world, data processing in the cloud, and networking that connects them. The term "HumanoPhilic" is the combination of "human" and "philic" which means having a high affinity. We focus on human activity recognition using sensors (IoT) and machine learning (AI). Our research topics include both hardware development and software implementation. A major research issue is to explore what kind of sensors and algorithms can recognize the internal state (Emotions and stresses) as well as the external state of a person (physical action). Furthermore, in recent years, as novel research beyond human activity recognition, we started focusing on a behavior change support system (BCSS). BCSS means information technologies that affect human future behavior. Activity Recognition,Behavior Change Support System,Wearable Computing,Learning Analytics ,Energy Harvesting,Stress Estimation,Work Engagement Estimation,Ubiquitous Computing,Pervasive Computing,Mobile Computing,Web Information System,Disaster Information System,Notification Management,Social Data Analysis,Participatory Sensing,Vehicular Sensing ,Cyber Physical System,Sensor Network,Application

Applied Nuclear Physics & Electromagnetic Instrumentation

  • N.Ikeda(Prof.)
  • Y.Uozumi(Assoc.Prof.)
  • H.Arima(Asst.Prof.)
  • Y.Yonemura(Asst.Prof.)
The group is engaged in researches on accelerator-based science and technology. One of the main subjects of research is the development of the FFAG accelerator, a new type of synchrotron with a static magnetic field. The other important subject is precise measurements of the nuclear reactions with beams of intermediate energy particles for application of the reactions in various fields. accelerator science,circular accelerator,electron,meson,neutron,pion,proton

Nuclear Energy Systems

  • K.Morita(Prof.)
  • W.Liu(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Matsumoto(Asst.Prof.)
Nuclear energy is a typical application of quantum physics and engineering to produce enormous amounts of energy from small nuclei. It is an energy source with excellent supply stability and economic efficiency, and contributes to global warming countermeasures by emitting no CO2 during power generation. Our research group has been conducting research on safe nuclear energy that does not cause severe accidents such as the one that occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, in which the reactor core was severely damaged. We propose a next-generation nuclear energy system that will not cause a severe accident, and even if it does, will not release radioactive materials, by controlling the nuclear reaction and the transport of the energy generated during an accident. Understanding the behavior of nuclear reactors under severe accident conditions and its consequences are important for assessing the safety margins of nuclear reactors and for introducing new technologies to prevent accidents from occurring and to mitigate their consequences if they do occur. Our research group is engaged in the experimental clarification and the development of numerical simulation techniques of thermal-hydraulic phenomena, which are a combination of heat transfer, flow, and phase change, as well as the development of safety evaluation methods for severe accidents and the development of passive safe reactor systems. dynamic behavior of reactor,understanding of reactor behavior,fluid flow,possibility of accident,reactor safety margin,reactor safety assessment,prevention of accident progression,such hypothetical core damage accident,mitigation of accident consequence,multi-phase flow phenomena,damaged core,neutron kinetic behavior,multi-phase flow analysis,multiple phenomena of heat transfer,particle-based fluid simulation,event progression,up-to-date CFD technology,experimental study,addition

Radiation Physics & Measurement

  • K.Watanabe(Prof.)
  • N.Iyomoto(Assoc.Prof.)
  • N.Shigyo(Asst.Prof.)
Radiations (energetic neutron, proton, photon, electron, etc.) are widely utilized for nuclear engineering, material science, biology, medical science, environmental science, archaeology and so on. Our research goal is sophisticated radiation utilization in various fields. We study nuclear reactions such as neutron production from MeV to GeV region for radiation therapy and accelerator driven subcritical system. Weak interaction has been passed up in usual day because of it's difficulty of detection. Solution of weak interaction mechanism is investigated for daily use of neutrinos. Various types of radiation detectors using experimental techniques in low temperature physics have been developed for innovative X-ray spectroscopy required in wide range of fields such as nuclear fuel facilities, synchrotron radiation facilities, electron microscope facilities and space science satellites. Generation of pulse intense neutron field using a proton accelerator is studied for noninvasive brain tumor treatment. synchrotron radiation facility,Various type of radiation detector,nuclear fuel facility,electron microscope facility,solution
Nuclear Reactor Physics and Fusion Energy Science

Nuclear Reactor Physics & Fusion Energy Science

  • N.Fujimoto(Prof.)
  • H.Matsuura(Assoc.Prof.)
  • I.Simanullang(Asst.Prof.)
We have been studying the next-generation nuclear power systems composed of advanced reactors, not only fission but also fusion energy systems, with knowledge, intelligence and science of nuclear reactor physics. Major research theme are: core and system characteristics evaluation of high temperature gas-cooled reactors and advanced reactors, nuclear burning characteristics and neutronics for fusion reactor, and tritium production using high temperature reactor. Burn up,Coated fuel particle,Diffusion theory,Fusion reactor,Fusion reactor blanket,High-temperature gas-cooled reactor,Irradiation reactor,Monte Carlo method,Neutronics,Tritium

Radiation Induced Phenomena in Condensed Matter

  • Y.Murakami(Prof.)
  • K.Yasuda(Prof.)
  • R.Aso(Assoc.Prof.)
  • S.Yoshioka(Asst.Prof.)
Our research group advances materials science research and education through the exploration of interactions between quantum beams and matter. We engage in fundamental research to elucidate the atomic-level microstructure of nano-scale functional materials. Utilizing state-of-the-art electron microscopy for imaging, diffraction, and analysis at the Ultramicroscopy Research Center of Kyushu University, along with spectroscopy experiments at synchrotron radiation facilities, we investigate a wide range of materials, including catalytic materials, magnetic materials, battery materials, and so on. Quantum beams impart kinetic energy to atoms and electrons in materials, resulting in the formation of lattice defects. Additionally, we are dedicated to uncovering the atomic-scale structure of radiation-induced defects and understanding the mechanisms of microstructural evolution under irradiation, which is crucial for assessing the stability of nuclear materials. atomistic understanding of radiation-induced microstructure evolution,formation of radiation-induced defect,nucleation-and-growth process of radiation-induced defect,fundamental understanding,high voltage electron microscope,High Voltage Electron microscope,fusion reactor material,order-disorder transition,energetic particle,radiation damage,local region,phase transformation,Research Laboratory,ceramic compound,JEM-1300 NEF,development of fission,theoretical investigation,cause,transmission,alloy

Nuclear Fuel Cycle Eng.

  • Y.Inagaki(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Arima(Asst.Prof.)
To establish advanced nuclear fuel cycles, innovative nuclear fuels based on zirconia doped with Pu and minor actinides have been developed because of their advantages for nuclear nonproliferation. Also, for commercial nuclear fuels, i.e., UO2 and MOX, their physicochemical properties are studied in terms of high-performance and -safety by using theoretical (ab initio calculation, classical MD simulation and CALPHAD) and experimental approaches. Multi-barrier system for geological disposal of HLW in Japan consists of HLW glass, overpack of carbon-steel, buffer material of bentonite, concrete materials and geological formations. For evaluation of long-term performance of the disposal system, migration behavior of radionuclides in these barrier materials is one of important matters to be evaluated, and we are developing a greater understanding of the glass dissolution/alteration and the radionuclide migration in buffer material of bentonite based on fundamental principles of material science, geochemistry, radiochemistry for reliable modeling. fundamental principle of material science,physicochemical property

Condensed Matter Physics

  • S.Tanaka(Prof.)
  • T.Kawae(Assoc.Prof.)
  • A.Visikovskiy(Asst.Prof.)
  • M.Shiga(Asst.Prof.)
Condensed matter physics deals with the physical properties of condensed phases of matter such as solids and liquids. A lot of exotic properties due to the quantum effect have been found in condensed phases at low temperatures, since the thermal de Broglie wave length is larger than the order of the interparticle distance. We study a variety of topics related to condensed matter at very low temperatures using dilution refrigerator. Our current subjects are as follows; (1) Quadrupolar Kondo effect and quadrupolar ordering in non-magnetic Gamma3 systems (2) Bose-Einstein condensation in quantum spin systems (3) Quantum effects in atomic scale contacts and single molecule. Lab Website Tanaka Laboratory Kawae Laboratory condensed phase of matter,exotic property,physical property,bose-Einstein condensation

Applied Physics

  • K.Ishida(Prof.)
  • H.Okabe(Assoc.Prof.)
  • Y.Hidaka(Asst.Prof.)
Our research target is to clarify the fundamental correlation between molecular structures and their functionalities in nanoscale, and we are engaged in the research for developing the functional organic devices based on quantum chemical calculations, well-ordered thin film fabrication and creation of optical and electronic functions based on new principles. In particular, we aim to systematize their functionalities (ferro-, pyro- piezo- electricity, etc.) depending on the molecular electric dipole moment, and the effects of interfacial polarization fields on the neighboring materials in order to create a new academic field as "molecular dipole engineering". Furthermore, for realizing a recycling-oriented society, our laboratory conducts extensive research ranging from practical technology development to exploration of basic principles from the viewpoint of applied physics, such as resource recycling materials using polymer gels, and complex systems science using electroconvection of liquid crystal for environmental mimetics. By introducing these new concepts and new materials, we are challenging research toward the next generation of molecular scale science. Organic thin film,ferroelectric ,Pyroelectric,Piezoelectric,Quantum,Recycling materials
Functional Inorganic Materials Chemistry

Functional Inorganic Materials Chemistry

  • H.Einaga(Prof.)
  • H.Hojo(Assoc.Prof.)
Catalysis science and technology is one of the important technologies for solving energy and environmental problems. Our target is to develop inorganic functional materials and catalytic reaction processes. We design the catalytic materials such as supported metal catalysts, metal oxides, ordered porous materials. The physical and chemical properties of these materials are controlled by changing the constituent elements, crystal structures, surface structures, and morphology. We also study the basic properties of these catalytic materials using high-resolution TEM to clarify the relationship between the structures and catalytic functions. Environment-energy,Electron energy loss spectroscopy,Morphology control,Epitaxial thin film,Model surfaces,Functional oxides,Catalyst chemistry,Materials Science,Nanoparticle,Nanotechnology,Transmission electron microscopy,Low-temperature plasma
Molecular Spectroscopy

Molecular Spectroscopy

  • A.Harata(Prof.)
  • A.Yabushita(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Ishioka(Asst.Prof.)
In order to acquire the advanced research data, development of new analytical methods is essential. In this laboratory, we aim to invent and innovate new measurement methods for studying the structure, reaction and function of molecules and to apply them to elucidate curious problems in various fields. In particular, we have pioneered new spectroscopic measurement methods of molecules utilizing laser and synchrotron light, and widely applied them not only to basic analytical chemistry and physical chemistry but also to various phenomena in the environment and space. development of measurement method,laser spectroscopy,synchrotron spectroscopy,fluorescence spectroscopy ,photothermal,ultrasensitive separation analysis,environmental chemistry,electrochemistry ,atmospheric chemistry ,astrochemistry,single molecule detection ,interfacial molecular science,photochemical reaction,amino acid,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,molecular recognition,electrode,sugar ,ice,heterogeneous reaction
Structural Materials Science

Structural Materials Science

  • H.Nakashima(Prof.)
  • M.Mitsuhara(Assoc.Prof.)
In our laboratory, we conduct research focusing on "high-temperature strength and high-temperature deformation" of "metals and alloys". Strength and deformation of metals and alloys at high temperatures are very important characteristics for the energy related equipment such as engines in aircraft or automobile, turbines and boilers in thermal power generation plant, etc. These high-temperature devices are the core of the industry over the next several decades, and Japan is currently in the position to lead the research and development of high-temperature metallic materials. However, the fundamental physics related to the high temperature strength and deformation of the metal is a research field with many unexplained parts. Our laboratory conducts extensive research from the development of new high temperature metallic materials aiming at practical application to the clarification of the fundamental deformation mechanism of metals and alloys at high temperature. electron microscope,microstructure,CO2,Low Carbonization,Strengthening,steel,Cemented carbide,Nanotechnology,metallurgy,Material development

Surface Science

  • T.Nakagawa(Assoc.Prof.)
Downsizing functional devices has become increasingly important in the research of nanoscale materials on solid surfaces. Our laboratory aims to understand surface structures on an atomic scale in order to design and fabricate functional surface new materials and to characterize the properties of these materials. We are analyzing surface structures by low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), observing the changes in the surface structures by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and investigating the surface electron states by synchrotron radiation induced photoelectron spectroscopy. Low-energy electron diffraction,Scanning tunneling microscopy,Field ion microscopy,Field emission,Surface 2D materials,Photoelectron,Magnetic circular dichroism ,Magnetic ultrathin films,Surface structural analysis

Energy Chemical Eng.

  • K.Katayama(Assoc.Prof.)
  • M.Oya(Asst.Prof.)
In our laboratory, we are working on the development of energy systems that support the future through chemical engineering approaches. Recently, we focus on researches on nuclear fusion reactor systems and hydrogen energy systems. From the viewpoints of "securing long-term resources", "stable supply" and "social acceptability", we consider nuclear fusion reactors as an important energy source for the future. We are developing an optimum system for efficiently producing and recovering hydrogen isotope as fuel and are studying on safety of nuclear fusion reactors. Specifically, we am trying to elucidate the mass transfer phenomena in special environments such as simultaneous irradiation field of hydrogen isotope plasma and neutron, and supercritical carbon dioxide atmosphere, and inside of flowing lithium-lead alloy. Under international collaboration, the fusion experimental reactor "ITER" is under construction in France and this research field requires many researchers. Hydrogen is attracting attention as a clean secondary energy with small environmental load. Research on SOFC and PEFC, research on hydrogen storage, research on high efficient hydrogen production system by utilizing nuclear reactor, etc. have been done so far. Recently, we have been developing high-efficiency hydrogen production method utilizing catalytic reaction and hydrogen permeation phenomena and investigating new hydrogen production method using plasma. Plant,Plant design,Plant engineer,Chemical engineer,Fusion power station,Fission power station,HTGR,Electric power,Radiation,Plasma decomposition,Simulation,Sun,Star on the ground,Clay mineral,Lithium,Methane,Carbon dioxide,Global warming,Tritiated water,Next generation energy

Advanced Space Propulsion

  • N.Yamamoto(Prof.)
  • T.Morita(Asst.Prof.)
We focused on advanced space propulsion systems, from palm-sized miniature electric propulsion (Ion engine and Hall thruster) for small satellites to laser fusion rockets for manned planetary explorer missions. To understand the physics phenomena in plasma thrusters and improve their performance, both experimental measurements of plasma parameters such as density and temperature using cavity ring-down and Thomson scattering diagnostics, as well as numerical simulations to solve both electrons and ions from first principles, are being performed. In addition, researches are being conducted on laser astrophysics experiments that replicate astrophysical plasma phenomena in laboratories using high-power lasers. Space propulsion,Electric propulsion,Laser fusion rocket,Plasma diagnostics,Plasma Application,Laser Application,Laser diagnostics,Plasma,Laboratory astrophysics experiments,Collision-less shock wave,Magnetic reconnection,microsatellite,Cavity ring-down spectroscopy,Plasma rocket,Miniature propulsion
Materials Science under Severe Conditions

Materials Science under Severe Conditions

  • K.Hashizume(Assoc.Prof.)
The research field of Hashizume Laboratory is materials science in extremely severe conditions related to energy such as nuclear fission and fusion, hydrogen, solar and radiation. Especially we devoted to clarifying various behaviors of hydrogen isotopes in metal and ceramic materials (dissolution, diffusion and permeation). Nuclear Materials,Fusion Reactor Materials,Hydrogen Energy,Hydrogen Isotopes,Tritium,Diffusion,Permeation
Nuclear and Radiation Engineering Physics

