
Space Environmental Fluid Dynamics

Department of Advanced Environmental Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sciences

Department of Interdisciplinary Engineering Sciences, Interdisciplinary Graduate school of Engineering Sciences

Department of Interdisciplinary Engineering, School of Engineering

Space is filled with plasma. In our heliosphere the main source of plasma is the sun. Magnetospheres of planets are connected with the sun via the plasma filling the interplanetary space. Their behavior is influenced in many ways by solar activity. The heliosphere itself is exposed to interstellar space which is also filled with interstellar plasma... We study a variety of space environments from near Earth to distant high energy objects. We also work to develop the propulsion techniques of spacecraft by controlling plasma.


Prof. Shuichi Matsukiyo
Asst.Prof. Shogo Isayama

The Main Research Topics

  • Theory and numerical simulation of nonlinear phenomena in space plasma
  • Astrophysical shocks and cosmic ray acceleration
  • Laboratory astrophysics, High-density plasma production and acceleration
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