Message from Dean

Motoji Yamamoto
Dean, School of Engineering

The School of Engineering of Kyushu University was founded as the College of Engineering of Kyushu Imperial University in 1911, became the Faculty of Engineering of Kyushu Imperial University in 1919 and since it continues as the Faculty of Engineering of Kyushu University. During this time, as a key faculty at a leading university in western Japan, we have been a centre of pioneering education and research, and have contributed to the development of engineering, technology, and industry.


Currently, the School of Engineering (as a school for undergraduates) consists of the listed 12 departments: Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Materials, Department of Applied Chemistry, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Interdisciplinary Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Department of Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, and Department of Architecture. As a Graduate School of Engineering, education and advanced research is conducted covering all fields of engineering under the 11 departments of Department of Materials, Department of Applied Chemistry, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Hydrogen Energy Systems, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Department of Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Department of Cooperative Program for Resources Engineering, and Department of Civil Engineering.



The of Engineering of Kyushu University has been providing education that emphasizes solid basic engineering education in order to contribute to the development of Japan's key industries. However, in recent years, it has become the need of the hour for the engineering field to contribute to several issues such as globalization and diversification of social sense of values, diversity, global warming, medical health and aging society. In order to respond to this social change, from 2021, the School of Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering of Kyushu University have designed a new six-year integrated educational curriculum linking the four-year Bachelor's program and the two-year Master's program, and are striving to develop professionals who can respond to various social issues and play an active role internationally.