Nuclear & Radiation Eng. Physics

  • Y.Watanabe(Prof.)
  • S.Kawase(Asst.Prof.)
We have been studying advanced applications of high-energy particles (e.g. neutrons, muons, and so on) in interdisciplinary fields between particle & nuclear physics and medicine & engineering. Examples of specific research subjects are as follows: (1) Application of nuclear physics to medical isotopes production and nuclear transmutation of long-lived fission products (LLFPs) in nuclear waste. Applications of radioisotopes (RIs) are widely used in both diagnosis and therapy in medicine. The status of these applications has recently been reaching to next stage, based on the development of innovative drug delivery system (DDS). We are developing a novel production method of various RIs which cannot be produced efficiently by conventional methods, by using “accelerator neutron”. In the sustainable use of nuclear energy, the management of radioactive waste from spent fuel has been one of the crucial issues. We are interested in reduction and resource recycling of LLFPs having a very long half-life (e.g., Zr-93) through accelerator-based “nuclear transmutation”. Toward the realization of future nuclear transmutation, we focus on proton- or deuteron-induced spallation reaction and are studying the reaction mechanism in both experimental and theoretical ways. (2) Studies related to cosmic-ray muons We are interested in a novel technique using cosmic-ray muons coming from space to the ground, which is called “muography”. The muography is a fluorography technique that can be applied to large scale objects such as volcano and pyramid. We are developing a new type of portable muography detector which is dedicated to exploit small scaled infrastructure buildings (incinerator, dam, plant, underground cavity, and so on) for operation and maintenance. In advanced information society, it becomes important to guarantee the reliability of the information systems supported by a huge number of semiconductor devices. We are addressing the problem of “soft errors” (a transient malfunction) in electronic devices subjected to terrestrial radiation environment including cosmic-ray muons. Based on nuclear and radiation physics, we are studying the physical mechanism by both experiment and simulation to establish a reliable prediction method of soft error rates. medical isotope production,advanced application of high-energy particle,application of radioisotope,example
Crystal Physics and Engineering

Crystal Physics & Eng. Laboratory

  • M.Itakura(Assoc.Prof.)
  • H.Akamine(Asst.Prof.)
Microstructure is closely related to properties of materials, and development of the latest materials through microstructure design is attracting many attentions. In order to optimize a microstructure, it is necessary to understand not only what the microstructure is composed of, but also how the microstructure is formed, that is, formation mechanism through phase transformations. For example, magnetic properties of permanent magnets mounted on traction motors and electronic devices are greatly influenced by the grain size of ferromagnetic phase, and phase transformations during the manufacturing process have a great impact on the microstructure formation. We are dedicated to studies on the microstructure of functional materials such as strong magnets by using advanced electron microscopy and intended to clarify the relationship between the material properties and the microstructures. Electron microscopy,Magnetic materials,Permanent magnet,SEM,TEM,Phase transformation,Functional alloys,In situ observation,Microstructure design,Martensitic transformation

Architectural History

  • Y.Hori(Prof.)
  • T.Kijima(Asst.Prof.)
The architect formulates a model of the architecture and the city of the future, which is a part of the history and the culture of the past and the present and creates a new human environment. The architecture is required to be stable, functional and beautiful and bears old and intimate relationships to our society and tradition. The architect also is required to synthesize aspects of all the human environment. Furthermore, we cannot practice the architecture without artistic talent (from HP of Department of Architecture in Kyushu University). We are following up that idea pursued by Department of Architecture in Kyushu University and the history of Architecture and Urbanization. As far as we can tell much about the history or the past from our written sources, and visits to historical buildings or ancient sites, together with the habit of collecting data for construction and recognising the overall spatial effect of buildings, eventually led to deeper investigations of architecture. It is necessary to make some assumption, which are as far as possible reasonable and logical, although the dangers of applying easy logic to buildings, as to any human activity, have to be redognised. We are working on the fields of Akoris in Egypt, and Pompeii, Herculaneum, Ostia Antica in Italy. And Hagi in Yamaguchi Pref. is also the field of our research. Ancient Rome,History of architecture

Healthy Building Environment

  • A.Ozaki(Prof.)
  • Y.Choi(Assoc.Prof.)
  • Y.Arima(Asst.Prof.)
We theoretically analyze the phenomena of heat, mass transfer, and airflow that occur in urban and architectural environments, and elucidate the complex physical phenomena in these settings. Based on building physics, our research focuses on a "residential environment" that excels in energy efficiency, durability, and well-being (comfort and health), as well as on "advanced building functional design" that incorporates renewable energy and high-performance facility systems. Simply put, we scientifically design buildings that are comfortable to live in and environmentally friendly, employing strategies such as energy conservation, ecological and biophilic design, natural energy application, and zero energy buildings, all utilizing advanced techniques in computer science. Urban and architectural environments consist of human, building, and facility systems. Therefore, the design of these environments requires a deep understanding of the physiological and psychological needs of the human system, passive design of environmental elements such as heat, light, and air within the building system, and active control of the environment through the facility system. Our laboratory aims to develop a spatial system-ology that integrates environmental elements and equipment both inside and outside buildings, responsive to the local climate and residents’ living styles. This system-ology strives to enhance the quality of life for residents with minimal mechanical control and to establish guidelines for environmental and functional design. absorption and desorption,airtight,building thermal environment,building thermal performance,cross ventilation,dew condensation,evaporation,heat gain,heat insulation,heat load,heat shield,heat storage,humidity conditioning,hygrothermal,moisture damage,moisture proof,performance evaluation,solar heat,ventilation,ZEH
Urban Planning

Urban Planning

  • Z.Shichen(Prof.)
  • E.Minoura(Asst.Prof.)
Urban planning is a technique to plan and realize how safely, comfortably, and beautifully the urban space as a place of human life. Among urban planning studies, there is a field called urban analysis. In this laboratory, we are pursuing "reality" of city by reproducing or deciphering complicated urban phenomena by mathematical method while based on urban analysis. Research themes and subjects cover a wide range of urban fields. While pursuing empirical research with the theoretical foundation, we aim to train human resources with basic knowledge and skills related to the urban planning field, practical skills to solve urban issues and ability to adapt to different cultures. Asian City,Existing Houses Market,Image Analysis,Medical Facilities,Optimal Planning Method,Railway Station,Urban Analysis,Urban Planning,Urban Redevelopment,Urban Scape Painting
Public Space Planning

Public Space Planning

  • T.Sakai(Prof.)
How are the sustainable and compact cities developed? Actual projects are taken up based on architecture, city planning, urban design and landscape/townscape planning. The spatial design and evaluation are carried out at different scales from architecture as the unit of the urban space and for groups of buildings and open spaces. The keywords of design objectives are exchange, landscape/townscape, area management and community development. You will acquire specialized knowledge and technology through practice and by studying planning and design at our laboratory. environment,campus,public space,Asia,university,construction,Academic city,Urban renewal,peninsula

Architectural Lighting Laboratory

  • Y.Koga(Assoc.Prof.)
Light is indispensable to human beings. Human beings get a huge amount of environmental information of the outer world through vision. Koga Laboratory is working on design, evaluation and control of indoor and outdoor luminous environments from aspects of environmental physics and human psychology and physiology. For designing and controlling comfort and healthy architectural spaces, we were engaged in long-term measurement of daylight and solar radiation, development of various daylight models, and investigation on different spectral power distributions of light sources and visual responses relevant to sleep and wakefulness.   We have participated in research activities on lighting in buildings for the Solar Heating and Cooling (SHC) Programme of the International Energy Agency (IEA) since 2001. A new project “Low Carbon, High Comfort Integrated Lighting” was launched in 2022. We are working on digitized lighting solutions, parametric and automated design options, and utilization of advanced VR technologies in collaboration mainly with European researchers.   For design and evaluation of architectural spaces utilizing the virtual environment, we are now focusing on development of design methods for the building envelope and windows based on visual information of 3D urban models. color,visual environment,view,image analysis,well-being,ergonomics,digital twin,building environment,Automotive lighting

Sustainable Building Energy Systems

  • D.Sumiyoshi(Prof.)
The amount of energy consumed in the architecture field accounts for one-third for the total. Architecture field, which energy consumption ratio is high, is required to reduce the consumption of energy to realize decarbonized society. Therefore, this laboratory work on a wide range of studies such as urban energy and human behaviors. Targeting urban architecture, we aim to clarify the future of urban energy in a decarbonized society, examining combinations between future estimations of architecture energy consumptions and multiple supplying energy devices such as solar photovoltaic power generation, storage battery, hydrogen fuel cell, etc. In the study on human behaviors, we have conducted diverse experiments for energy conservation to explore methodological approach for the effective usage of IT devices; How to provide information to people using a building through smart-phone applications and IoT tools. How to encourage people to behave with the awareness of the importance in energy conservation. Other than these projects, we engage in the development of a manual construction method for HAVC system simulation, and the demand response, which enables electricity consumption to be reduced by load shifting, for an example, a thermal storage tank for time shifting, avoiding peak-time use. This laboratory tackles new problems that the architecture field confronts to pursue the ideal of urban architecture. energy depletion,design method of optimal energy system,ideal energy system,optimal operation method,achievement of energy conservation,behavior change method,important social issue,air-conditioning system,interested research topic,Energy consumption,high-priority issue,Global warming,several decade,large amount,common problem,CO2 exhaust,GIS,world,solution,house,point
Sustainable Residential Planning

Sustainable Residential Planning

  • T.Shiga(Assoc.Prof.)
We focus attention on the relationship between human activities and space from the viewpoint of architectural planning studies, and work on researches on local Machizukuri and building planning, and are exploring better ways of planning. Our main research activities are as follows: 1) Improvement of residential environment in high-density residential areas and slope residential areas; 2) Continual support activities for Machizukuri participated by local residents; 3) Research activities on living environment jointly with resident groups and administrative organizations. In recent years, research activities have focused on developing methods for creating neighborhoods in slope residential areas. Living conditions in residential areas of hillside areas have been deteriorating due to the decrease of population and the increase of vacant houses. Together with residents' management organizations in the residential area, we set up different methods of Machizukuri in different area on the basis of resident self-management. In practice, we conducted joint investigation and research activities with resident management organizations and shared the research results. We hope that the effectiveness and influence of Machizukuri activities can be expanded in residential areas. research activity,Architectural Planning Study Team,Machizukuri Study Team,residential area of hillside area,influence of Machizukuri activity,main research activity of Machizukuri Team,resident ' management organization,different method of Machizukuri,human activity,Research activity,Continual support activity,way of planning,architectural planning study,various building-type architecture,housing complexe,two team,library,school,lab
Urban Design

Urban Design

  • T.Kurose(Prof.)
Urban Design reconsiders Built Environment from the human point of view, beyond the boundaries of architecture, civil engineering and landscape specialized for quantitative satisfaction of Housing and urban infrastructure in the era of rapid population growth. We consider and redesign the relationship between "User" and "Environment" in urban space. In order to improve that relationship, we design urban space and research institutions, methods and processes to realize it. We carefully understand the topography and history accumulated in the urban space and keep looking at the reality occurring in the city to find the research subjects of urban design. Area management,Brownfield,City planning,Community,Community planning,Factory,Industrial heritage,Public realm,Public space,Region,Shrinking society,Soil Contamination,Urban design,Urban planning,Urban preservation,Urban regeneration,Urbanism,Vacant lot,Vacant property
Regional Regeneration Design

Regional Regeneration Design

  • N.Tsurusaki(Assoc.Prof.)
The single buildings, streets and open spaces, and the regional environment and urban space composed of such streets exist as physical environments and spaces surrounding our lives, and in that environment / space we We act diversely and act. Our laboratory have been paying attention to such environment / space design and behavior and behavior of people. Thus, we've researched on the elucidation of tangible and tangible intangible individuality / identity of cities and regions, characteristics of user's behavior, diversity of urban and regional spaces (plaza, open space, street, underground shopping area etc), user behavior analysis, revitalization of cities and areas in and outside of the country Through analyzes of case studies, I am researching the revitalization of cities and areas, the city design from now on, and the way of regional design. Universities and their campuses are important function on each city. So, we've been analyzing actual situation of collaboration between universities and cities, universities and their campuses, model of sustainable university campus and facilities, advanced university campus design approach and method. We are aiming to establish plan and design method of university campus based on these researches. Active Learning,Campus,Campus Design,Collaboration,Community,Design Guideline,Identity,Masterplan,Public Space,Re Design,Region,Region Regeneration,Space Analysis ,Universal Design,University,Urban,Urban Design,Urban Planning,Urban Problem,Urban Regeneration

Urban Environment Risk Systems

  • T.Kanno(Prof.)
  • M.Shigefuji(Asst.Prof.)
Originally buildings have a role of shelter to protect us from the rages of nature. However, when the buildings are destroyed by an earthquake shaking, they become dangerous weapons to kill people. In order not to change the buildings into dangerous weapons, we have to not only build the buildings strongly against the earthquake shaking, but also understand the characteristics of the earthquake ground motions that are the enemy for the buildings. Because earthquake ground motions change greatly depending on the underground structures, it is important to grasp them to understand characteristics of the ground motions. Based on modeling of underground structures and computer simulation of earthquake ground motions, in our laboratory, we are trying to solve various problems concerning underground structures and earthquake ground motions, such as the elucidation of the cause of severe earthquake motions that have a major influence on the seismic safety of buildings. In such research, we think that it is very important to find out useful information for understanding characteristics of earthquake motions and underground structures from observed data. We not only use data observed by ourselves, but also observed data provided from the public seismic observation networks which have been dramatically expanded in recent years. In addition, we actually observe microtremors caused by various vibrations, such as traffic vibrations and ocean waves, in the study area, and use them for research. Deep subsurface structure,Earthquake damage,Earthquake engineering,Exploration geophysicists,Ground motion prediction equation,Microtremor array exploration,Sedimentary basin,Shallow subsurface structure,Strong ground motion,Strong ground motion evaluation,Strong ground motion observation,Strong ground motion prediction

Building Construction

  • T.Ninakawa(Prof.)
  • Y.Nanbu(Asst.Prof.)
We study mechanical characteristics and structural performance evaluation of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Structures, Steel Structures, and Reinforced Concrete Structures. Moreover, we investigate safety evaluation preservation, and practical use of Traditional Wooden Structures and Brick Masonry Structure. Building Construction,Seismic Design

Architectural Design Eng. Laboratory

  • H.Suemitsu(Assoc.Prof.)
Research for integration of design and engineering in the field of architecture and urbanism. 1.Reserch for a method of architecture and urban design with digital technology (computer simulation and programing) Research for new design with simulation and programing. Architecture design and urban design with big data by using several type of simulation such as environmental simulation and structure simulation. Additionally, form optimization, parametric design, prototyping. Research solution for contemporary social issues. 2.Development new material and construction method by combination of digital and analogue technology. Research for new material design by applying digital technology to local traditional technology. Study for integration new digital technology and old analogue technology, such as a development shading louver of Kawara (Japanese roof tile) with optimized form of by computer simulation.
Construction Materials

Construction Materials

  • T.Koyama(Assoc.Prof.)
Laboratory of Building Materials: The building is made of materials, the beauty of the building is realized by the mastery of this building material, and people can be safely and comfortably protected in it. In order to continue this activity in harmony with the natural environment, it is indispensable to effectively utilize by-products generated in other industries, for example, concrete has sufficient capacity for the purpose. In addition, buildings undergo various deteriorating conditions in the natural environment, but long life of buildings is also important for achieving a sustainable society, we research durability of materials under various environments. Meanwhile, global warming is progressing steadily, and how to manage quality at the harsh construction site for both materials and workers is a future important issue, and we are also conducting research at the construction site level. other industry

Sustainable Building Structure Laboratory

  • K.Yamaguchi(Prof.)
At the Sustainable Building Structure Laboratory, we are addressing the study on the building structure which can accomplish reduction and reuse of building materials for "reduction of global environmental load." In our laboratory, we consider reduction to include extending the life of buildings through renovation and fixing carbon (reducing CO2 emissions) through the use of wood. Therefore, we are also researching the preservation of historical buildings and the development of spatial structures that actively use wooden materials. In our study, the target structural systems are various. They are brick masonry, timber structure, historical reinforced concrete structure, mixed construction of reinforced concrete and brick masonry, vibration control system for steel frame structure, and so forth.   3R,Bracing frame,FEM analysis,ICOMOS,Kumamoto earthquake,Microtremor,Non-engineered,Recycle,Seismic retrofit,SRB-DUP structure,Structural plywood,Wall panel,Block fence,Timber truss,Friction damper,Shaking table test,Natural period,Damping constant,Seismic response,Frame wall construction method

Sustainable Earthquake Resistant Structure

  • S.Matsuo(Assoc.Prof.)
After the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the importance of continued use and early restoration of damaged buildings has been reconfirmed, and research subjects of building structure have been expanded to various fields. Our laboratory is mainly conducting research on connections of steel structure and concrete filled steel tubular (CFT) structure. Although it is natural to pursue mechanical rationality, superiority in construction efficiency, economic efficiency, sustainability etc. is also required at the same time. We are positioning the development of better connections that can satisfy such various conditions or the development of more rational design method of existing connections as the center of research theme. On the other hand, since various high-strength materials have been developed in recent years, higher strength tends to be required for members/connections. Therefore, we are also working on developing countermeasures based on the existing established joining technology (welding/high-strength bolts) and developing new technologies not limited to existing joining technologies. The members of our laboratory in this fiscal year are a total of 5 people, including 1 fourth year doctoral course student, 1 second year master’s course students, 2 first year master’s course students and 1 fourth year undergraduate students, and we are working on structural experiments and analysis every day. The attached photographs show the structural experiments conducted in recent years. Seismic resistant,Repair,Super high-rise building,Reinforcing bar,Disaster prevention,Disaster mitigation,Structural design,Skill,Structural technology,Engineering,Reinforcement,Steel frame,Natural disaster,Vibration control,Seismic isolation
Timber Structure

Timber Structure

  • T.Sato(Assoc.Prof.)
The laboratory works on the research about structures constructed by timber members. The timber, which has sustainability of stable supply, has been used for buildings since a long time ago, and the future demand is expected. However, the behavior of timber cannot be predicted precisely, because the timber has complex characteristic, which is anisotropy, nonlinearity, inhomogeneous material and so on. In order to improving the safety of timber structure, it is necessary to keep a continuous research. For the purpose of providing reliable space, We deal with basic research for timber and technological development of timber structure. Aseismic structure,Contact mechanics,Creep,Duration of loading,Glued laminated timber,Plywood,Post and beam construction,Rheology,Seismic control structure,shrine,Stress relaxation,temple,Traditional construction,Tribology,Wooden buildings

Reaction Process Eng.

