
Intelligent Software Engineering

Department of Advanced Information Technology, Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering

Department of Information Science and Technology, Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, School of Engineering

Software engineering (SE) is the systematic application of scientific and technological knowledge, methods, and experience to the design, implementation, testing, and documentation of software. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a study on the design and realization of an intelligent information processing system by computer. The intelligent software engineering laboratory aims to construct reliable and secure software systems and AI systems by synergizing software engineering with artificial intelligence. Specifically, we are doing research with three directions.

  1. Software engineering for AI: We are developing methods to deeply understand defects (bugs) and adversarial examples in artificial intelligence (deep learning) systems, and approaches (analysis, testing, debugging, and verification) to guarantee the reliability and security of artificial intelligence (deep learning) systems.
  2. Software Automation: We are developing approaches for automatic code generation and bug fixing of software systems using artificial intelligence (deep learning).
  3. Intelligent IDE: We are building intelligent software development environments.

Intelligent Software Engineering Laboratory


Prof. Jianjun Zhao
Asst.Prof. Yaokai Feng
Asst.Prof. Yoichi Omori

The Main Research Topics

  • Analysis, testing, and verification of deep learning systems
  • Automatic program bug fixing
  • Automatic program code generation
  • Intelligent programming environment
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