
High-Performance Computing

Department of Advanced Information Technology, Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering

Department of Information Science and Technology, Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, School of Engineering

The remarkable continuous improvement in computer performance is largely driven by the advancements in hardware technology, including processors, accelerators, memory, storage and networks. However, in order to extract the maximum performance from these cutting-edge hardware technologies, it is essential to have new software technologies that can appropriately utilize them.
In our High-Performance Computing Laboratory, we analyze the characteristics of the hardware technologies used in a wide range of computer systems, including supercomputers. Furthermore, we research and develop new algorithms and programming techniques to bring out the maximum performance of the entire system and contribute to the enhancement of software performance by globally disseminating the results of our research, in forms such as libraries. Moreover, through these research activities, we strive to cultivate researchers and technicians who will become experts in computer performance, active in various fields.


Assoc.Prof. Satoshi Ohshima
Assoc.Prof. Takeshi Nanri

The Main Research Topics

  • Parallel computing
  • GPU
  • Supercomputer
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