  • M.Kishida(Prof.)
  • T.Yamamoto(Assoc.Prof.)
  • K.Oshima(Asst.Prof.)
At this laboratory in the chemical engineering department, we study on the development of advanced inorganic/organic materials with new function and high function by controlling morphology and inner structure of nanoscale materials. For example, we successfully developed the function of nanoparticles and nanowires by coating them with silica layer of nanoscale thickness. The structure-controlled nanomaterials are useful for a variety of industrial applications such as supported catalysts for hydrogen production, electro-catalysts for polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC), and electrically/thermally conductive materials.

Biochemical Eng. & Biotechnology

  • M.Kamihira(Prof.)
  • Y.Kawabe(Assoc.Prof.)
  • N.Shirakigawa(Asst.Prof.)
Biological systems have generated ingeniousness by evolving their processes from an individual level to combined levels (from gene to cell, and tissue/organ to organism). The aim of our laboratory's research is the development of new biotechnology by analyzing the complexity of biological systems and life phenomena, and by attempting to reconstruct these artificially. We are particularly interested in researches with respect to; 1) development of tissue engineering techniques; 2) biopharmaceuticals production using transgenic bioreactors; 3) proliferation and differentiation of stem cells; 4) development of gene transfer techniques; and 5) molecular biology of functional cells. biopharmaceutical production

Fluid Process Eng.

  • T.Watanabe(Prof.)
  • M.Tanaka(Assoc.Prof.)
  • J.Matsuno(Asst.Prof.)
Thermal plasmas have simply been used as a high temperature source. This indicates that thermal plasmas may have more capabilities in material processing, especially production of high-quality and high-performance materials, if thermal plasmas are utilized effectively as chemically reactive gases. Therefore we developed the numerical analysis to investigate non-equilibrium characteristics in thermal plasmas. These results can be utilized for the nano-material synthesis as well as waste treatment using thermal plasmas. (1) Thermal plasma synthesis method was developed to synthesize lithium metal oxide as well as many kinds of nanoparticles in a short time and with few impurities. (2) DC 100%-steam plasma characteristics were investigated for the application of halogenated hydrocarbon decomposition. The developed steam plasma system is a portable light-weight plasma generation system that does not require any gas supply. The system has high energy-efficiency since cooling water is not needed. (3) Ground-engineering work on experimental missions for lunar resource utilization has been conducted. The goal of the research program is to conceptually design an experiment system for unmanned water production on the Moon, and to define essential technological breakthroughs. Waste treatment,Plasma chemistry,Hazardous waste,Plasma processing,Hydrogen production,Water plasma,Syngas,Induction plasma,Recycle,DC arc,Nanoparticle,AC arc,Lithium ion battery,Plasma diagnostics,Lunar exploration,Visualization,Lunar soil,Modeling,Lunar resource utilization

Mass Transfer Eng.

  • T.Kajiwara(Prof.)
  • H.Mizumoto(Assoc.Prof.)
  • Y.Nakayama(Assoc.Prof.)
Polymer Processing: We have developed the computer simulation techniques for various kinds of processes encountered in the polymer processing. For example, the prediction techniques of materials behavior in twin screw extruders can evaluate the effects of screw configuration and other conditions on the mixing performance. Our goal is the establishment of process analysis system for the whole process from materials to final products. Nanomaterial Engineering: Nanomaterial is expected as functional material for next generation optoelectronics and bio industry. We have developed new method of preparing the nano composite material consisted from inorganic nano particle and organic polymer. Our purpose of this project is to develop transparent optoelectronics materials with nano periodic structures, photo luminescence patterned and printable electronics glass. Biochemical Engineering: The purpose of our project is to develop a culture system and a device for hybrid artificial organs or regenerative medicine using a scaffold with three-dimensional structure. We try to establish a differentiation culture system from stem cells into functional organ cells and to apply its technique to a device for hybrid artificial organs or regenerative medicine. transparent optoelectronic material,prediction technique of material behavior,effect of screw configuration,printable electronic glass

Process Systems Eng.

  • G.Inoue(Prof.)
  • T.Yano(Asst.Prof.)
From the viewpoint of effective use of energy resources and environmental conservation, there is a need to further improve the efficiency of existing energy devices and systems. Our research group focused on batteries and electrochemical systems, considering next-generation automobiles and future energy management systems. By considering a cross-sectional comprehensive view of everything, from nanoscale material interface phenomena to the scale of actual use environments, we clarify the reaction transport phenomena and controlling factors and propose guidelines and improvements to technologies to achieve higher performance. In particular, our research is based on the motto of five-element integration: actual material measurement, actual complex three-dimensional structure, fusion of measurement and calculation, theoretical model building, and optimum design support. Target Devices & Systems: Lithium-ion batteries, polymer electrolyte fuel cells, all-solid-state batteries, air batteries, redox flow batteries, electrolytic synthesis technology, electrolytic separation technology DX,Next-generation batteries,Simulation,Energy,Environment,Resources,Digital,AI,Artificial intelligence,Modeling,Electrochemistry,Chemical reaction Engineering,Fluid dynamics,Electric vehicle,EV,Automation,Image processing,ML,Deep learning
Functional biomaterials

Biomaterials / Medical Eng.

  • H.Ijima(Prof.)
  • Y.Sakai(Assoc.Prof.)
  • Y.Ikegami(Asst.Prof.)
  • S.Hironaka(Asst.Prof.)
We are interested in functional biomaterials for practical bioprocesses. For example, functional biomaterials such as growth factor-immobilized biomaterial, hydrogel formation by using enzyme reaction and photo polymerization, culture substratum including cell adhesive sequence and immobilized enzyme have been developed. Furthermore, practical technology for regenerative medicine such as liver tissue engineering, organ model having blood vessel network, cell chip for the evaluation of cell functions, environmental purification technology, and green technology such as biodiesel production by immobilized enzyme have been developed by utilizing these functional biomaterials.

Biofunctional Materials Eng.

  • Y.Miura(Prof.)
  • M.Nagao(Asst.Prof.)
  • H.Matsumoto(Asst.Prof.)
Miura group develops functional materials that mimic molecular recognition mechanisms in living organisms and material production processes based on chemical engineering perspectives. In the former theme, bioactive saccharides with molecular recognition ability are combined with precisely designed polymers for the applications such as biomolecular separation, biosensors, and pharmaceuticals. In the latter theme, we aim to develop immobilized polymer catalysts for effective use of organometal catalysts and organocatalysts, and reactors that can carry out chemical reactions using clean light energy. While pursuing science through the development of functional materials learned from the natural world, we also promote the return of research results to society through joint research with industry. Polymer,Chemical Engineering,Glycopolymer,Reactor,Immobilized Catalyst,Photoreaction,Functional Materials,Catalyst

Applied Inorganic Chemistry

  • K.Hayashi(Prof.)
  • H.Akamatsu(Assoc.Prof.)
Our objective is to leverage the knowledge of solid-state chemistry and various synthesis techniques to create novel ceramic functional materials and integrate them into functional devices. By doing so, we aim to make significant contributions to the fields of environment, energy, and electronics. Ceramics, which are environmentally friendly materials derived from abundant resources, possess excellent chemical stability and a wide range of functional properties. Our goal is to explore their applications in a harmonious manner. The composition of these materials encompasses elements from the entire periodic table. Through the utilization of advanced analysis and information technologies, we strive to search for, design, and comprehend superior materials among a diverse range of candidates with varying chemical compositions and crystal structures. These discoveries are anticipated to pave the way for the development of next-generation batteries, capacitors, and other functional devices. Sodium,Capacitors,Electronic materials,Carbon materials,Computers,Synchrotron radiation,Computing,Electronics,Materials science,Chemical engineering,Lithium,Electric vehicles,Element strategies,Machine learning,Oxides,Sulfides,Hydrogen,Applied physics,Solid-state physics,Solid-state ionics

Organic Functional Molecular Chemistry

  • S.Shimizu(Assoc.Prof.)
We design and synthesize new molecular materials, and explore how their properties relate to their molecular structures. This molecular engineering enables us to develop the next generation of functional π-materials based on artificial molecular evolutions of natural tetrapyrrolic pigments, known as porphyrins. Through our original synthetic methodologies, namely, “N-confusion” approach, a various classes of functional porphyrin analogues have been developed toward the specific applications as, e.g., highly active and robust catalysts, high-performance opt-materials, agents for bio-sensing and photodynamic therapy (PDT) etc. Likewise, we are pursuing in the another research area on artificial functional phthalocyanine-based materials and BODIPY dyes as tools for material sciences. Catalyst,DFT,Isomer,Metal Complex,Near infrared,Non-linear optics,Oligo-pyrrole,Organic Synthesis,Phthalocyanine,Porphyrin,Redox Active,Singlet oxygen,Stable Radical,Tetrathiafulvalene,π-Conjugation

Functional Systems Chemistry

  • K.Tanaka(Prof.)
  • A.Shundo(Assoc.Prof.)
  • Y.Morimitsu(Asst.Prof.)
With the recent development of highly-functionalized devices and materials in a wide variety of applications, every elemental piece of materials must be as small and/or thin as possible. Polymeric materials are, of course, involved in such a trend. When a material decreases in size, the ratio of surfaces and interfaces to the total volume for the material drastically increases. Since the surfaces and interfaces are in different energy states compared with the inside (bulk), the structures and physical properties at the surfaces and interfaces are supposed to be different from the corresponding bulk ones. Thus, if we are able to precisely understand and control the structure and physical properties of polymers at the surfaces and interfaces, the performance of the polymeric materials will be promisingly improved. Under this concept, we have been working on the development of experimental methodologies to obtain information about structure and physical properties at any time and space scales. Considering the information obtained from the view point of physical chemistry, we have been also trying to construct functional materials, including structural materials and organic devices. Plastic,Film,Rubber,Composite,Multi material,Adhesive,Gel,Single chain,thermosetting resin,Imaging,Surface,Interface,Spectrometry,Quantum beam,Simulation,Solid material,Resin,Polymerization,Macromolecule

Applied Analytical Chemistry

  • N.Kaji(Prof.)
  • S.Zaitsu(Assoc.Prof.)
  • I.Leong(Asst.Prof.)
Currently, one out of every two Japanese people has cancer and one out of every three people dies from cancer. The number of cancer patients is expected to increase as the aging society progresses, and early detection and treatment of cancer is strongly desired. In addition to cancer, bacterial infections such as tuberculosis and other re-emerging infectious diseases and drug-resistant bacteria are also becoming more apparent, and the development of early detection methods is desired. Given this background, the future direction of analytical chemistry is to research, develop, and provide minimally invasive and non-invasive analytical methods that are highly sensitive (fewer cancer cells), accurate (no false positives), and less mentally and physically demanding (blood sampling and biopsy). In order to solve such social problems, our laboratory is conducting research and development to create new bioanalytical technologies by using micro/nano spaces fabricated with microfabrication technologies in the semiconductor field as a "space" for measurement and diagnosis of bio-related substances and cells. Ultimately, we aim to further extend such analytical technology called Lab-on-a-Chip (µTAS) to create Life-on-a-Chip, in which life (biological phenomena) can be artificially reproduced on a chip. Analytical chemistry,Bioanalysis,Cells,Bacteria,Microfluidic devices,Artificial cells,Artificial exosomes,Intestinal bacteria

Chemical Environment Eng.

  • K.Nakano(Assoc.Prof.)
Recent years now rank "The environment", "Nano", and "Bio" as the primary priority in scientific researches and also industrial activities. With the conceptual frameworks we have been studying about high-performance analysis methods, e.g., biomedical sensors based on surface plasmon resonance phenomena, magnetic-nanoparticle-based high-throughput flow analysis system for environmental monitoring, and so on. Moreover, there have been growing demands of minimization/downsizing of environmental loads associated with routine analysis, ultrahigh-sensitive analysis method capable of single-atom or single-molecule detection, and in-situ analysis methods that allow in-vivo operation. Currently we are endeavoring to achieve these developing technical challenges posed by doing researches on microfluidic- and chip-based analysis devices, single-molecule imaging using scanning probe microscopes, and fluorometric molecular probes that respond selectively toward small-molecule transmitters. industrial activity

Advanced Nanomaterials Chemistry

  • T.Fujigaya(Prof.)
  • T.Shiraki(Assoc.Prof.)
  • K.Kato(Assoc.Prof.)
  • N.Tanaka(Asst.Prof.)
The key material of our research is next-generation nanomaterials featured in the structure dimensionality, which is represented by carbon nanotubes. Our research targets expand from fundamental chemistries to application development. In particular, nanostructural analyses of the materials are carried out by using state-of-the-art instruments and novel analytical methods. Our findings through the approaches are leading to novel nanomaterial fabrication including energy materials, biomaterials, and advanced functional materials. Biomaterial,Energy material,Fuel cell,High-strength material,Hydrogen society,Nano-medical material,Nanocarbon,Nanomaterial,Nanotechnology,Near infrared light emission,Organic/inorganic hybrid,Supramolecular chemistry,Thermoelectric material

Biochemical Eng.

