Department of Interdisciplinary Engineering


To solve the diverse and complex problems of the world facing with global energy and environmental issues, we need leaders who can develop new technologies, values, and concepts coming out with innovation from multidisciplinary knowledge and advanced information science, i.e., AI and data science. To meet the needs, this department develops human resources in engineers and researchers who take on the challenges of modern issues of the world, with specialized abilities that integrate engineering fields, information science, broad perspective, practical problem-solving skills and leadership quality. This department offers two curriculum courses: “Molecular and Material Engineering Course”, and “Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Course”, which correspond to the specialized fields that integrate the basic engineering science in major industries and cutting-edge research.

Department of Interdisciplinary EngineeringDepartment of Interdisciplinary Engineering

What do you learn?

Department of Interdisciplinary EngineeringIn the Molecular and Material Engineering Course, you will learn interdisciplinary expertise that combines the basis of inorganic and organic materials and semiconductor devices (material science), with material engineering which analyzes the dynamic behavior of materials. In the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Course, you will learn expertise in an interdisciplinary field that combines mechanical engineering, which elucidates the flow of heat and energy and the dynamics of substances, with electrical and electronic engineering based on electromagnetism and quantum physics.
In addition to learning the respective specialized fields, students will study information-related subjects common to both courses, and gain the skill on the application of the modern information technology using AI and data science in their respective specialized fields. Furthermore, with an emphasis on problem-based learning, you will acquire important skills such as critical thinking, bird’s-eye view and practical skills to think and execute problem-solving methods from a broad perspective.