
Exploration Geophysics

Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering

Department of Earth Resources Engineering, School of Engineering

In medical fields, we can visualize inside our body by using ultrasonography or X-ray and identify an affected area. In analogy with this technology, “Geophysical Exploration” is a scientific technology to visualize subsurface structure using a variety of sensors instead of our eyes. This technique has been used to find various energy resources such as oil, gas, geothermal, and mineral resources. Furthermore, recent development of geophysical techniques allows us to monitor change in subsurface properties. The Exploration Geophysics Laboratory is in charge of the education and research on geophysical exploration to visualize and monitor the subsurface for various applications. Our research interests include development of geophysical methods to explore lunar and Martian resources, and applications of machine learning for geophysical explorations.

(Upper) Schematic image of the Mars lander (NASA/JPL-Caltech) (Bottom) Characteristics of seismic energy recorded on Mars.


Assoc.Prof. Hideki Mizunaga
Asst.Prof. Toshiaki Tanaka
Asst.Prof. Tatsunori Ikeda

The Main Research Topics

  • Development of visualization system for oil and geothermal reservoirs and reservoirs for CO2 geological storage
  • Development of monitoring methods for reservoirs, earthquake faults and volcanoes
  • Development of robot for marine resources
  • Exploration of lunar and Martian resources
  • Use machine learning in geophysics and earth science
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