  • M.Goto(Prof.)
  • N.Kamiya(Prof.)
  • R.Wakabayashi(Assoc.Prof.)
  • Y.Kawaguchi(Asst.Prof.)
We study on four main topics: 1) Pharmaceutical engineering, 2) Interfacial engineering, 3) Enzyme Engineering, and 4) Biomolecular engineering. Professor Goto focuses on the development of novel transdermal drug delivery systems and industrial application of molecular assembly. Professor Kamiya works on protein engineering for novel biopharmaceuticals and directed evolution of enzymes. The goal of our study is to create novel biofunctional materials and/or efficient molecular assembly systems using biomolecular functions. Antibodies ,Hydrogels,Antifungal drugs ,Interface,Biomaterials ,Lipids,Biopharmaceuticals ,Nanotechnology,Biotechnology ,Peptides,Cell culture ,Proteins,Cosmetics ,Rare Metals,Directed evolution ,Silkworm,DNA, RNA ,Drug delivery system

Artificial Enzyme Chemistry

  • Y.Hoshino(Prof.)
  • H.Shimakoshi(Prof.)
  • T.Ono(Assoc.Prof.)
  • Y.Nagai(Asst.Prof.)
We are developing highly functional catalysts and materials that solve medical and environmental issues by mimicking molecular mechanism of antibodies and enzymes. In particular, we are developing plastic antibodies, thermo-electrochemical cell, catalysis for CO2 conversion and environmental detoxification, photo-functional materials and materials for energy conversion/storage. Artificial antiboty,Precision polymer,Vitamin B12,Molecular recognition,Circularly Polarized Phosphorescence,Chemical sensor,Separation membrane,water electrolysis

Green Chemistry

  • S.Ogo(Prof.)
  • T.Matsumoto(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Yatabe(Asst.Prof.)
  • T.Koide(Asst.Prof.)
In order to solve the most important problem in the 21st century -energy, resource and environmental problems-, biomimetics that extracts or applies the function principle of the life and surpasses bioscience, is required to create. We are researching the "Green Chemistry in Water", in which "bio-inspired catalysts" with excellent reaction selectivity and low environmental impacts are developed.

Chemistry for Molecular Systems

  • N.Kimizuka(Prof.)
  • M.Morikawa(Asst.Prof.)
  • Y.Sasaki(Asst.Prof.)
My research group is broadly interested in self-assembling phenomena and involves identifying problems of fundamental significance in nanochemistry. Our approach involves the synthesis of materials that contain both molecular, biomolecular and inorganic components, and study of their structure and properties by a variety of physical techniques. In general, we use the tools of synthetic and physical organic chemistry to address problems at the interface of chemistry, biochemistry and materials science. material science,property

Functional Material Eng.

  • T.Ishihara(Prof.)
  • M.Inada(Assoc.Prof.)
  • J.Song(Asst.Prof.)
New energy generation and storage devices are strongly requested at present. In this laboratory, inorganic functional materials which can be used for energy and environment are studied, in particular, materials for solid oxide fuel cells, advanced type Li rechargeable battery (dual carbon, Li-air, and hybrid capacitor), photocatalyst for hydrogen generation, steam reforming catalyst, and automotive exhaust catalyst. li-air

Biomedical & Biomaterial Chemistry

  • Y.Katayama(Prof.)
  • A.Kishimura(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Mori(Assoc.Prof.)
  • N.Teruki(Asst.Prof.)
Our motto is "Chemistry for Medicine". We think flexibly to satisfy demands in medicine. We are trying to create a new concept in therapy and diagnosis. Drug delivery system,microbiome,nanomedicine

Organic Optoelectronics

  • C.Adachi(Prof.)
  • H.Nakanotani(Assoc.Prof.)
  • K.Goushi(Asst.Prof.)
  • Y.Chitose(Asst.Prof.)
A technology that no one could have predicted 30 years ago, "a thin film of 0.1-micrometer organic materials is made to emit light by passing an electric current." It is possible to convert current into light with 100% internal quantum efficiency with skillful molecular and device design! In our laboratory, we have led the world and pioneered the science and technology of organic electroluminescence (OLED). Furthermore, we are advancing the research and development of innovative optoelectronics to open up the next-generation devices such as organic semiconductor lasers and organic/inorganic hybrid materials. In our laboratory, based on five basic science and technology (quantum chemical calculation/organic synthetic chemistry/device structure design/process control/optical/electronic device physical property analysis), we would like to establish exciton engineering theory. We aim to promote research that highly integrates the aspects of the basic and the applied research aspects of "creating organic optoelectronic materials and devices that realize high performance and high added value." Electronics is the core technology of the industry. Let's pioneer future science and technology together! organic device,nano-structured device,new high-performance device,optoelectronic device physics,organic transistor,organic synthesis,next generation of organic-based device,organic light-emitting diode,organic solar cell,molecular exciton engineering,research lab,exciton recombination,molecular orientation,molecular energy level,developing research field,new functional material,five major area,base of OLED technology,computational quantum chemistry,great amount of attention,key property,high-added value,future of society,goal,multidisciplinary approach,commercialization of display,Other goal,bio-compatible electronic,lighting,OLEDs,processe,principle,Building

Electrochemistry for Materials Processing

  • H.Nakano(Prof.)
  • Y.Taninouchi(Assoc.Prof.)
  • S.Oue(Asst.Prof.)
We have been studying on the electrochemistry for materials processing that is the base of the technology in the surface modification of the metal and the field of the electrolytic metallurgy. The electrodeposition of alloys and oxide composites from aqueous solution is especially performed. Because the deposited alloys form the supersaturated solid solution, nonequilibrium metallic compounds and amorphous alloys that cannot be produced pyrometallurgically, it is practically important for producing the materials and the functional conversion-coated films. The alloy deposition is also academically important due to appearance of phenomenon that cannot be explained by a usual electrochemistry theory. The investigation of deposition behavior of alloys and oxide composites and the analysis of micro structure and the characteristics of deposits are mainly performed to establish the electrochemical technique for the surface modification and the materials processing with an advanced theoretical rationality. anode,cathode,corrosion,corrosion resistance,current density,electrode potential,electrolysis,plating

Physical Chemistry of High-Temperature Melts

  • K.Nakashima(Prof.)
  • N.Saito(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Sumita(Asst.Prof.)
Most of fundamental materials (metals, glasses and ceramics) fabricated thorough molten state. The processing of molten materials determines the quality of final products and its production cost. Our research group design the processing of the higher functional products with lower energy consumption from the view points of physical property for molten materials. In addition, we measured highly reliable data of physicochemical properties for molten metals and oxides(viscosity, density, surface tension, wettability etc.); these data should be important information for designing materials processes at elevated temperature. reliable data of physicochemical property

Crystal Plasticity & Fracture / Strong Solids Group

  • M.Tanaka(Prof.)
  • S.Yamasaki(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Morikawa(Asst.Prof.)
B.C.C structured metals such as ferritic steels loose their ductility at low temperatures, resulting in brittle fracture. It is termed as ductile-to-brittle transition. In order to understand the mechanism behind the ductile-to-brittle transition, which is essential to obtain further reliability of structural metals, we perform fracture tests in a macroscopic point of view and 3D analysis of lattice defects by using leading-edge electron microscopy. Strength and ductility are compatible in dual-phase materials. We are also aiming to design function rich alloys in terms of understanding the fundamental mechanism behind plastic deformation of hard phase and matrix with a novel method to draw precise marker on the surface of the specimen. atom,crack,dislocation,ductile to brittle transition,EBSD,elongation,grain boundary,hardness,iron and steel,low temperature embrittlement,mechanical test,microstructure,precision marker method,rolling,SEM,TEM,tensile deformation,toughness,twin,yield

Functional Materials

  • S.Munetoh(Prof.)
  • R.Saeki(Asst.Prof.)
People live affluent society with the electric power by nuclear or oil fuel. These resources will dry up in the near future. We investigate semiconductors focused on “Thermoelectric power generation”. the electric power can be recovered from waste heat by this technology. In our laboratory, we perform the study by a streamlined process from raw materials to evaluation of the performance of the samples. We also try to develop the high-performance materials by using computer simulations.

Composite Material Processing

  • H.Miyahara(Prof.)
  • K.Morishita(Assoc.Prof.)
Crystal growth from melt is a phase transformation from the liquid phase to the solid phase, and there are a myriad of factors that must be controlled during this process, such as complex shapes and variations in the concentration of alloying elements within the melt. In our laboratory, we are studying the control process so as to allow various structural and functional materials such as metals, semiconductors, and ceramics to develop into microstructures that achieve the desired properties. For example, silicon crystals for solar cells are manufactured by unidirectional crystal growth in silicon melt. Since the crystal quality greatly affects the energy conversion efficiency, microstructure control is performed to achieve polycrystalline silicon with a high performance. In addition, some components of transportation machines such as automobiles are manufactured by melting and solidifying lightweight aluminum and magnesium alloys. Since impurities and bubbles may be entrained in the molten alloy flow, we are studying the control of flow and solidification structure to remove dispersed impurities. In addition, the properties of products are affected greatly by the shape and distribution of microstructures, which are determined in a large range for some products such as steel plates manufactured in steel plants and cast iron solidified in molds, or in a small range for other products such as objects fabricated with metal 3D printers by repeated melting and solidification. We are investigating the principles of crystal growth, solidification and casting, and their control methods to realize high-performance materials. Laser,Time resolved,Fluid flow,Molten metal,High temperature,Engine,Turbine,Material,powder,car,jet,3D printing

Materials Characterization

  • K.Kaneko(Prof.)
  • Y.Kawahara(Asst.Prof.)
We are researching innovative materials with newer and better properties to make our forthcoming society richer. For example, we are aiming to develop stronger ferrous and nonferrous metals for construction and automotive, and small energy harvesting materials for future wearable internet devices. To reach the goal, we have two major strategies. One is to understand the mechanism of materials exhibiting various physical properties such as hardness, electrical conductivity, electrical permittivity, and others. The clarified mechanism can be used for the design of new or better materials. In this research project, we are using state-of-the-art electron microscopy to characterize materials to thoroughly determine the material structure in two- or three dimensions at the nanoscale or atomic scale. Another strategy is developing new processes to fabricate functional thin films such as superconducting and thermoelectric power generation materials. We are aiming to prepare superconductors with desirable pinning centers at the nano-scale and to join superconductors for fabricating longer superconducting wires for future electric power transportation systems. The films of new electric power generation materials without temperature difference are also developing. Materials Characterization,Electron Microscopy,Advanced materials,Nanomaterials,Microstructural analyses

Structural Materials

  • T.Tsuchiyama(Prof.)
  • T.Masumura(Assoc.Prof.)
The role of structural materials is to maintain the shape and function of structures around us, such as buildings, railroads, ships, and automobiles, and to protect the safety of the people who use them. To fulfill this role, excellent mechanical properties are essential for structural materials, but the properties required vary depending on the application. For example, steel frames supporting ships and buildings must have the toughness to withstand large impacts and earthquakes. These properties of structural materials are closely related to their metallurgical structure, and it is possible to bring out the required performance by controlling the metallurgical structure. This is the reason why we have been developing new materials with high strength and high biocompatibility. In our laboratory, we control and evaluate the microstructures of structural materials at the micro- and nano-scale to develop steel plates that combine strength and ductility, tough steels that do not fracture even at extremely low temperatures, light and strong titanium alloys, high-strength stainless steels with excellent oxidation resistance and corrosion resistance, and high-tensile steels with excellent corrosion resistance. We aim to create new structural materials that support future technologies, such as steel plates that are strong and ductile, tough steels that do not fracture at cryogenic temperatures, light and strong titanium alloys, high-strength stainless steels, and medical materials that are gentle to the human body. nanotechnology,hydrogen embrittlement,low temperature toughness,electron microscope,SEM,TEM,X-ray diffraction,nutron diffraction,biomaterial,katana,quenching,Heat treatment,carbon,nitrogen

Reaction Control & Processing for Materials

  • K.Ohno(Prof.)
  • T.Kon(Asst.Prof.)
Our main research target is engineering related to the production of iron, which is a material widely used in all over the world. We aim to optimize the ironmaking process with insights based on a wide range of perspectives and knowledge on various issues such as the environment and resources of the entire earth. In order to contribute to the construction of a carbon-neutral society that is conscious of SDGs, it is indispensable to reduce the carbon content and zero-carbonization of the ironmaking process. The main reason for the emission of carbon dioxide from the ironmaking process is the use of coal-derived coke as a reducing material for reducing iron oxide contained in iron ore. Our laboratory is working on the development of technology to replace coal, which is a fossil fuel, with hydrogen, which is a green energy, and a new ironmaking process that does not use any fossil fuels at all. From the perspective of resource security, we are also developing available resource expansion technology for stably production of high-quality iron, even from inferior ores that could not be used until now, as one of the most important issues. In order to solve these issues, we are conducting research and education using high temperature experimental technology and numerical simulation technology with reaction kinetics, transport phenomena, and thermodynamics as basic disciplines. Decarbonization,Sustainable development,Metal,High temperature,Mineral,Coal,Visualization,metallurgy,Discrete element method,Computational fluid dynamics,carburization,softening,melting,sintering,granulation,Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics,High temperature direct observation,X-ray computer tomography,Mineral resource,Pyrometallurgy

Energy Materials Eng.

  • Y.Yamazaki(Prof.)
  • S.Fujii(Assoc.Prof.)
Dr. Yoshihiro Yamazaki's research focuses on the multiple length scale ion, electron and electronic-hole transport characterization in metal oxides, energy materials, aiming for efficient solar-fuel and energy conversions. One of the ultimate challenges in materials science is to activate a useful materials function for a specific application. In particular, the production of efficient solar fuel in conjunction with inorganic materials makes use of unlimited solar energy even at night. A challenge is to unravel critical material and architectural parameters, in a wide range from sub-nanometer to macroscopic scale, that activates such energy functions. We combine materials synthesis, thin-film fabrication techniques, electrochemical spectroscopy, mass-spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, in-situ high-temperature solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), low-energy ion scattering (LEIS), in situ X-ray diffraction, scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), ab initio calculation, and machine learning, and correlate these fundamentals to energy functions in inorganic materials. The target materials include novel oxides for solar-driven thermochemical fuel production, photochemical water splitting, and proton ceramic fuel cells.

Geotechnical Eng.

  • R.Ishikura(Assoc.Prof.)
  • A.Alowaisy(Asst.Prof.)
Geotechnical engineering is one of studies for research on involvement in human being and soil or more specifically coexistence of people and earth in the general meaning. Geotechnical laboratory studies on not only soil mechanics for foundation of ground but also geotechnical disaster prevention (Earthquake, heavy rain and flood) and geo-environmental engineering (utilization of industrial by-product ). The following research projects are carrying on: "Geo-Medical Plant Engineering Science" through application of Medical Plant Licorice at Semi-arid Area with approach toward development of ground Improvement technology for greening Climate change adaption technology on geotechnical disaster in Kyushu and Okinawa Geo-environmental improvement techniques using various local resources for sustainable development Disaster prevention,Earth reinforcement,embankment,Ground improvement,Liquefaction,Rainfall,slag,Soft soil,suction

Structural Analysis

  • Y.Sonoda(Prof.)
  • M.Asai(Assoc.Prof.)
  • C.Lu(Asst.Prof.)
In order to provide safe and comfortable infra-structures, a performance evaluation against impact (high speed) loadings and a deterioration diagnosis of existing concrete structures has been developing in our laboratory. Several kinds of computer simulation based on the solid mechanics and structural engineering has been utilized to perform our research. In the fundamental research of a performance evaluation against impact loading, new simulators, including particle simulation, incorporated with damage mechanics and fluid mechanics has been developed. The goal is to design the Rock-Shed, derailment barrier of bullet train (Shinkansen) and flood-tide barrier. In addition, for the research of a deterioration diagnosis, a new hybrid nondestructive testing with hammering and infrared thermography is developing to expand the applicability and to increase the accuracy of the diagnosis of existing structures with various damage level. Numerical Simulation ,Particle Method ,Impact Engineering,Maintenance ,Disaster Prevention ,Non-destructive Inspection ,Structural Engineering ,Mechanics of Materials ,Computational Mechanics ,Percussion Sound Test

Earthquake Eng.

