Authorized absence (official absence), About Infectious Diseases (COVID-19, Influenza)

Authorized absence (official absence), About Infectious Diseases (COVID-19, Influenza)

Procedures for authorized absence (official absence)

Classes that are absent due to the following reasons will be treated as officially authorized absences in accordance with the prescribed procedures.
(Reasons for authorized absence) (Required Documents)
①If you are infected with seasonal influenza or COVID-19 (an infectious disease stipulated in Article 18 of the Enforcement Regulations of the School Health and Safety Act)

Please submit any of the following documents by photo data.
・"Medical bills (診療明細書)" and documents showing positive test results (Photo of the test kit showing positive results is available.)
・If the self-test is positive: Photo of the following 3 items on one screen(①the test kit itself with your name and the date and time of the test, ②the box package of the test kit, ③your student card)


Please submit any of the following documents by photo data.
・"Medical bills (診療明細書)" and documents showing positive test results (Photo of the test kit showing positive results is available.)
・"Dispensing details (調剤明細書)"
・"Drug Information (Drug Information Sheet)(薬剤情報(薬剤情報提供書))"
・If the self-test is positive: Photo of the following 3 items on one screen(①the test kit itself with your name and the date and time of the test, ②the box package of the test kit, ③your student card)

Other infectious diseases stipulated in Article 18 of the School Health and Safety Law Enforcement Regulations

Please submit the following document by photo data.
・Medical certificate

② If the university determines that you may have contracted an infectious disease as described in ① and instructs you to suspend attendance at the university.
③ When a relative within the second degree of kinship dies Documents that can confirm the reason for the funeral
④When appearing in court as a juror candidate and when performing duties as a juror Notification of appointment procedure period (summons), etc.
⑤In the event of a natural disaster or disruption to transportation Certification from transport operators depending on the situation

* If the reason is ① or ②, the online class is not eligible for an authorized absence (official absence).

* Pease check (1)(2) below for details.
* Please contact the class instructor directly for inquiries regarding the content of the class.  Email addresses of class instructors can be found at the following links.
Researcher Information

(1) Official Absence Procedures of Core Education Courses (KIKAN education)

Please check the details in the Moodle course below and complete the procedure using the specified form.
● Moodle "2024 Academic Year Core Education Subject Registration Page" > "Handling Authorized Absences"

Official Absence Procedures of Major Education Courses

Please contact the instructor of the course you will be absent in advance and inform him/her that you will be absent from the class and taking the official absence procedure at a later date.
As soon as you are able to attend university, please complete the official absence procedures at your department/ faculty office within one week via e-mail.

* Please use the title of the e-mail for official absence procedures as "About official absence procedures (student number/your name)".
* Please indicate whether or not you have contacted the instructor in charge of the class in advance in the body of the email when applying for an official absence.
* Please submit two items, the "Report of Absence 欠席届 (for major education courses)" and the required documents for each reason via email when applying for an official absence.

Report of Absence欠席届 (for major education courses)  Word   

● Department/Faculty Office:

The contact information for major education courses for students belonging to Group I, II, III, IV, V, VI, IUPE and departments/majors are as follows:

Please convert [at] to @ when you send an e-mail.

<Fiscal year 2024>
・Group I: Office of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (E-mail: kyomu-o[at]
・Group II: Office of Interdisciplinary Engineering(E-mail: kotgrpII[at]
・Group III: Office of Aeronautics and Astronautics (E-mail: aero-office[at]
・Group IV(1st year students): Office of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering(E-mail: office[at]
・Group IV(2nd year students): Office of Earth Resources Engineering(E-mail: office[at]
・Group V: Division of Academic Affairs for Human-Environment Studies (in charge of Architecture) (E-mail: jbkkyomu1ed[at]
・Group VI: Administrative Office of Engineering (in charge of Group VI) (E-mail: kotgrpvi[at]
・IUPE Students: Administrative Office of Engineering (in charge of IUPE) (E-mail: kotiupe[at]

・Electrical Engineering and Computer Science/Information Science and Technology/Electrical and Electronic Engineering :  Office of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (E-mail: kyomu-o[at]
・Materials :  Office of Materials(E-mail: office[at]
・Applied Chemistry (Functional Materials Chemistry) :  Office of Applied Chemistry (Functional Materials Chemistry)  (E-mail: kino_office[at]
・Applied Chemistry (Chemistry and Biochemistry) :  Office of Applied Chemistry (Chemistry and Biochemistry)  (E-mail: office[at]
・Chemical Engineering :  Office of Chemical Engineering(E-mail: officekyomu[at]
・Interdisciplinary Engineering :  Office of Interdisciplinary Engineering (E-mail: ieng[at]
・Mechanical Engineering/Hydrogen Energy Systems :  Office of Mechanical Engineering(E-mail: kj-kyomu[at]
・Aeronautics and Astronautics :  Office of Aeronautics and Astronautics (E-mail: aero-office[at]
・Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering :  Office of Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering(E-mail: kosnucl[at]
・Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering :  Office of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering(E-mail: office[at]
・Earth Resources Engineering/Cooperative Program for Resources Engineering :  Office of Earth Resources Engineering (E-mail: office[at]
・Civil Engineering :  Office of Civil Engineering(E-mail: doc-jimu[at]
・Architecture :  Division of Academic Affairs for Human-Environment Studies (in charge of Architecture) (E-mail: jbkkyomu1ed[at]

Reporting and Inquiries about Infectious Diseases (COVID-19, Influenza)

How to report

If you are infected with COVID-19 or Influenza, please report it through the Student Portal System.
* "Student Support" > "New Application" > "Reporting COVID-19 and Influenza cases"


Period of suspended attendance

The period of suspension is as follows, except when the school doctor or other physician determines that there is no risk of infection due to the student's medical condition.


Until 5 days have passed after the onset of symptoms (counting from the day after the onset of symptoms) and until 1 day has passed after symptoms have lessened.
* "symptoms have lessened" means that the fever has resolved without the use of antipyretics and that respiratory symptoms are improving, as in the conventional social concept of the period of medical treatment in general.


Until 5 days have passed after the onset of symptoms (counting from the day after the onset of symptoms) and until 2 days have passed after the fever has resolved.

For details, click here. (Japanese only)

・Other infectious diseases stipulated in Article 18 of the School Health and Safety Law Enforcement Regulations

For details, click here. (Japanese only)



If you have any other questions, please contact the Office of Infectious Diseases, Academic Affairs Division, Faculty of Engineering, etc.
Please convert [at] to @ when you send an e-mail.