The objective of the School of Engineering is to develop expert technicians and researchers to fulfill the responsibilities of engineering to society. Because of the wide-ranging effects of engineers on society, engineers not only require special knowledge in their respective fields, but also an understanding of ethics in engineering, a profound cognizance and perception of humanity, and a broad education about the environment and the role of human beings within it. To participate in international society it is necessary to realize and understand the multiplicity of cultures, and to respect other people's beliefs and ideas. It is also important for engineers to hone communication skills in order to acquire practical and technical proficiency, and to cultivate logical thinking ability, planning skills, perseverance, leadership ability, and physical strength.
In keeping with this view of engineering's responsibility to society as a whole, the Kyushu School of Engineering programs include both compulsory and elective courses which strive to educate our engineers to become leaders in their fields. Our students are expected to acquire the following during their four-year program:
Engineering and technology will continue to assume an increasingly greater role in the world. It is our hope that our students will gain a wide range of knowledge and skills in becoming engineers who proudly carry the responsibility and commitment of working towards the betterment of society.