  • Y.Kajita(Assoc.Prof.)
We aim at improving the safety of the civil structures against severe earthquakes as well as protecting the lives and property of the citizen who utilize the civil structures. To achieve the goal, we have to develop the structures which have superior seismic performance. Our laboratory conducts the several researches such as establishing the evaluation of the strength of the structural members, figuring out the seismic performance of the structures, investigating the effectiveness of the technique of earthquake resistance, base isolation and structural control, and so on. Moreover, we research the damage risk of the existing structures due to the severe earthquakes. Taking advantage of the accomplishments, we aim at raising public awareness of disaster prevention issues. Earthquake ,Disaster Prevention ,Disaster Reduction ,Artificial Intelligence ,Bridge ,Civil Engineering

Structural Design

  • S.Kainuma(Prof.)
  • Y.Sagawa(Assoc.Prof.)
  • M.YANG(Assoc.Prof.)
  • A.KIM(Asst.Prof.)
Our laboratory conducts research activities from laboratory experiments to field tests with a wide range of perspectives, regarding the maintenance management and high durability design of structures of various scales. We are challenging new research that crosses multiple academic fields such as chemistry, electrochemistry, materials science, spatial statistics, and mechanics. We aim to elucidate the degradation mechanisms of steel structures and concrete structures through fundamental research, and propose methods to predict the occurrence and catastrophic damage of these phenomena. Based on these research findings, we are developing new technologies such as damage prediction sensors, aging deterioration simulations, monitoring systems, damage recovery methods, and high durability enhancements. Additionally, we are engaged in in-site research works to apply the developed technologies to actual structures. Many of our research themes are conducted through collaborative research with diverse research institutions across various industrial sectors and private enterprises. Through these efforts, we've nurtured graduates specializing in chemistry, electrochemistry, materials science, and related disciplines. many students within our laboratory evolve into exceptional engineers and researchers by consistently pushing their boundaries and engaging in collaborative ventures with interdisciplinary research organizations. The goal of our laboratory is to cultivate students into outstanding engineers and researchers with comprehensive skills tailored for the future. structure system group,structure system,center,research activity,Groundscape group,two study group,Glandscape system,various activity,research side,short-term problem,nature environment,social environment,mid/long-term problem,existing structure,method of citizen participation,civil engineering heritage,practice,city planning,practice use,structural material,Hino,Kainuma,infrastructure,addition,development,Takao,stare,safety,face,Higuchi,Yamaguchi,harmony,example,bridge,preservation

Concrete Eng.

  • H.Hamada(Prof.)
  • H.Tamai(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Fukunaga(Asst.Prof.)
Subject of our laboratory is concrete, which is the most used construction material in the world for infrastructures, and is essential to our life and economic activities. The purposes of research and education are to construct the concrete structures with performances for carrying load and durability, and to extend the lifetime of existing structures. Also, in the future, concrete structures will be required to harmonize with environment. Important topics in this laboratory are estimation of durability of materials such as chloride diffusion and recycling system. In addition, we are working on diagnosis and repair of concrete structures in order to extend the lifetime of structures. Long lifetime, high durability and recycling can contribute toward sustainable society. purpose of research,economic activity

Geodisaster Prevention

  • K.Kasama(Prof.)
 The earth has long been struck by natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, typhoons, landslides, and major fires. Even now, natural disasters occur frequently in many parts of the world, and our lives are constantly threatened by natural disasters. Disaster prevention studies, which aim to prevent disasters and minimize the damage caused by disasters, are indispensable for a safe and secure life. What is the mechanism and theory that earthquakes and tsunamis occur? What happens in volcanic eruptions? How are houses and buildings destroyed? What causes landslides? What causes rivers to overflow? Have there been disasters in your area in the past? How can we create cities that are resilient to natural disasters? What is needed to survive in Japan, an archipelago of disasters?  In order to solve these questions, we learn theories for understanding disaster phenomena and predicting damage, and acquire knowledge about disaster-resistant urban design. We are engaged in the following research projects to develop experts on disasters, to construct a real-time disaster warning system that can predict the occurrence of disasters, and to propose risk management methods to mitigate damage.  We invite you to join us in studying about disasters and disaster prevention to help our country, society, community, friends and families that could live safely with peace of mind. Please work together to create cities that are resilient to disasters! Ground,Land,Reinforcement,Improvement,Prevention,Mitigation,Civil,Earthquake,Geo,Slope,Hazard,Safety,Infrastructure,Peace,Resilient,Survey,Experiment,Analysis
Field survey at estuary

Environmental Fluid Mechanics

  • S.Yano(Prof.)
  • Y.Maruya(Assoc.Prof.)
We have been attempting a number of researches on aquatic environmental problems in natural water area, such as sea (coastal area, estuary, coast, tidal flat), river (watershed area, upper reach to river mouth), and lake in order to aim finding the solution by approaches from a perspective of fluid mechanics. In addition, we work positively to promote interdisciplinary studies with a wide range of research areas, such as biology, ecological engineering, analytical chemistry, etc. Recently, we have started to try new research topics on the adaptation to natural disasters due to climate change and the development of sustainable social systems with due considerations to biodiversity. These studies are conducted using on-site surveys, numerical simulations using computers, and experiments using models. Adaptation,Aquatic environment,Ariake Sea,Civil engineering,Climate change,dam,Drift wood,drone,Environmental hydraulics,Heavy rain disaster,Hydraulics,Isahaya Bay,mercury,Numerical simulation,tide,Yatsushiro Sea

Urban & Environmental Eng.

  • T.Kuba(Prof.)
  • M.Fujibayashi(Assoc.Prof.)
It is necessary to preserve the entire aquatic environment because it is composed of various factors, such as the water quality and quantity, aquatic creatures, bottom sediments, waterfronts, landscapes, and so on. For this purpose, an approach of integrated watershed management should be constructed, that entirely covers the water environment and water circulation. In addition, the role of regional water facilities, such as sewage treatment facilities, grows even more important for the aquatic environment conservation and the restoration, and in some cases direct water purification for aquatic environment should be necessary. In the Urban and Environmental Engineering Laboratory, we are working on the integrated preservation of the aquatic environment using various technologies and system approaches, such as direct environmental purification, ecosystem conservation, integrated watershed management, and wastewater treatment. Bamboo forest,Radioactive material,Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant,Nonpoint source pollution ,Point source pollution,Activated sludge,Advanced treatment ,Lake Hachiro,Lake Tai,Food chain,Phytoplankton,Zooplankton,Mud snail, Bellamya chinensis,Pond smelt, Hypomesus nipponensis,Aquatic plants,Stable isotope ratios

Watershed Management

  • H.Hayashi(Assoc.Prof.)
  • H.Takata(Asst.Prof.)
The Watershed Management Laboratory at Kyushu University places importance on the perspective of “engaging in research and education to solve the social problems we face and to build a sustainable and prosperous society” in the area of rivers and watersheds. The academic fields involved are wide-ranging, including the humanities, natural sciences, engineering, science, and agriculture. Although the base discipline of our laboratory is engineering, we aim to develop and establish new fields of study that integrate all boundary areas related to rivers and watersheds. Therefore, our research activities cover a wide range of academic fields such as river engineering, applied ecological engineering, ecology, disaster prevention engineering, hydraulics, consensus building, landscape design, and urban planning. Our research activities are open to society through joint research with researchers in many other fields, collaboration with government and civic activities, and interaction with children through environmental education. We also consider social implementation and environmental education activities to improve rivers and watersheds in the world as a very important mission. We are particularly committed to practical research using transdisciplinary (TD/transdisciplinary) methods, in which we think and act together with all stakeholders involved in social issues, not just researchers. River,Environment,Nature,Disaster Prevention,Flood Control,Social Implementation,Sustainable,Transdisciplinary,Fusion of Humanities and Science,Citizen,Environmental Education,Green Infrastructure,Social Contribution,Landscape,Design,River Stewardship,Consensus Building,Ecosystems,Biodiversity,SDGs

Material Cycle & Waste Management Eng.

  • H.Nakayama(Prof.)
  • T.Komiya(Asst.Prof.)
We are conducting research on environmentally safe and economical technologies for solid waste recycling, treatment and final disposal, aiming to contribute the realization of a sustainable society and a sound material-cycle society from academic perspectives. We pursue outcomes which can be put to practical use on the basis of industry-government-academia collaboration. In addition, we are conducting research on development of disaster waste treatment system dealing with large amount of disaster waste rapidly and smoothly for early recovery and reconstruction of affected areas, taking into account the fact that large-scale natural disasters, such as great earthquakes and heavy rains, are occurring frequently. Furthermore, the economic development in the Asian region in recent years and the resulting severe environmental destruction are exerting an undeniable impact on Japan's environment. Therefore, we are conducting international studies in cooperation with overseas governments and universities on the development of appropriate solid waste management and the recycling technologies considering peculiar environment and conditions of Asian region. recyclable resource,sound material cycle society,recycling technology,appropriate waste treatment technology,incineration,incineration residue,landfill,offshore landfill,municipal solid waste,industrial waste,drifted waste,marine litter,global warming,GHG,Asian region ,developing countries

Hydrosphere Environmental Eng.

  • Y.Hiroshiro(Assoc.Prof.)
  • L.Nofel(Assoc.Prof.)
  • K.Nishiyama(Asst.Prof.)
From the perspective of maintaining a healthy water circulation system, we are conducting research vital to our daily lives and environment. As rapid urbanization progresses, local water circulation systems undergo changes that could have serious implications for local water environments and ecosystems. Preserving local water circulation and environments in the face of such anthropogenic impacts is a significant challenging mission through the understanding of groundwater environments. Meanwhile, based on the background of increasingly frequent heavy rainfall disasters, we are conducting research utilizing AI techniques to diagnose the occurrence of heavy rainfall events, including linear precipitation zones. Additionally, through the interpretation of historical documents, we are reproducing past linear precipitation zones and heavy rainfall disasters that existed even in the Edo period. Based on these findings, we are also working on creating contents that can be utilized for regional disaster prevention. Also, by utilizing advanced remote sensing techniques, we monitor clouds and provide valuable data for climate models and weather prediction. Our focus on nighttime cloud detection helps improve our understanding of cloud formation and behavior during nighttime, which is often under-researched yet significant for weather patterns and climate change. The insights gained from this research are vital for both academic knowledge and practical applications in environmental monitoring and disaster preparedness. Water circulation system ,Water environments ,Groundwater ,Nighttime clouds ,Remote sensing ,Camera and satellite data ,Heavy rainfall disasters ,Heavy rainfall diagnosis ,Reproduction of past heavy rainfall disasters
Ecological Engineering

Ecological Eng.

  • S.Seino(Assoc.Prof.)
Coastal and riverine environmental conservation. Ecological engineering. Consensus building. Endangered species habitat protection and restoration. Community-based management. Environmental planning and policy. Local knowledge, Traditional Ecological Knowledge. MPA(Marine Protected Area). Biodiversity,Citizen participation,Coastal zone,Dam management,Environmental assessment,Environmental conservation,Fishery resources,Fishery village,Habitat,International network,Legal scheme,Local community,Mountainous community,Nature restoration,Seacoast,Sediment,Sustainability,Watershed
Environmental Planning and Design

Environmental Planning & Design

  • A.Higuchi(Assoc.Prof.)
Japan is now experiencing a drastic change of paradigm. "Development" is no longer the first priority of our society. Civil engineers and designers are expected to suggest some alternative approaches to keep a balance between the necessary improvement of infrastructure and the precious natural/cultural environment. However, despite of these major transitions, there is little knowledge in philosophy, technology and methodology that are fundamental for conserving and reproducing the beautiful yet vulnerable landscape of Japan. The mission of the Environmental Planning and Design Laboratory at Kyushu University is to study how to bring a harmony between civil engineering structures and nature, find a design to reconcile with the local culture, make the citizen's opinions workable in social infrastructure, and find necessary regulations and rules to protect mountains and countries from excessive development in order to preserve, enhance, restore and create the beautiful landscape of ours. country

Urban & Transportation Eng.

  • S.Managi(Prof.)
  • Y.Oeda(Assoc.Prof.)
  • A.Keeley(Assoc.Prof.)
  • S.Yoo(Assoc.Prof.)
We conduct theoretical and empirical research on a wide range of complex problems facing cities, such as population decline, energy depletion, environmental pollution, health and welfare, education, disasters, and transportation systems, from a multifaceted and interdisciplinary approach that includes urban engineering, transportation engineering, and economics. Lab Website Managi Lab Urban Institute SDGs,Inclusive Wealth,ESG,Sustainable Investment,Natural capital,Environmental Economics,DAC-U ,Corporate analysis,Urban planning

Geoenvironmental System Eng.

  • Y.Mitani(Prof.)
  • H.Taniguchi(Assoc.Prof.)
  • H.Honda(Asst.Prof.)
This laboratory, aims at the establishment of the system of a new ground sphere environmental system for the creation of a better environment, an ideal way of the ideal way of development use of the geosphere and development of construction technologies that furthermore evaluate the influence that these exert on natural environment and the social climate overall, and harmonize with the environment is researched. Moreover, Geographical Information System (GIS) that is the latest information technology is deeply used, and an integrated technology that uses information is developed. Therefore, not only domestic various places but also the area of investigation can be very wide. Problem treated up to now: water engineering, planning, agriculture, in addition, to the technology of the ground and the rock mass engineering. Researches regarding agriculture, ecology, etc are also carried out while cooperating with local government, but also internationally. CO2 storage,Disaster Prevention,Geo-Environmental technology,Geo-Spatial Information,Geographic Information System (GIS),Green Infrastructure,Landslide,Risk Management,Road Maintenance,Rock Engineering,Satellite Data,Sedimentation,Slope Failure,Slope Stability,Tunnel
Land Use Policy and Disaster Risk Reduction Lab.

Land Use Policy & Disaster Risk Reduction

  • K.Tsukahara(Prof.)
  • T.Sato(Assoc.Prof.)
Due to depopulation, intensifying natural hazard by climate change, and fragile financial condition of public sector, Japan is facing difficulties in managing infrastructures and national land. To find feasible and sustainable ways to cope with these difficulties, we are conducting researches on 1) disaster resilient and sustainable land use management, 2) financially sustainable infrastructure management, and 3) ways of utilizing Japan’s experience and knowledge to emerging countries. As for disaster management, extreme hazards such as the East Japan Earthquake and several intensified rain falls revealed certain limitations of disaster countermeasures only depend on hardware. Therefore, we need to find a “best mix” of hardware and software such as land use management and evaluation systems. In urban area management, Japan has experienced consistent expansion of urban areas and population in the past 100 years. This expansion period ended, and now a new period of shrinking urban areas and population has come. We need to find a new urban land use and infrastructure management system to come with such shrinking period. Japan has accumulated experience and knowledge of urban and infrastructure management on expanding urban areas and population. Utilizing such experience and knowledge to emerging countries urban management is also our scope of research. Disaster Resilient Land and Infrastructure Management,International Cooperation for Infrastructure Management,Urban and Regional Planning

Coastal & Ocean Eng.

  • M.Yamashiro(Prof.)
  • Y.Ide(Asst.Prof.)
At the coastal area which is the boundary between the land and the sea, in addition to the existence of abundant biological resources, various human activities such as habitations, port works, recreations and fisheries are conducted. At the same time, the costal region is often exposed to threats of the natural disasters such as tsunamis, storm surges, and beach erosions. Therefore, it is a big problem above all to protect the lives and the properties from such natural disasters. In the coastal and ocean engineering laboratory, the basic technologies for human benefit are studied through pursuing the action principle of nature such as the coastal waves incoming from the ocean. Recently, we focus on studying the sea surface wind that generates waves. We also focus on meteorology so as to assess the influence of global warming to the coastal area. Beach,Breakwater,Coastal Dikes,Coastal Disaster,High Waves,Rip Current,Sea Level Rise,Seawall,Typhoon
Planning of Marine Systems

Planning of Marine Systems

  • H.Kimura(Prof.)
The laboratory aims to establish systems planning methodologies based on feasibility studies of a wide variety of plans proposed in marine systems engineering field. As its approach, based on system theory and optimization, we are studying planning and work support systems making use of artificial intelligence technology, information technology (IT) and robotics. Since ships are made to order, there is no manufacturing process that mass-produces like automobiles, so there is a problem that robotization of the assembly process is difficult. So we are seeking work support and automation with latest IT and robot technology. As for the design work, although the introduction of 3D-CAD has progressed and the work efficiency has greatly improved, but the work itself depends largely on the skill and experience of experienced technicians. We formulate these design problems as optimization problems, and understand design work by veteran engineers from the viewpoint of optimization theory. And we are working on automating design support and design work combining optimization method and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, we are studying a robot system suitable for doing work at the seabed in preparation for the time when Japan will utilize submarine mineral resources sleeping in exclusive economic zones in the future. Artificial Intelligence,Automatic Design,Combinational optimization,Information Technology,Piping arrangement,Reinforcement learning,Robotics,Scheduling
Model Ship Test in High Speed Circulating Water Channel

Marine Hydrodynamics

  • J.Ando(Prof.)
  • T.Kanemaru(Assoc.Prof.)
  • A.Yoshitake(Asst.Prof.)
To decide from a hydrodynamic perspective the optimum form for high technology ships, high speed ships and very large floating structures that will appear in the near future, and to establish hydrodynamic performance predictions and evaluation methods, we must analyze them using specific hydrodynamics for individual targets as well as general hydrodynamics. For example, we need ship hydrodynamics to estimate the resistance and propulsive forces on a ship. We also need the mechanics of multi-phase flow to deal with cavitation on the propulsor. In addition, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) that analyzes various hydrodynamic phenomena numerically is used widely due to the development of the computer. In this laboratory, we study flow around ships and floating structures based on these various hydrodynamics by theoretical calculation using personal computers, and model test in a high speed circulating water channel. Boat,Contra Rotating Propeller,Ducted Propeller,Energy Saving,Energy Saving Device,Genetic Algorithm,Multi-objective Optimization,Panel Method,Pre-swirl fin,Pressure Fluctuation,Real-coded Genetic Algorithm,Rudder,SQCM
Marine Dynamics and Control

Marine Dynamics & Control

  • Y.Furukawa(Prof.)
  • H.Ibaragi(Asst.Prof.)
It is well known that ship manoeuvrability changes considerably with hull forms, and the manoeuvring characteristics are different depending on loading conditions or environmental conditions. Furthermore, ships sailing at sea are under the influence of external disturbances such as wind, wave and current. Understanding the dynamic characteristics of ships is very important for safe navigation or operation at sea. Predicting the motion of a ship based on numerical simulation is one of the effective methods for evaluating the performance of ships in various conditions. It is required to evaluate the hydrodynamic forces such as the lateral force and yawing moment acting on ship's hull with high accuracy, because they have a great influence on manoeuvring performance. Our laboratory mainly covers the dynamics and control of ships and floating bodies. We are doing research on the prediction method of ship manoeuvring motion both experimentally and theoretically and developing a calculation code for the prediction of hydrodynamic forces acting on a floating body. Furthermore, the development of navigation support systems or automatically navigated ships will be achieved by investigating the dynamic characteristics of ships in detail. dynamic characteristic of ship,ship sailing,understanding
Full ship-structural model for numerical analysis

Structural Systems Eng.

  • D.Yanagihara(Prof.)
  • K.To(Asst.Prof.)
Ships and offshore structures undergo dynamic loads from wave and cargo, and oscillating forces induced by engine and propulsion systems as well as static loads. To assure the safety of ships and offshore structures, the static and dynamic behavior of the structures under such various loads must be clarified. In the Structural Systems Engineering Laboratory, the comprehensive researches relevant to structural strength and crashworthiness of ships and offshore structures, light-weight structures applying composite materials and fluid-structure interaction problems are performed. Numerical and experimental techniques and tools for these problems are investigated and developed in the laboratory. structural safety,new structure,marine structure,structural member,such various loading,vibration,future,addition,habitability

Fatigue, Fracture, Welding Mechanics & Production Systems

  • K.Gotoh(Prof.)
  • K.Matsuda(Assoc.Prof.)
Our laboratory contributes to the structural integrity and construction method of ships, offshore structures, bridges, steel structures, pipelines, construction machinery and automobiles from the following viewpoints. 1) Construction and fabrication technology, especially joining and welding. 2) Evaluation of fatigue and fracture from the viewpoint of material strengths based on the continuum mechanics. design method,fracture mechanic,fracture occurrence,production process,large structure,integrity of structure,case of structure,new structure,various structure,concept of fracture Control Design,combination of fracture Control Design,unstable fracture occurrence,Analysis,assessment,strength of material,production system,production line,entire process of fatigue crack nucleation,evaluation of material deterioration,maintenance inspection,maintenance check,methodology of Design,design stage,research area,evaluation,analytical prediction,service,case,large-scale rationalization,service condition,reliability analysis,correspond,plan,life,development,elasticity,Education,will,propagation,limit,processing,account,plasticity,resistance

Ship Design & Maritime Intelligence Technology

  • S.Yamaguchi(Assoc.Prof.)
Study on the ocean environment of a navigation area is essential for ship design. On the other hand, the investigation of current, wave and wind of the ocean is not sufficient for the purpose and development of maritime intelligence technology is needed. In our laboratory, ocean measurement technology using underwater vehicle is developed. The obtained data is used as basic information for ship design and it also applied for sea bottom resources exploration and ocean observation. Seakeeping problems of ocean going vessels which include small high-speed boat and special service vessels are studied based on the maritime intelligence. Underwater robot,Jack-up vessel
Experimental Setup for Human Walking on Slat Type Surface Plate and Change of Sole Pressure Distribution

Functional Systems Eng.

  • T.Shinoda(Prof.)
  • T.Tanaka(Assoc.Prof.)
Our educational subjects and research objectives can be described in terms of the three key areas of improved safety in maritime affairs, preservation of marine environment, value improvement of marine transportation, design for ship equipment and ship production engineering. Container terminal,Energy saving technology,Evaluation and decision making,Filtration technology,Human factor,Marine environment,Marine Safety,Marine transportation,Occupational safety,Production engineering,Risk Assessment,Work efficiency
Floating Offshore wind Turbine

Ocean Energy Resources

  • T.Utsunomiya(Prof.)
  • R.Hisamatsu(Asst.Prof.)
Japan is a country with limited energy resources; however, in the waters around Japan, we have a variety of ocean energy resources. In particular, the potential of offshore wind energy is enormous, and also the development of new energy resources such as methane hydrate is their infancy. For Japan who relies on foreign countries for the majority of energy resources, to proceed with the development of these ocean energy resources is very important, not only in order to contribute to the improvement of Japan's energy self-sufficiency, but also to fulfil the entry into the ocean development markets of the world. Therefore, we shall work on the following two themes: foreign country

Economic Geology

  • A.Imai(Prof.)
  • K.Yonezu(Assoc.Prof.)
  • A.Ito(Asst.Prof.)
Our research area extends not only to Japan, but also to the entire world, especially Asia and Africa. We aim to explore mineral and geothermal resources there in collaboration with local university or research institute. Our recent research topics include (1) establishing a geo-resource database of ore deposits based on understanding of the genesis and mineralization age of mineral deposits associated with island arc magmatism (e.g., epithermal gold and porphyry copper deposits), (2) monitoring and predicting silica scale precipitation in geothermal power plants, (3) understanding the geochemistry of critical metals in magmatic-hydrothermal systems and surface environments and its application to the recycling of critical and precious metals. Analytical techniques and instruments applied in the laboratory include; X-ray diffractometer and scanning electron microscope for identification and observation of rock samples, electron probe micro analyzer for determination of chemical composition in microscopic scale, X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for determination of whole-rock chemical composition, heating/freezing stage for fluid inclusion micro thermometry, AAS, ICP-AES and ICP-MS for determination of dissolved components in aqueous solutions, LA-ICP-MS for determination of trace elements in solid and U-Pb age dating, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance for determination of the chemical state or coordination structure. Critical metals,Gold,Hydrothermal deposits,Geothermal power plants,Environmental assessment,Trace element analysis,Non-traditional isotopes,Microscope observation,Fieldwork,Southeast Asia,Silica scale,Economic geology,Earth science,Porphyry copper deposits,Laterite deposits,Arc hydrothermal system,Volcanic arc hydrothermal system,Geothermal geology

Exploration Geophysics

  • H.Mizunaga(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Ikeda(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Tanaka(Asst.Prof.)
In medical fields, we can visualize inside our body by using ultrasonography or X-ray and identify an affected area. In analogy with this technology, “Geophysical Exploration” is a scientific technology to visualize subsurface structure using a variety of sensors instead of our eyes. This technique has been used to find various energy resources such as oil, gas, geothermal, and mineral resources. Furthermore, recent development of geophysical techniques allows us to monitor change in subsurface properties. The Exploration Geophysics Laboratory is in charge of the education and research on geophysical exploration to visualize and monitor the subsurface for various applications. Our research interests include development of geophysical methods to explore lunar and Martian resources, and applications of machine learning for geophysical explorations. Energy Resource,Mineral Resource,Oil,Geothermal,CO2 Capture and Storage,Seafloor Hydrothermal Deposit,Moon,Mars,Earthquake,Volcano,Seismic Exploration,Electric Survey,Electromagnetic Survey,Ground Penetrating Radar,Surface Wave Method,Microtremor Survey,Monitoring,AI,Machine Learning


  • Y.Fujimitsu(Prof.)
  • J.Nishijima(Assoc.Prof.)
  • K.Kitamura(Assoc.Prof.)
  • M.Matsumoto(Asst.Prof.)
Geothermal energy, which is eco-friendly and completely domestic natural energy, takes the various forms from the high temperature volcanic thermal energy at the deeper part of the underground to the normal temperature geo-heat energy at the shallower part. We comprehend the geothermal energy as a system (the geothermal system) that consists of heat source, fluid and underground structure. And we conduct the theoretical and applied researches and educations for exploration, development and utilization of the ecological and sustainable geothermal energy. The researches contribute not only to the promotion of natural energy utilization and the solution of environmental problems but also to the disaster prevention such as the monitoring of volcanic activity and earthquakes. The graduates of our laboratory mostly join the fields of earth resources, energy, construction and civil engineering. field of earth resource

Resources Production & Safety

  • Y.Sugai(Prof.)
  • T.Esaki(Asst.Prof.)
Resources Production and Safety Engineering Laboratory studies on the technologies producing fossil fuels safely, environmental friendly and costly. In addition, we study on CO2 capture and storage (CCS). We study on low-cost and environmentally friendly enhanced recovery technologies using CO2, chemicals, nanoparticles/bubbles, and microorganisms to recover additionally crude oil that would otherwise be left unrecovered underground. We are also studying on the production technologies for unconventional fossil fuels such as methane hydrate, coalbed methane, and shale oil/gas. We are starting to study on a novel technology for generating hydrogen in oil reservoirs by generating steam and reacting it with oil in-situ. Those fossil fuels are also the source of CO2 which causes the global warming, therefore, we are also studying on the technologies reducing CO2 emissions. New absorbents and adsorbents for efficient CO2 separation are studied and developed in our laboratory. Also, we study on the injection technologies to increase CO2 storage. We are now developing the technologies monitoring soil CO2 flux for long-term safe CO2 storage.   CCUS,EOR,Blue hydrogen,White hydrogen,Microbe,Clean energy,Gas separation,Heat pump,Thermal battery,Chemical reaction

Rock Eng. & Mining Machinery

  • H.Shimada(Prof.)
  • T.Sasaoka(Assoc.Prof.)
  • A.Hamanaka(Asst.Prof.)
The Rock Engineering and Mining Machinery Laboratory conducts research on technology to recover solid resources such as copper, iron, gold, silver, coal, tin, and tungsten that exist underground. These solid resources are mainly recovered using two methods: surface/open-pit mining which involves digging large holes from the surface, and underground mining which involves excavating tunnels from the surface. It is important to consider how to excavate the rock mass efficiently and to come up with a safe design that maintains the stability of the surrounding rock mass after excavation. In particular, an open-pit mining may have a negative impact on natural ecosystems such as animals and plants on the ground, so environmental restoration (rehabilitation) is required after resource recovery. It is conducted that practical research on various issues related to solid resource development, such as those mentioned above, from a variety of perspectives, including not only rock engineering, but also afforestation and drainage control. Furthermore, with the decline of the domestic resource industry, our research fields are expanding overseas based on our past research, including joint research with overseas research institutes, universities, and companies. As well as, our research topics are including controlled blasting in open-cut mines using digital transformation (DX), the development of urban lifelines and the associated environmental issues, the development of hydrogen production technology through underground coal gasification (UCG), the development of deep seabed mineral resources, and CO2 underground storage for green transformation (GX) Development of Solid Resources,Mine Design,Ground Control,Development and Utilization of Underground Space,Control Blasting,Mine Rehabilitation,Mine Closure,Underground Coal Gasification,CO2 Underground Storage,Development of Deep Sea Floor Mineral Resources,Hydrogen Production Technology ,Digital Transformation Technology,Green Transformation Technology

Mineral Processing, Recycling & Environmental Remediation Lab.

  • N.Okibe(Prof.)
  • H.Miki(Assoc.Prof.)
  • K.Oyama(Asst.Prof.)
With a mission to create a sustainable society, our laboratory is involved in research from upstream to downstream of metal mineral processing, including separation (flotation), hydrometallurgical leaching and environmental remediation. The three groups (Flotation-G, Leaching-G, Remediation-G) are developing (i) advanced flotation techniques for natural mineral resources (including seabed resources), (ii) leaching techniques to recover valuable metals from natural mineral resources/urban mined resources, and (iii) passive treatment techniques to purify wastewater containing toxic metals generated during mineral processing. This requires the integration of cutting-edge ideas across academic disciplines. We do this by combining knowledge from diverse fields including powder engineering, surface chemistry, electrochemistry, mineralogy, bioengineering and molecular biology. We create new value in mineral processing and environmental remediation from the perspective of comprehensive engineering. Refractory minerals,Sea-floor hydrothermal deposit,Cobalt-rich crust,Cu-As sulfides,Nickel laterite,Bioleaching,Biooxidation,Organic leaching,Reductive leaching,Bionanoparticle,Bioremediation,Wasted sludge,Metal polluted wastewater,Mineral processing wastewater,Mine drainage,Seawater process,Environment,Recycling,Separation,Purification

Energy Resources Eng. Laboratory

  • Y.Yamada(Prof.)
  • K.Egawa(Assoc.Prof.)
The Energy Resources Engineering Laboratory is responsible for a wide range of energy resources engineering disciplines, not only limited to the exploration and sustainable development and production of energy resources, including frontier areas such as the deep ocean floor, space and ultra-deep subsurface, but also applying new technologies such as drones and VR. Currently, we are working on the exploration of abundant natural hydrogen, methane hydrate development, resource assessment of the Earth's inner mantle using drilling information science, geological storage of carbon dioxide (CCS), resource development on the Moon and Mars, understanding the distribution of underground resources using model experiments, various uses of geothermal resources and life cycle assessment (LCA), drilled wells' safety, development of methods to control production disturbances using green nanotechnology, as well as activities related to the revaluation of the 'bounty of the earth' through industry-community collaboration during the energy transition period. We aim to explore and develop energy resources with a better environment and community well-being in mind, using laboratory experiments, field tests, field observations, data analysis, numerical simulation and VR. geothermal heat pump,geothermal engineering,research,deep geothermal resource,geothermal power generation,natural gas engineering,research range,mitigation of heat island phenomena,reservoir engineering approache,optimum development of hydrocarbon resource,operation research technique,deep formation,Numerical simulation,CO2 emission,variety of problem,shallow ground,unconventional reserve,efficiency,economy,target,petroleum,example,reduction,couple,GA,ANN,Exergy

Solid Mechanics

  • S.Hamada(Prof.)
  • T.Kondo(Assoc.Prof.)
  • S.Ueki(Asst.Prof.)
At the Solid Mechanics Laboratory, study for using safely the material used for a machine is done by exploring the essence of machine material and carrying out science of the safety. It is inquiring by specifically dividing into the following three classes for the industrial material (steel, nonferrous metal, composite material, ceramic and polymeric material) used for machines. (1) Mechanism clarification of fracture and fatigue phenomenon which applied state-of-the-art apparatus. (2) Proposal of the strength predictive-analysis model using the mechanics (a finite element method, micro mechanics, molecular dynamics) of various classes based on the clarified mechanism. (3) Application to the new-materials rapid utilization by applying the proposed model, joining with the other laboratory not only with the other mechanical laboratory. Solid mechanic laboratory,mechanism clarification of fracture,proposal,application
Thermal Energy Conversion System Laboratory

Thermal Energy Conversion System

  • M.Takahiko(Prof.)
  • K.Thu(Assoc.Prof.)
The ultimate goal of our laboratory is to find a solution of energy and environmental issues from the standpoint of thermal energy utilization. Especially, we focus on energy conversion from low grade thermal energy into useful outputs, such as power, electricity, refrigeration and air-conditioning. To improve performance of the energy conversion systems and also to create new technologies for next generation energy conversion systems, we study on heat and mass transfer enhancement, improvement of heat exchangers, engineering application of new materials, and applications to systems. Thermal Engineering,Refrigeration and Air conditioning,Heat Transfer,Adsorption,Heat Pump,Heat Engine,Global Warming,Energy Saving
Structural Materials

Structural Materials

  • H.Toda(Prof.)
  • O.Takakuwa(Assoc.Prof.)
  • F.Hiro(Asst.Prof.)
In the structural materials research laboratory, we have offered superior solutions by combining the materials mechanics and materials science to solve the long-standing issues of structural materials. We would like to contribute to realize the safe and secure society. Our research interests cover steels, aluminum alloys and titanium alloys. We have studied the relationships between microstructure of such materials and deformation, fracture and fatigue behavior. We are a power user of the world’s best synchrotron radiation facility: SPring-8, which enables us to perform high-resolution 3D imaging of deformation and fracture behavior. Along with the development of advanced imaging technique, we have developed the state-of-the-art 3D image-based analysis techniques to assess localized deformation and fracture behavior. We have also applied these techniques to the long-standing issues in the mechanical engineering and materials science. We have proposed an innovative methodology for materials design on the basis of 3D images, which is called the reverse 4D materials engineering, in order to contribute to the creation of materials. 3D/4D material science,Aluminum alloy,Fatigue fracture,Material engineering,Mechanical engineering,Safe and secure society,Steel,Strength and Fracture of Materials,Strength of materials,Stress corrosion cracking,Synchrotron Radiation,Titanium alloy,X-ray Micro- and Nano-tomography

Flow Control Systems

  • S.Watanabe(Prof.)
  • S.Tsuda(Assoc.Prof.)
In our laboratory, we are working on improving the performance and efficiency of hydraulic machinery as a component of infrastructure like pumps and hydroturbines, and on understanding complex fluid flow phenomena including liquid-vapor phase change that occurs in such hydraulic machinery, i.e., cavitation, in which bubbles are repeatedly generated and disappeared, from macroscopic to microscopic point of view. While SDGs are goals shared by all humankind, one of the most important issues is the improvement of the efficiency of hydraulic machines since they play a leading role in energy conversion between the machines and the fluids. Therefore, we are conducting studies on improving efficiency and reliability based on the clarification of the complex flow phenomena in the machines, mainly focusing on high-performance pumps used in power plants, high speed fuel pumps, and small hydroturbines that can be operated in agricultural and industrial waterways. In addition, cavitation tends to occur when the performance of hydraulic machinery is upgraded, and it is equally important to accurately predict this phenomenon at the design stage. Based on the recognition that cavitation is essentially composed of various large and small bubbles, we are investigating not only the macroscopic but also the microscopic behavior such as the initial stage of bubble generation and the process of collapse of a bubble, finally aiming the accurate prediction of this phenomenon. Fluid mechanics,Fluids engineering,CFD,Molecular simulation

Fluids Eng. Design Laboratory

  • K.Shimoyama(Prof.)
  • H.Mori(Assoc.Prof.)
  • K.Kusano(Asst.Prof.)
Fluid machinery (e.g., automobiles, aircraft, engines, and power generators) works with force and energy obtained from flow and usually enriches our life. For fluid machinery design, it is necessary to clarify the flow phenomena that produce force and energy. However, fluid dynamics is a highly complex discipline governed by a system of nonlinear partial differential equations, the "Navier-Stokes equations.” Therefore, this laboratory is working on research to clarify the flow phenomena (e.g., vortex, shock wave, and acoustics) in detail, which are crucial to the characteristics of fluid machinery, through numerical simulations using supercomputers and experiments with optical measurements. Moreover, when designing fluid machinery, it is necessary to consider various design candidates and find out one of them that can meet design requirements. Traditionally, it has been carried out based on the designer's knowledge, experience, and intuition, but it gets more complicated as the design problem becomes more extensive and complex. Therefore, this laboratory is working on research to create innovative fluid machinery independent of a designer's skill assisted by optimization based on mathematical and data sciences. Through the research mentioned above, this laboratory aims to contribute to designing and manufacturing various engineering machinery, including fluid machinery. Fluid Machinery,Design,Numerical Simulation,Supercomputer,Experiment,Optical Measurement,Optimization,Mathematical Science,Data Science,Flow Visualization,Pressure-sensitive Paint,Temperature-sensitive Paint,Aerodynamic noise,Turbomachinery

Biothermal Eng. Laboratory

  • K.Kurata(Prof.)
  • Y.Tomo(Asst.Prof.)
The Biothermal Engineering Laboratory is dedicated to research and education in biothermal engineering, which solves problems in the fields of medicine and biology from an engineering point of view, especially where thermal engineering is concerned. However, our research interests are not limited to this. Our fields are always expanding and we are not afraid to dive into different fields. Current projects include: (i) Biothermal engineering research on cell behaviors in response to electrical stimulation and its application to minimally invasive tumor treatment. (ii) Biomechanics of biological hard tissues such as bone, tendon, and cartilage. (iii) Open-source design of biological education materials and bio-experimental devices. Irreversible electroporation,Tumor treating field,Electric pulse,Alternating electric field,Medical engineering,Bioengineering,Cancer cell,Bone,Hard tissue,Cartilage,Tendon,3D cell culture ,Temperature distribution,Heat transfer,Open source,Frugal science,3D printer,Laser cutter,Teaching material

Thermal Energy Conversion

  • S.Mori(Prof.)
  • Y.Hamamoto(Assoc.Prof.)
  • Y.Umehara(Asst.Prof.)
The goal of our laboratory is to improve energy efficiency and develop sustainable energy solutions with the utilization of thermal energy. In particular, our research focuses on phenomena such as boiling, evaporation, multiphase flow, and adsorption. For example, we are developing cooling systems for next-generation semiconductors, where increased heat generation density is a concern, as well as high-performance methods for hydrogen production and storage as a next-generation energy carrier, and improving the performance of heat-driven adsorption heat pump and also humidity control systems. Our laboratory conducts challenging research on the effective use of thermal energy, ultimately aiming to contribute to energy conservation and the reduction of environmental impact in society. If you are interested in our laboratory, please feel free to contact us. Let's work together to build a sustainable future together. Low energy conservation,Hydrogen,Next generation semiconductors,Complex flow,Energy,Decarbonization,Cooling systems,Phase change,Boiling,Evaporation,Multiphase flow,Adsorption,Power plant

Thermofluid Physics

  • N.Sakoda(Assoc.Prof.)
  • Y.Kita(Asst.Prof.)
In Thermofluid Physics Lab (TPL), we investigate fundamental physics of phase change heat transfer i.e. boiling, evaporation and condensation and thermophysical properties of new refrigerants for a wide range of applications. We are interested in problems found at various scales - macroscopic heat transfer in steelmaking processes and condensers for air conditioners, or the development of microcoolers and controlling phase change phenomena by the use of nano/micro-surface structures. Also, we develop a database for thermodynamic/ thermophysical properties of hydrogen at high pressures. hydrogen energy society,viscous coefficient of hydrogen,thermodynamic phenomena,Nano scale,micro processing,thermal transport,micro freezer,thermal conductivity,macro scale,synthesis of carbon nanotube,steel manufacture process,laser ablation,nanosized particle,cooling problem,high-pressure region,studied object,PVT data,theoretical method,intellectual foundation,heat exchanger,various device,air-conditioning,research,measurement

Reactive Gas Dynamics

  • T.Kitagawa(Prof.)
  • E.Okafor(Assoc.Prof.)
More than 80 percent of global energy supply presently comes from combustion, however greenhouse gases such as CO2 emitted from combustion of carbon-based fuels is considered to contribute to global warming and climate change. The realization of a decarbonized society is thus critical for the protection of the global environment. Therefore, combustion as an energy source that has supported people's daily lives and industrial activities has reached a turning point.At Reactive Gas Dynamics Lab we carry out a wide range of basic and applied research on combustion of fuels including alternative and future fuels towards the development of environmentally-friendly combustion technologies. Our research results from experiments and numerical simulations contribute to the development and improvement of technologies for automobile engines, aero and stationary gas turbines and industrial combustion equipment such as boilers and furnaces. CCS,Coal gasifier,Diffusion flame,Direct numerical simulation,Elementary reaction,Flamelet model,IGCC,Large-eddy simulation,Laser diagnostics,Massively parallel ,NOx,Numerical simulation,Premixed flame,Pulverized coal combustion boiler,Radiation,Schlieren method,Soot,Spherical propagating flame,Turbulent combustion model,Turbulent flow
Optical system of the thermoreflectance

Thermal Physics & Eng.

  • M.Kohno(Prof.)
The Thermal Physics Engineering Laboratory is engaged in experimental research aimed at understanding phenomena related to heat transfer and thermal energy conversion, as well as their engineering applications. In recent years, there has been an increasing emphasis on the effective utilization of energy, while maximizing the use of large amounts of unused heat emitted into the environment is becoming crucial. Consequently, the development of thermoelectric materials (which can convert heat energy into electrical energy) with high environmental adaptability is underway. By subjecting materials to high-pressure strains, a metastable phase with unique properties distinct from conventional stable structures can be generated. Combining this with existing methods of material property control, such as nanostructuring and alloying, aims to improve the performance of thermoelectric materials. Liquid vapor phase changes heat transfer, such as boiling and condensation, are being studied because of their efficient transfer of large amounts of energy due to the latent heat of evaporation of liquids. These phenomena are utilized in a wide range of applications, from rapid cooling in steel plate manufacturing processes to heat dissipation devices in various electrical equipment, including smartphones, computers, and power devices. Our laboratory is focused on researching phase change heat transfer, particularly aiming to enhance the performance of various cooling processes such as spray cooling. Carbon Nanotubes,Heat Transport,Liquid-Vapor Phase Change Heat Transfer,Molecular Adsorption and Desorption,Spray cooling,Thermal Energy Conversion,Thermal Physics and Engineering,Thermoelectric,Thermofluid,Thermophysical Property

Engine Systems

  • O.Moriue(Prof.)
  • S.Ando(Asst.Prof.)
We are studying on combustion phenomena mainly related to internal combustion engines. In order to reduce pollutional emissions and maximize thermal efficiency of internal combustion engines, it is important to understand and control the combustion inside. The combustion inside the internal combustion engine is highly complex; namely, mixing of fuel with oxidant, phase transition and thousands of elementary reactions occur at high pressure. In order to understand such complex phenomena and aiming for the development of high-performance engines, we carry out various researches ranging from fundamental researches to application problems of practical techniques.

Vibration & Acoustics

  • S.Kijimoto(Prof.)
  • S.Ishikawa(Assoc.Prof.)
  • Y.Takayama(Asst.Prof.)
We study about 'Active noise control in 3-dimensional sound field', 'Acoustic analysis by considering nonlinearity', 'Flexible actuator using magnetic force', and 'Vibration control using magnetic damper', for realizing more comfortable living environment. In addition, we study also about 'Evaluation of comfortableness by biological signal processing', 'Measurement of flexibility of the living body', and 'Sound wave propagation analysis in the living body' for realizing human-machine harmonic society. evaluation of comfortableness

System Eng.

  • K.Kiguchi(Prof.)
  • S.Nishikawa(Assoc.Prof.)
  • Y.Tsuji(Asst.Prof.)
Our research focuses on the development of new Robotic devices in order to promote the improved effectiveness in clinical practice as well as quality of life for the users or for sports application. Robotic technology involves many components such as mechanism, control, sensor and software. We believe that the creative ingenuity is the source for introducing the robotic technology into the human-centered applications beyond the conventional industrial technologies. One example of our study is the development of a wearable assistive robot that can provide natural motion of the user combined with new mechanism and intelligent control. We are especially interested in the area of rehabilitation robots, motion assist robots, and sports robots. conventional industrial technology,surgical robot,biological body simulator,medical application

Systems Control

  • M.Yamamoto(Prof.)
  • Y.Nakashima(Assoc.Prof.)
  • A.Kanada(Asst.Prof.)
We study human centered robot systems which are used near human or with touching human. Medical robots and human care robots are typical examples of the robot systems. For such robot system, human friendly and safe properties are strongly demanded. Aiming practical applications, we study basic ideas, mechanisms, theories, and control methods for the human centered robot systems. We are also conducting collaborative research projects to meet the growing needs in the industries and the real world. safe property,industry,theory

Human Centered Robotics

  • K.Tahara(Prof.)
  • A.Hikaru(Asst.Prof.)
We are trying to understand the advanced motor intelligence of living things, such as human, theoretically and mechanically, and to apply such intelligence to robotic devices as engineering applications. For instance, human hands are extremely versatile, but robots that can realize their functions does not appear yet. We are analyzing how a human can grasp and manipulate it, and developing a theoretical framework to realize it in robotics. In addition, human muscles are sometimes powerful, sometimes soft, and generate sophisticated motions by changing their characteristics freely. In order to realize such functions with robots, we are working on developing artificial muscle actuators or continuously variable transmission mechanisms. Bipedal robot,Motor intelligence,Multi-fingered hand,Musculoskeletal system,Redundant manipulator,Soft robotics
Precision Machining

Precision Machining

  • S.Kurokawa(Prof.)
  • T.Hayashi(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Sajima(Asst.Prof.)
Development of the state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and measuring techniques for the green devices and machine elements ablation,Carbon fiber reinforced plastic,Chemical Mechanical Polishing,CMM,CMP,Coordinate Measuring Machine,Femtosecond laser,Gear,Gear accuracy,Giga range,Hydrogen tank,nano meter,Nano particle,Particle sizing,Planarization,Power semiconductor,Precision Machining,Slurry,Tool wear

Material Processing

  • K.Shinagawa(Prof.)
  • N.YODOSHI(Assoc.Prof.)
  • K.Kudo(Asst.Prof.)
In this laboratory, the development of manufacturing process of metal and metal powder materials using plastic deformation has been mainly studied. The components produced by these processes is at the core of the manufacturing industry. Among them, process technologies related to plastic deformation and powder metallurgy have been focused in this laboratory. Many kinds of processing technologies being investigated such as Metal Injection Molding (MIM) making mass production of complex parts possible, Laser Addictive Manufacturing producing directly complex 3D part from CAD data, Process for non-equilibrium powder whose atomic structure is controlled at random or nano scale. At the same time, we are also developing sintering modeling and simulation techniques for elucidating these fundamental phenomena. We are conducting a series of research from analysis to experiments for proposing new processing to industrial world. Forming process,3D printer,Plastic mechanics,Computational mechanics,ceramics,amorphous,Magnetic material

Machine Elements & Design Eng.

  • Y.Sawae(Prof.)
  • S.Yarimitsu(Assoc.Prof.)
  • T.Morita(Asst.Prof.)
Wide variety of research about lubrication, wear and failure mechanism of living tissues, soft matters and machine elements used in new energy systems and medical devices is conducted. For example, the wear mechanism of materials used in bearings, seals and valves is examined experimentally by using specially designed test equipments which can reproduce the mechanical and environmental conditions of specific applications, such as joint prostheses, gas compressors and gear transmissions. Purposes of our studies are to supply experimental data for a design guideline of safe and reliable machine systems, and also to develop a novel mechanical design technique based on various new ideas. Tribology,Articular joint,Cartilage,Artificial joint,Hydrogel,Polymer material,Soft matter,Friction,Wear,Lubrication,Hydrogen


  • J.Sugimura(Prof.)
  • K.Yagi(Assoc.Prof.)
  • H.Tanaka(Asst.Prof.)
Tribology is science and technology of friction, wear and lubrication. It is one of the most important areas for maintaining global environment and saving energy. A characteristic feature of this area is that it is an interdisciplinary research area of mechanical engineering, chemistry and materials science. We are studying new methods of lubrication and materials for better performance, lower energy consumption and longer life of machinery. We are also tackling the advanced problems of hydrogen tribology that are necessary for producing and using hydrogen as a secondary energy carrier in the future low carbon society. advanced problem of hydrogen tribology,new method of lubrication,material science

Biofunctional Eng.

  • S.Kudo(Prof.)
  • T.Sera(Assoc.Prof.)
  • S.Sasaki(Asst.Prof.)
We are elucidating the mechanisms by which the functions of cells and tissues adapt to mechanical environments on the basis of biomechanics. We are also trying to clarify the mechanism and micro- and nanoscopic biotransport. Macroscopic biotransport can be often be analyzed by using a differential equation to model physical phenomena. However, biotransport at much smaller scales (the micro-and nano-scales) is more difficult to model in physical detail. Clarification of the mechanisms of such micro- and nanoscale biotransport will be useful not only in improving our understanding of the mechanisms of disease and the maintenance of stable biological functions, but also for the development of clinical applications such as tissue engineering. The following are examples of the studies that have been performed. function of cell,mechanism of disease,study,clarification

Bio-medical Fluid Eng.

  • Y.Yamanishi(Prof.)
  • S.Sakuma(Assoc.Prof.)
  • N.Tottori(Asst.Prof.)
This Laboratory is aim to clarify unknown function of cells by using micro-nano technology based on mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and bio-medical engineering, and also we are targeting to contribute to the cellular scale medical treatment. For example, researches on novel gene injection method, protein crystallization, micro-nano scale actuation in micro-fluidic channels are studied which contribute to clarify unknown phenomenon in biomedical fields. Actuator,Bio,Biomedical,Bubble,Cavitation,Cells,Electrochemical,Electronics,Fluid,Functional,Injector,Interface,Medical,MEMS,Micro,Nano,Needle-free,Plasma,Processing,Sensor

Advanced Medical Devices

  • J.Arata(Prof.)
  • H.Nogami(Asst.Prof.)
  • D.Bandara(Asst.Prof.)
Our research aims at new medical applications based on Robotic technology. Robotic technology includes many elements – mechanism, sensor, control, system integration and etc. We study about these elements to realize further effective medical applications. In recent years, medical robots were found to be effective, namely, in Surgery and Rehabilitation [Trinh2012, Mehrholz2015, Kwakkel2008]. We further study about robotic technology to extend the medical applications. One of our research topics is about surgical robot. We recently presented a surgical manipulator with 2 mm in diameter, realizing 4 degree-of-freedom at the tip. The manipulator was implemented by using largely deformable elements that greatly contributed to the compact and sterilizable structure [Arata2019]. Our hand rehabilitation robot is currently in clinical trials under the collaboration with a pharmaceutical company, a manufacturing company and a start-up company [Mukae2019]. The lab is collaborating with many external experts, including medical doctors, therapists, engineers, public organizations and companies to pursue new medical applications based on Robotic Technology. micro mirror,Robotics,Medical Robot,Space Robot,Surgical Robot,Rehabilitation Robot,Flexible Mechanism,Mechanism study,Medical Device

Hydrogen Utilization Processes

  • K.Sasaki(Prof.)
  • Y.Tachikawa(Asst.Prof.)
Fuel cells are promising environmentally-compatible technologies for this century. For technological development and their commercialization, however, various scientific as well as engineering aspects should be clarified and established. Our laboratory, the Hydrogen Utilization Processes Laboratory, wishes to contribute to this promising technological field, based on more than 20 years of research experience in the field of fuel cell technology. So far, we have built up the highest level research facilities in Japan, and our own facilities enable us to conduct a wide range of fuel cell R&D, from materials to systems. Fuel cell fabrication equipment, facilities for electrical, thermal, and electrochemical analysis including ca. 40 fuel-cell evaluation systems and characterization instruments, such as the highest-resolution FESEM-EDX and STEM-FIB systems are available exclusively to our group members. At this moment, we address the development of novel electrode materials, establishment of system design criteria, elucidation of mechanisms and processes and breakthroughs in technological issues concerned. fuel cell fabrication equipment,year of research experience,promising environmentally-compatible technology,wide range of fuel cell R&D,facility,own facility

Fuel Cell System

  • K.Ito(Prof.)
  • T.Kitahara(Assoc.Prof.)
  • H.Nakajima(Asst.Prof.)
Electrochemical energy converter, such as fuel cell and electrolyzer, can work at higher efficiency and an excellent reliability with lower noise. These outstanding features of fuel cell and electrolyzer motivate us to utilize them as a main energy converter in next generation. Although a part of them has been commercialized, a more cost-reduction, durability and performance are required to be addressed. Against this background, our laboratory conducts R&D for fuel cell and electrolyzer based on mechanical engineering approach. outstanding feature of fuel cell,R&D

Hydrogen Storage System

  • H.Matsunaga(Prof.)
  • Y.Ogawa(Asst.Prof.)
Hydrogen is gas at ambient temperature and pressure. The volume energy density of hydrogen gas is only 1/3000 of gasoline, therefore, to store and transport hydrogen in a limited space is a critical issue to be solved before to realize the hydrogen economy. Hydrogen storage materials provide compact, energy efficient, safe and affordable method of hydrogen storage and transport. The volume density of hydrogen in the hydrogen storage materials is superior than compressed and liquefied hydrogen. Our Laboratory investigates hydrogen storage materials and develops novel materials especially for on board applications those are indispensable to realize the hydrogen economy. laboratory

Advanced Hydrogen Materials

  • S.Nishimura(Prof.)
Rubbers and polymeric materials are used as sealing devices of high-pressure hydrogen gas in equipments for hydrogen energy systems. For example, rubber O-ring for hydrogen gas sealing could be broken by high-pressure hydrogen exposure. In our laboratory, we are going to clarify the fracture phenomenon of rubber and polymeric materials exposed to the high-pressure hydrogen gas. In order to clarify the influence of dissolved hydrogen on the fracture behavior of the materials, we have been performing thermal desorption analyses and nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of the dissolved hydrogen gas in the materials. To establish material design guideline for high-pressure hydrogen sealing materials, we are continuously discussing about the relationship between fracture behavior of the materials and their composition or molecular structure.

Aerospace Propulsion

  • C.Inoue(Assoc.Prof.)
  • W.Zhenying(Asst.Prof.)
We study thermo-fluid dynamics in jet engines, rocket engines, and satellite engines. Experiments such as high-speed visualization are combined with numerical simulation and theoretical modeling to analyze the internal phenomena, and the new knowledge obtained is integrated to predict and optimize not only the performance indices of actual engines but also the heat transfer. We are also interested in fragmentation and phase change of liquid metal in order to produce high-quality metal powder, which is important for manufacturing aerospace engines and automobile ones. In addition, our research field covers the physics in everyday life such as water drops, sparks, and fireworks, to elucidate their mysteries hidden for centuries applicable to engineering techniques. fan,aerospace propulsion system,hi-speed propulsion system,jet noise,internal flow,Aerospace propulsion laboratory,aerospace propulsion system,fan noise,broad band noise,experimental rig,experimental facility,experimental setup,stochastic flow,unsteady flow,time-changing internal flow,research method include,reduction of undesired phenomena,elucidation of engineering phenomena,main research object,flutter of blade row,computational fluid dynamic,anechoic chamber,combustion enhancement,crucial issue,numerical calculation,numerical prediction,deterministic,utilization,time,aircraft,CFD,concern,turbulence

Fluid Mechanics

  • K.Abe(Prof.)
  • H.Kihara(Asst.Prof.)
This laboratory aims to develop advanced turbulence and turbulent heat-transfer models for high-performance CFD of complex turbulent flow fields in practical engineering applications. Fluid mechanics,Turbulence,Turbulent flow,Turbulence model,Computational fluid dynamics,Large Eddy Simulation,Airplane,Automobile,Aerodynamics,Incompressible flow,Viscos flow,Numerical simulation

Aerospace Applied Physics

  • K.Takahashi(Prof.)
  • Q.Li(Assoc.Prof.)
  • H.Teshima(Asst.Prof.)
Our current research is focused on experimental elucidation of unsettled problems about heat transfer and fluid mechanics, especially nanometer-order heat and mass transport problems, by means of MEMS technology and advanced microscopies. For example, the thermal conductivity of individual nanomaterials of sub-100nm size can be measured by the sensors fabricated in our lab, and the interfacial thermal resistance between nanomaterials and the substrate is being measured by the Raman spectroscopy method. For solid materials, it has been known that the physical properties change drastically when the size is shrunk to nanometer order, which is also true for fluids. As for fluid-related problems, we have been investigating on the physical mechanism of nano-sized bubbles (nanobubbles). Besides, we are also very interested in the unsolved issue of the interaction between nanomaterials and fluids. By understanding and utilizing these heat and flow phenomena at the nanoscale, we aim to create knowledge for significantly improving the performance and reliability of systems and devices including aerospace vehicles. fluidic phenomena,fluidic system,functional material,transport of phonon,carbon nanotube,thin film,nanotechnology,target,atom,novel,laser

Aerospace Structural Systems Eng.

  • S.Yashiro(Prof.)
  • S.Onodera(Asst.Prof.)
Strict weight reduction is required for aerospace vehicles as well as automobiles from the viewpoint of energy saving, and advanced composite materials have been frequently used because of their high specific strength and modulus. However, lightweight structural design that fully utilizes the characteristics of advanced composite materials has not yet been achieved. To overcome this difficulty, the Aerospace Structural Systems engineering Laboratory (ASSL) aims to enhance reliability of composite structures through modeling the lifecycle of composites from manufacturing to damage progress and fracture.  Thorough accumulation of experimental and analytical knowledge, we aim to propose and realize design technologies that maximize the characteristics of composites, i.e., departure from conventional metal-based aircraft design methods. Polymer matrix composites,Carbon fiber reinforced plastics,CFRP,Short fiber reinforced plastics,Discontinuous fiber reinforced plastics,Delamination,Fiber break,Nondestructive inspection,Ultrasonic testing,Structural health monitoring,Injection molding,Resin transfer molding,RTM,Bird strike,Fatigue,High velocity impact

Guidance & Control

  • S.Hokamoto(Prof.)
  • M.Bando(Prof.)
  • S.Nagasaki(Asst.Prof.)
The Guidance and Control Laboratory does research on the control of spacecraft and autonomous systems. Our research aims are to develop new concept or theory based on new idea. One of our research themes is nonlinear control for systems with non-integrable constraints (: nonholonomic systems). Applying the nonlinear control allows to reduce the number of actuators to control the state variables of systems. The second one is research on autonomous vehicles, which can perform their missions in unknown environments. We are doing experimental research for planetary exploration rovers with unique shape, motion and environment recognition system mimicking compound eye of flying insects, and so on. The third is research on trajectory design for spacecraft. Because the requirements for space missions become complicate year by year, we combine control theories with space dynamics to design and control the trajectories of spacecraft. Cultivating a new concept or theory and developing its realistic procedure is goal of the research. control of nonholonomic system,nonholonomic constraint,nonlinear system,Nonholonomic system,camera system,other research topic,laboratory's main research,such constraint,terrain recognition technique,two topic,rough terrain,isotropic leg arrangement,typical example,tether satellite,first one,space robot,solar sailcraft,following,Rovers,reduction,development,guidance,mobility,means

Flight Dynamics

  • S.Higashino(Prof.)
  • A.Harada(Assoc.Prof.)
Flight dynamics laboratory basically concerns dynamics and its application to aircraft, while its research interest expands including control engineering, system engineering and information technology. Application and system oriented research and education are major characteristics of the laboratory. The laboratory challenges widening application of UAVs(unmanned aerial vehicle) by using miniaturized high-performance onboard computers and digital avionics. One of the on-going development projects is UAV systems for aerial geomagnetic survey in Afar area, Ethipoia. The vehicles were developed in our laboratory, and they have been used and collected precious aeromagnetic data in Afar in 2019.The aeromagnetic survey is supposed to be done in 2023 again. Another project is a UAV system which responds to the demand of an aerosol researchers to recover aerosol sample from a high altitude. The UAV has been used in Antarctica in 2013, 2015, 2020, and 2022 as one of the projects of Japan Antarctic Research Expedition. Students can learn many things in trying to solve various problems raised in the development. result of collaborative research,recent research topic,supersonic research airplane,intelligent flight control,been flight,automatic flight control law,concern dynamic,Flight dynamic laboratory,National Institute of Polar Research,54th Japan Antarctic Research expedition,laboratory challenge widening application of UAVs,JAXA's unmanned scaled-model,project of JARE,King George Island,novel design method,aerosol measurement equipment,high altitude balloon,Fukuoka University,JAXA,student

Hanada (Space Systems Dynamics) Laboratory

  • T.Hanada(Prof.)
  • Y.Yoshimura(Asst.Prof.)
To address space debris issues which threaten long-term sustainability of outer space activities, we have built space debris evolutionary models by incorporation of laws of astrodynamics and empirical assumptions. The assumptions have been augmented and verified by a series of laboratory satellite impact tests. This work not only contributes to the world-wide effort to predict the future space debris population, but it also provides a novel tool to identify effective measures for space debris mitigation and environmental remediation. We also apply the evolutionary models for Space Situational Awareness to devise an effective and practical search strategy applicable for breakup fragments around the Earth. The evolutionary models can characterize, track, and predict the behavior of groups of breakup fragments. Such analyses can specify where and how we should conduct ground-based optical measurements of breakup fragments around the Earth, and how we should process successive images to detect dimmer objects moving in a field-of-view. The analyses can also identify the origin of breakup fragments detected. Finally, we perform unique “hands-on” satellite design activities through the design and construction of Q-Li, the 3-Unit CubeSat for Light Curve Inversion Demonstration, which aims at establishing a mathematical technique to model the surfaces of rotating objects from their brightness variations. Q-Li is also planning to perform in-situ measurements of tiny space debris, which would lead to a better understanding of the current space environment. This project involves mission analysis, spacecraft system design as well as subsystem design problems. Now, we are conducting the feasibility study. small debris,student,Space debris,example,space debris environment,feature,medium debris removal,current debris population,collaboration,small satellite project,student ' small satellite project,real small satellite project,space system,space object,tiny satellite,geosynchronous earth orbit region,low-Earth orbit region,secondary payload,primaly payload,graduate student,special low-density material,Last feature,entire lifecycle,research activity,instability,JAXA,can-sized,km,One,altitude,First

Space Transportation Systems Eng.

  • H.Ogawa(Assoc.Prof.)
  • Y.Shinmoto(Asst.Prof.)
  • S.Yeo(Asst.Prof.)
  • (.Takao(Asst.Prof.)
Space transportation systems play a key role in space development to realize safe, affordable access to space from the Earth as well as efficient, reliable transfer in space. This decade has seen unprecedented increase in the launch of technological and commercial satellites, and growing interest and demand in space transfer for various purposes such as space utilization with micro-satellite platforms, scientific exploration of deep space, and space tourism using reusable space vehicles. Space systems and their payloads undergo severe environments throughout the mission phases including launch, deployment, operation, and re-entry that differ considerably from those on the ground. This necessitates concurrent system engineering approaches taking all factors into account for successful accomplishment of the mission objectives by ensuring maximum possible performance and adequate safety within given technological, environmental, and budgetary constraints. Thorough understanding of physical phenomena and their influence on the performance is essential to the design, development, and operation of space transportation systems. Our Laboratory actively conducts multidisciplinary research on space systems, missions, and propulsion technologies by taking full advantage of multi-directional approaches based on numerical simulation, experiment, and theory coupled with cutting-edge techniques including evolutionary optimization, machine/deep learning, and super-parallel computation, in collaboration with various international and national institutes including JAXA. Computational fluid dynamics,Compressible aerodynamics,Shock wave,Supersonic,Hypersonic,Fuel injection and combustion,Chemical reactions,High enthalpy flow,Airbreathing engine,Re-entry,Multi-objective optimisation,Genetic algorithm,Evolutionary computation,Deep learning,Rocket,Electric propulsion,Space exploration,Space utilization,Human spaceflight,Reusable launch